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illegal immigration

CanMan said:
Who gives a shit if it is or not. Its cheap and tastes good. If I want real mexican food, id probably go to a mexican resturant, or have my Grandmother cook me up something.

Are you mad? Taco Hell may be cheap, but I'd rather eat a packing crate - that stuff is nasty. I'd sooner eat McDonald's - and I hate McDonald's...

And, I'm not against illegal Latino immigration - I'm against illegal immigration in general. They keep trying to twist it into a racism issue or play the race card - but that's not it. It's a simple matter of following the rules.

The problem? Illegals can get free health care (paid for by the rest of us - a four-day hospital stay, neurological observation, and regular morphine for me was $48K. Come again,) in-state tuition (while I had to prove that I'd lived here in CA for the last 15 years...) and they don't pay taxes on what they make - then send it home, untaxed (which does create a significant economical drag for the rest of us.)

If you want to come up here and work, fine. No trouble. However, you pay taxes, you pay for "essential services" like the rest of us, and you learn the language of the country (in this case, English, Ingles, "Engrish," or whatever you call it at home.) I don't really care what you speak at home, but you talk to the rest of us, in public, in English. I don't mind an accent, as long as I can understand what you're saying. If I'm giving you a quizzical look, you need to work on your pronounciation.

As a point of honour (before the incident I had NOV2005,) I refused to speak any other language - and I knew a few. I'm home, and shouldn't have to speak anything else.

And "No Immigrants, No Burritos" sounds like a race card to me. Besides, I'm perfectly capable of making the Mexican food I like (and the Italian food, and the Greek food, and ...) and I've no trouble doing it myself. However, I refuse to be called "racist" because I'm down on illegals - I'm not. I don't care what colour a man is or where he was born - doesn't bother me a bit. I'm just tired of paying for services for a batch of the population who doesn't - it's about as irritating as knowing that Congresscritters get paid so damn well (for doing what? I'm not sure we're getting a return on our investment there, either... If they're getting paid to think, they should be paying us.)
signman2007 said:
And whats up with having to press #1 to proceed in english??????

I agree, english should be the default with other languages listed. Oh, my other pet peeve, get rid of the brail buttons on the drive up teller machines too. :D :D
5-90 said:
Are you mad? Taco Hell may be cheap, but I'd rather eat a packing crate - that stuff is nasty. I'd sooner eat McDonald's - and I hate McDonald's...

Hey, TB works really well for me, a couple of beef buritos and some refried beans for lunch guarantees me nobody is going to bother, come near me at work or call me with a computer problem that I have to come fix in their office... now if TB only served breakfasts I'd be all set for the whole day..
Yech - Taco Hell for breakfast? Great way to guarantee I'm in a bad mood all day.

Not that that would be a stretch... I'm usuallly fairly cross in person (longtime pessimism borne of experience - that allows me to be pleasantly surprised when things actually work...)

The only thing I can think of TB being actually useful for would be the "olde fart factory," - but usually just my growling at people makes them scuttle off in any direction but toward me. If I really want to be left alone, I've got a smile that works wonders... It will freeze fifty feet of air.
Gil BullyKatz said:

That would apply to most kids today...
hah i have to agree w/ that before we go chasing out the other races we need to get our own on the right path i see some kids in school and i just wonder if they have parents among other things
zachxj01 said:
i am all for them comming here as long as they work hard and shutup and dont try to impregnate young white girls and btw taco bell is not real mexican food
You've got quite the population up there in Rockville, CT - don't ya?
Gil BullyKatz said:
but yeah...

no free rides... no free meals...


Legal or not.
I completely agree...primarily, this is my only complaint. I may direct it to illegals (since they are the biggest offenders), but it applies to everyone.

Get a Job, pay taxes, or get the hell out.
Sniggs said:
You've got quite the population up there in Rockville, CT - don't ya?

What, you think the southwest has a corner on illegals ? Once they get in here they head north and east as fast as possible. I live a half hour from Hazleton Pa [paragon action park], they have been in the news lately for the laws they passed making it a crime to rent, hire or support illegals. Thats a law the fed should have passed and enforced along time ago. NJ also has the same issue, hundreds of illegals lineing up for the morning 'landscaper runs' for day workers.
In my town the local christmas tree farmers hire them only not so close as from mexico, rumour has it that most of them are from south america, indians mostly judging by their stature and facial looks..
signman2007 said:
No you got it all wrong man....Americans don't want to do the work for what your dad pays the mexicans. There are plenty of people out there that would love to do that job if they were compensated for it....

