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I've made the finals-$25,000 is up for grabs


NAXJA Member # 13
NAXJA Member
Wasatch Range
I've been enrolled in a structured fitness coaching program for the past 11 months that is designed to educate you on how to create the habits of proper diet and exercise in you life.

I'm happy to say that the daily work has paid off and I'm feeling great and looking fit.......and as an added bonus, out of a field of 300+, I've made the finals for their $25,000 cash prize.

I'm finalist #8 http://www.precisionnutrition.com/finalists-men-jan-2013
Thanks Grant. PN is for anyone, not just those who wear XXL gear. Healthy eating habits and daily strength training is the core benefit.

Not sure all of those guys are going about things the right way. There is such a thing as being too thin.

#22 comes to mind. He doesn't look healthy at all.
Agreed with #22 having an odd look, could be the lighting and camera angle and the addition of hair.
The program doesn't promote getting thin, just fit. No one in this program is "too thin". PN actually has a different program for those who are "hard gainers", ectomorph body-type who struggle to put on muscle, called "Scrawny to Brawny". http://www.scrawnytobrawny.com/coaching-program

The body is an amazing machine, if you fuel it properly and give it regular exercise, it only stores as much fat as it needs to maintain proper function.

Many folks over eat (too much fuel), consume lots of processed, carb laden foods and drinks (low octane fuel), exercise sporadically (limited fuel consumption), if at all.

Minor adjustments to diet (or major for some) and regular exercise often times are enough to get the body properly processing good fuel and operating leanly.

The Precision Nutrition program is structured to teach you the proper diet and exercise habits, in simple, easy to understand terms and enable you to transform yourself into a lean, healthy machine. No counting calories, no supplements to buy or sell, no MLM. Over time, healthy daily habits replace unhealthy daily habits.
Damn, you got ripped.

I don't think being too skinny is bad if you're muscular skinny and healthy. I think if you're bulimic skinny, that's obviously bad.
That's awesome. Congrats! If you really want to win the vote, bring this over to Pirate4x4. Post it in the GCC along with proof of a $20+ BRC donation. (The donation is pretty much mandatory.. It's one of their "vote for me" rules).
I voted too, by the way.
Thanks Charlene, and welcome to NAXJA. I appreciate your work and support of the OHV community.