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mall crawlers

I dont clear my windows at all, i have been driving my route so long i just drive by feel....

but seriously is there really a argument about clearing the snow off your roofs going on here?

to quote Columbus here " Well get over it! We can't just XXXXing drive down the road playing I Spy or some **it for two hours like four normal-@ss Americans? XXXX me"
You're the one who sees fit to respond to everyone and call names. When you were in the sandbox, did you also learn to pick your fights? Not all are worth continuing.

Also learned how to take some verbal abuse and name calling in the sand box.

I wasn't vulgar about it. I only responded to those who questioned my actions. The reason I responded was to clarify. Then the thread went off the deep end when people like yourself step in with attitude. Seems to me you don't like your own medicine, that's called a hypocrite.
but seriously is there really a argument about clearing the snow off your roofs going on here?
Yeah, there is Andrew! :roflmao: This is Serious business! :D
Also learned how to take some verbal abuse and name calling in the sand box.

I wasn't vulgar about it. I only responded to those who questioned my actions. The reason I responded was to clarify. Then the thread went off the deep end when people like yourself step in with attitude. Seems to me you don't like your own medicine, that's called a hypocrite.
You didn't really clarify anything except to say that everyone else who told you driving with snow on the roof is dangerous, was wrong. And if you think you've dealt or received any verbal abuse here, you must've been Air Force to have developed such a thin skin...;)
Thumbs up for captin safe amerika. I dont drive the XJ on the highway, thats what the JK is for.

Glad I dont live there. Wouldnt want to be associated with the Jersey shore 'tards. :party:

I thought Canada was warm and tropical in the winter? :gag:

I do not drive on the highway when she is covered in snow. I know about the ice sheet deal, seen it myself. I only live 10 mins from work and the fastest I ever get up to is 35mph.

People here do not use winter tires on their Fwd cars. We have no safty insepctions and or winter inspections. Snow tires are not required and some people are too cheap to buy them. I didnt mean eveyone in the world driving a Fwd car in the snow is a 'tard just the ones that live around here.

I always like reading posts from cool guys that think they know everyone and how everyone else lives.
So, you're clarification is to call others names, be sarcastic, explain that people don't buy snow tires where you live? Exactly what was clarified?
I must admit the sarcasm was unwarranted. My apologies, I figured everyone could take a joke.

I felt the following posts (after #2) were directed at myself. I may have read into that a bit too much. I should of taken it as criticism and moved on.

I merly didn't want others reading to think I could care less about the safety of other motorists and was applaud at what I felt was accusations.
I tried to explain, probably not in the most appropriate fashion, for that I must admit is 'hot headed.'
So, what can I do to stir things up and P/off everybody?

Enough already, RadioShackSpecial seems genuinely penitent.
Have to clean the snow off here in Jersey. You can and will get a ticket if there is too much snow on the vehicle.

Same here in PA, also in many other states. 119 dollar fine in PA and up to 1500 dollar fine in NJ. Stupid to leave it on.
xcalibur223 said:
Have to clean the snow off here in Jersey. You can and will get a ticket if there is too much snow on the vehicle
Well I guess they weren't giving tickets today! Whew! With this thread fresh in my mind I hit the streets earlier and the first SUV I fell behind produced a white-out so thick, I pretty much stopped driving so he get some distance between us. Saw many others out there like that too. Unbelievable.

RadioShackSpecial ... it's all good. Your penitence is duly noted & All is Forgiven. It iz the intrawebz afterall ... :smootch:

To the OP (and it took me too long to say this): You're mistaken. The H2 owner did not shovel the snow from around his vehicle. Please realize that it was simpy the sheer awesomeness of that beast that simply melted the cold stuff with its brilliant aura. I've witnessed this phenomenon myself in the past.

Gee ... Do I have to clarify everything today? :doh:

This thread would be much better with a picture of big gay hummer in that super cool parking spot...............
Ok ...


:D :D Google FTW!
Thumbs up for captin safe amerika. I dont drive the XJ on the highway, thats what the JK is for.
Glad I dont live there. Wouldnt want to be associated with the Jersey shore 'tards.

I thought Canada was warm and tropical in the winter? :gag:

I do not drive on the highway when she is covered in snow. I know about the ice sheet deal, seen it myself. I only live 10 mins from work and the fastest I ever get up to is 35mph.

People here do not use winter tires on their Fwd cars. We have no safty insepctions and or winter inspections. Snow tires are not required and some people are too cheap to buy them. I didnt mean eveyone in the world driving a Fwd car in the snow is a 'tard just the ones that live around here.

I always like reading posts from cool guys that think they know everyone and how everyone else lives.

seems your taking quite a verbal beating, just so's ya know, no worries re comments towards Canada or what some thought may have been personal. i

a few provinces require winter tires, Ontario here does not... my co-worker (ex police) also points out how difficult it is to make some tickets stick, so often police will simply pull stupid people over and give them a hard time as opposed to ticketing them. those times he'd see some tool driving with drifting snow blowing off them, or jumped in, one swipe of the wipers and off then went would normally get pulled over (once they clued into the lights behind, then beside them, then followed by sirens before they clued in)

anyway I don't imagine many of you have seen this video, but it's easily one of my favourites and I show it as often as I can to those who "don't need winter tires"

Now that there's funny, I don't care who you are! LOL!
Gad, I was just trying share what I thought was a funny observation :wave1:. Didn't think the posts were going to go off the deep end.
I got the spot right in front of the door at work this morning.

For some reason, they left about 1.5 feet of semi packed snow in it, no idea why. My tracks from when I left last night were still in it. It's like having my own reserved parking space :D