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ladder for roofrack

Blind Driver

NAXJA Forum User
West Chester Pa
Ok so I've been thinking of building a ladder for my roof rack for a while now. I didn't think I would need one but I tore the tendons in my shoulder and trying to pull myself up was too difficult. I didn't want one that was permanent because I didn't want to have the blocked rear window and I couldn't find a good war to mount it on the sides. I got the idea from a ladder I saw in Venice. My idea was to have it clip onto the rack and have it rest on the bumper. I used 3/4 inch square to match the rack and the angles are 1 inch. I will finish tomorrow but figured I would take you a taste of what I've done so far.

Picture of everything I used. Tools and materials.

Just mocked up to get angles and measurement


Pieces cut and laid out.

Welded together and sitting on the jeep.


U bracket to attach ladder to roof.

Parts laid out. Tomorrow I'll well on the rungs and the clamps as well and grind everything smooth and paint it.

Ok so finished it up today. Welded it all up and then painted.






Still drying but I'll post pics tomorrow. Also thinking of dipping the ends in Plastic-Dip. Its the stuff designed for redoing the handles of tools. Hope to add grip and protection of the finish
I see the two bits of angle iron welded together, but I see no actual mechanism to keep that from jarring loose after a few good bumps and flexing of the body. Looks like a road rocket waiting to happen.
I see the two bits of angle iron welded together, but I see no actual mechanism to keep that from jarring loose after a few good bumps and flexing of the body. Looks like a road rocket waiting to happen.

Umm.. I don't think he wants to permanently attach it. He'd probably like to, I dunno, be able to open his liftgate in the future.
no offense, but there's going to be a lot of stress on the lower two angled bends in the vertical side members, i can see that as an injury waiting to happen, especially if you're carrying something heavy up there. they'll go right into your hatch too.
Umm.. I don't think he wants to permanently attach it. He'd probably like to, I dunno, be able to open his liftgate in the future.
I am aware that he needs it removable to open the hatch, but there is no way in hell those two brackets are going to keep it on with friction while the vehicle it in motion.

no offense, but there's going to be a lot of stress on the lower two angled bends in the vertical side members, i can see that as an injury waiting to happen, especially if you're carrying something heavy up there. they'll go right into your hatch too.

Good point.
i assume it was intended to be removed when the vehicle is moving.

another thing i'd do is either redesign the lower angled pieces or strap it strongly to the bumper when you're on it. the second that rack or ladder flexes, those will slip off the bumper and all the weight will be supported by those 90 degree welded joints at the top, which won't like much of a load.
While that is a possibility I saw nothing that hinted toward that.

I just assumed so since nobody should be dumb enough to have an unsecured piece of steel lying on the back of their Jeep.
What about the fact that its removable?
The only reason he mentioned it was removable is:
I didn't want one that was permanent because I didn't want to have the blocked rear window and I couldn't find a good war to mount it on the sides.
I just assumed so since nobody should be dumb enough to have an unsecured piece of steel lying on the back of their Jeep.
I've seen worse.
ok so lets set this straight. As it is the rack is not permanent, which I thought was clear, sorry. It will most likely live in the rear as a gate to hold my gear in place. I am thinking of ways to make it permanent but that's not gonna happen until I have it all deigned up. I understand the forces that the rack will take are weird. I welded the joints, rewelded them, made them structural, tested them, then added more welds. I wouldn't use anything that would put me and especially other people in harm. The ends are dipped in Plastic-Dip so that they have more grip as well as well as protect the finish of the bumpers and rack. Also The rack is not square. I understand that, I tried but I'm not that good, hence why my first project was a ladder and not something structural like a bumper or something permanent that doesn't come off.
:cheers:PRETTY SWEET, I'm no expert welder but i do fab up things in my spare time, and I believe that should hold providing the welds penetrated enough. I have climbed up countless conversion vans and suv's with aluminum ladders and those crummy things are mass produced! I put my money on steel (possibly round tubing for my taste but i get why you did it) rather than the aluminum that is more commonplace in this type application. Looks cool dude keep up the good work!
The welds aint perfect, but they arent gonna fall off when you hit a bump on the freeway, which is the bigger problem... Mentioning the out of squareness is just nitpicking, it is what she is!

x2, you NEED to get this thing secured, if you lose it on the highway, you could easily end up killing people, and cause a hundred grand worth of damage... IN AN INSTANT.

And, since we have told you this now, you have no excuse.