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Wait..... you used the term "agency." Is this a State agency? Check on residency requirements, you may have to live within the same state.
Na, I am a Federal employee. There are not any restrictions within my agency on where I have to live. I have been with them for about 7 years now and lived in different places other then where my office is.
Sound's like a very easy desicion to me. You don't sound like you love the farm thing, so, make the move. Not the state I would move to, but, to each his own.
Been there.

Wife does not want to move away from her parents.

I can make ALLOT more money in Cheyenne, WY.

Long story short.....family first, career second.

I will do what I can to remain in the area as long as she wants, her happiness is more then worth it.

How does this help you? Not at all.

YOU must decide, your wife must be part of the decision. I know it sucks but you are married, it is a partnership, a decision like this needs to be worked out between both of you.

Good luck bro.

I have lived in a few states over the last twenty years or so. I have bettered my family with each move. I could have taken other jobs with more money. But, it was less time at home. We did miss some family Holiday dinners and such. But, gotta say, for me it was worth it. I would have looked back and regretted it. I can't comment on your in-law situation. You better do your homework on the Kansas AGency. If it flops, wifey gonna kick your azz. good luck

Thanks for the input guys. I came here looking for different points of view, which I have received and appreciate. I have been discussing it with the wife and things are going "alright" in that department so far, but only time will tell. I am going to go ahead and follow through with the application/interview process and ultimatley if the job is offered, then I/we can make the final decision. Thanks for the advice guys.
Being a veteran i can tell you that if the wifey is unhappy it can ruin a marriage. But, then again I moved her from Washington state to Louisiana. You are talking a couple hundred miles. Which is really not bad.

If i had to do it again i still would have moved to Louisiana cause she was a lousy wife anyway.

2nd wife. Met in Fort Polk, La lived together for a year or so. Once i got out of the military we had a decision move to Baton Rouge area of louisiana or stay in Fort Polk area. Oppurtunity for employment was better in Baton Rouge and she moved with me. Being only a 3 hour drive back to her parents was tolerable for her. She was unhappy at times that she couldnt just run to her moms or sisters house but in the end she was happier with the better job. Then Katrina hit and another big decision came about. "still just living together". We both lost our jobs then and got a great offer from General Dynamics working with the new Stryker program... problem with that is that is was back in Washington again. We sat down evaluated the situation. She really didnt want to leave then I mean we are talking about 3000 miles. But for some reason she hung in there. We ended up getting married on the drive to lewis in vegas. 8 mths there and my company sends me to Iraq for a year. That was the hardest because she didnt know anyone. I got a promotion and we moved to KY still living happily ever after. yeah...

Anyway now that i have bored you too death. It was hard initially but you are not moving far and you are opening up great oppurtunities for you and your children. If you think she will be that miserable and could end the marriage then by all means stay.

I know me having a better job that I am happy with has made home life alot better. I am not frustrated when i get home. Not near as many fights about money. Have more time to spend with the kids and family. Since we took a chance a moved it has paid off for us.
Anyone ever go over to the neighbors to chat and loose track of time?

Just curious.

:illegalflipoffsmilie: @ JIM

Tyler - if it will benefit you guys more in the long run to move, do it. Your wife will come around, she is probably just settled into where you are now.

For example, my academic advisor notified me that Virginia is currently hiring for the job I am in school for. They don't require a 2 year degree like Indiana does, and he encouraged me to apply. I told the wife, and she was instantly opposed. The more we talk about it the more she is coming around. I am going to apply just to see what happens; if it goes somewhere then we will talk seriously about it, but if not, then at least I tried. I would rather give it a shot and not make it than not try at all and regret it later.

Just my $0.02.
Thanks Rev and Suzie for the nice weekend!

I would like to put this picture or OUR REV DEN in your heads....

We went to the Chicago Symphony!

But put your selves at ease, he did chew his Skoal all the way there, and Suzie's LR3 has a nice little spot in the door that fits a spit cup very well!

I Love You Brother.
I'm glad you guys had a good time.

That's one place, I don't think you'll ever bump into me.:D
I bet you guys had a great time. Good to hear there are others that can enjoy a symphony orchestra (though I am a bit surprised ;) ).
