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Mira's '93 XJ 2-dr. build (11-year-old's first Jeep)

Looks like dad's got a nice project sitting in the background as well :thumbup:

The FC170, you mean? Yeah, I'm having fun with it (see more in my FC170 "Patina Rod" build thread HERE). It'll be an FC cab powered by a '99 XJ engine/trans/t-case, all mounted on a 2005 Ford F350 cab & chassis (dually) frame/suspension/axles.

(...although I am switching direction slightly, and using this cab instead...picking up this FC170 and several other FCs/parts this weekend)

Small update...Mira and I got the following done on Friday:

  • Replaced broken/cobbled-by-a-previous-owner vent tube that runs from the PCV to the intake manifold.
  • Replaced bad battery temp sensor that was throwing a code ("Check Engine" light). A previous owner had pinched/flattened the wires when they removed and reinstalled the battery tray.
  • Replaced bad post-cat O2 sensor with a new Bosch unit.

On to more exciting work the next weekend I have with my girls. Oh, and hopefully there's a late-model 2-door XJ in-the-works for Mira's little sister, too (more to come).

Craig and Mira

P.S. - I found this today written in the dust on our parts Cherokee (I have no idea when she wrote it). It's the only pic I have for today. Apparently, Mira "rock & rolls all night, and part of every day." :woohoo:

P.S. - I found this today written in the dust on our parts Cherokee (I have no idea when she wrote it). It's the only pic I have for today. Apparently, Mira "rock & rolls all night, and part of every day." :woohoo:

From 11 to 7?
The big news today is not with Mira's XJ 2-door, but rather with her little sister Maeve's new 2000 XJ Sport 2-door that we just picked up today for only $500 (money well spent!). It's a 1-owner, female-driven vehicle that is pretty clean for its age (the owner's significant other works at a car wash/detailing center, so it got washed a LOT). It runs beautifully, despite its 220K miles. It's a 2WD with a 4.0L/AW4 auto, factory theft-deterrent system, and bone stock. It has a few minor electrical quirks (e.g. passenger window doesn't work), but it drives very nicely. A/C works. Cruise works.

There is some minor rust repair that we'll eventually have to tackle, but it's nothing we can't handle.

We also already have a set of aluminum TJ/LJ Ravine wheels with good tires that'll replace the factory steel wheels & tires.




Yeah...I'll have to explain what this C-A-S-S-E-T-T-E player thingy-majig is all about (it'll get replaced).
Nice find. Is this the one you showed me a few weeks back?

I still have a Def Leppard cassette if you want to show her how much tapes suck. :D

Ha! Yes, Dan, it's the same XJ. The owners used to live in Texas, and after 3 moves over the years, realized they couldn't find the title. They just got the reissued Texas title, which was the hold-up with us taking delivery.

The Def Leppard cassette would be sweet...providing it's early Def Leppard. :D
I want to personally thank Andy Stock (MKR5150). He sponsored me by giving me a '98 ZJ disc/disc brake proportioning valve for my XJ. Thank you very much for your generosity! We really appreciate it!

Mira Emenaker
Just saw the post on PBB. You are more then welcome and I hope I can help more down the road.


Thanks again, Andy!

Spring is here, and we made good progress on Mira's Jeep today.

We installed the '98 ZJ disc/disc proportioning valve "guts" into the stock XJ proportioning valve today (ZJ parts on left {note shorter spring}, XJ parts on right). It was straightforward, except that we originally reinstalled the XJ "plug/bolt", and it didn't seal. When Mira pumped the brakes, brake fluid shot out the center hole. Once we scratched our head a bit, then used the ZJ plug/bolt instead, it stopped the leaking. I did test-drive it after the switch, and the pedal didn't feel mushy; however, just to be safe, we'll re-bleed the entire system at the calipers before it officially hits the road.


Mira & I had fun pulling the front axle. We got the front axle is pulled, and ready to clean up for paint. Aside from prettying it up, the following will be replaced on our next work weekend:

  • Upper control arms (53K miles, from my old '05 LJ); already painted.
  • Lower Teraflex adjustable control arms (sponsorship from Teraflex)
  • Track bar (53K miles, from my old '05 LJ)
  • Tie rod, drag link & steering dampener (53K miles, from my old '05 LJ)
  • New Moog upper control arm bushings (already purchased; need to rent/borrow a ball joint press to install). We found that the stock uppers were shot, which may have been contributing to some steering "wander".
  • New sway bar bushings
  • New Rokmen adjustable bump stop extensions (left over from my 1-ton '05 LJ build)

Excuse Mira's crazy eyes in this pic. I think she was thinking about chocolate or something. It was not excitement over pulling the axle. :)


Here are the Rokmen adjustable bump stops



While trying to remove the upper control arms from the body, one of my sockets popped off the wrench, and slid into the frame rail. At this point, we called it quits for the day, but I asked Mira to write a note to get it out the next time we worked on it. She took the liberty to add creative verbiage, as-necessary. Kids..

this is an awesome build. can't wait to do something like this with my kids