... which would be just fine if you were willing to buy produce at the per pound price of sirloin. But you're not, and aside from willingness, most people simply can't afford that. Sure you read in the media about how hurricanes and "el nino" are responsible for poor crops and high prices, but of course you didn't read about fruit rotting on the vine or in bins outside the processing plants because "immigration reform" resulted in a shortage of workers.
lilredwagn said:
... which would be just fine if you were willing to buy produce at the per pound price of sirloin. But you're not, and aside from willingness, most people simply can't afford that. Sure you read in the media about how hurricanes and "el nino" are responsible for poor crops and high prices, but of course you didn't read about fruit rotting on the vine or in bins outside the processing plants because "immigration reform" resulted in a shortage of workers.

Maybe that's a point, maybe it isn't. However, if you were to correlate inflation/currency devaluation/currency revaluation against historical events, you'll find that runaway inflation really got started once major economic powers (the US & most of Western Europe) decided to "cast off the anchor" for currency and stop using the "specie standard" - the precious metals that were long the base of most world currencies (where do you think the British "pound Sterling" came from as a monetary unit. And, in the US Constitution - "Congress shall have the sole power to coin money, and no Thing but Gold or Silver shall be used therefor," I'm probably misquoting, but that's the general thrust.) The world supply of gold, silver, platinum, or whatever is fixed - the world supply of paper currency is not. Inflation got started once we started issuing silver and gold certificates in place of cartwheels, eagles, and double eagles, and picked up speed once silver certificates and gold certificates were taken out of circulation. Allowing the Federal Reserve to monkey around with "Prime Interest Rates" is an idea of specious utility as well - allowing the people who control the money to control the rate you pay for borrowing money sounds like a conflict of interest to me...

Those are the highlights - but I don't blame inflation on illegal immigration. I do blame underfunding of vital services on them - because they don't pay taxes like you and I do. I also have issue with the idea of a government that can't pay its own way (wholly or in part,) but the world of to-day seems to have produced more government functionaries who don't produce anything, yet collect salaries for doing so - which is something almost as bad as the welfare state...

Inflation and illegal immigration are wholly separate issues. Illegal immigration and New Aztlan are tied together somewhat - but that's yet another issue (New Aztlan is the movement that is trying to reclaim the southwest by population pressure, rather than "official" means.)
Gil BullyKatz said:
Doesn't make it right does it?


If a superior race landed on this planet with superior firepower and technology and made us all pets, food or slaves...

We'd ALL be screwed.

I'd love for anyone bitching 'bout wetbacks to demonstrate and prove how a wetback took their job...

I'd also say that if you're not educated enough that an illegal alien can take your job...


but yeah...

no free rides... no free meals...


Legal or not.

Well don’t confuse education with a job; they are not one in the same. Many perfectly respectable middle class jobs like say bricklaying and meat packing to name just two jobs, that a guy could support a middle class family on, are virtually defacto illegal immigrant jobs. You don’t need an education to be a meat packer, it’s not a pleasant job, and it’s not the greatest paying job, but one could make a 15-20 per hour doing it in the 1980s. If that’s the price it took to get the job done that’s a fair and reasonable rate.

I am sick to death with illegal’s getting this reputation for hard work and all. They aren’t special they are cheating the economy and their money is worth 5-10 times more back home. If I could make ten times a middle class American wage of say $38,000 per year multiplied by ten so were talking about almost 400 grand a year being an illegal immigrant in Canada I bet you 98% of the population including addicts, and lazy well fare people would do it. That’s all illegal’s are doing is taking advantage of the worlds largest unprotected border and the worlds largest difference in economic prosperity.

I don’t know where you have been or what you were paying attention to gil, but MILLIONS (at least 10 million illegal’s) of folks have lost their jobs to people who aren’t paying taxes, shouldn’t be in this country, and are devaluing jobs. Granted your right if you meant bank presidents, college professors, scientists aren’t losing their jobs to illegals.

Get off your high horse Gil. There are plenty of jobs you don’t need a highschool diploma to succeed in. I am sure I know a dozen guys who make more than you (unless you are a surgeon, lawyer or own your own business) these guys didn’t go to college and make $200,000 and more per year. Ohh and before you get upset I do have a bachelors degree, I am just offended by the people that think they went to school, labor is free and they are somehow entitled. Please explain to me why they should have a greater education to work for someone else, make less, have less security, and wasted 5 years or more wages in school. Just the cost of school and 5 years wages is alone pushing the 200 grand budget.

How far will your "education" get you .... When your non physical job can be "outsourced" to china, India, Pakistan. I know plenty of engineers, who are competing with people just as educated who will work for 1/10 - 1/3 of what Americans will. Your idea of an education ensuring you a job is a joke.
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lilredwagn said:
... which would be just fine if you were willing to buy produce at the per pound price of sirloin. But you're not, and aside from willingness, most people simply can't afford that. Sure you read in the media about how hurricanes and "el nino" are responsible for poor crops and high prices, but of course you didn't read about fruit rotting on the vine or in bins outside the processing plants because "immigration reform" resulted in a shortage of workers.

you dont understand econmics. Please no offense, but your not "entitled" to farm and be compensated as YOU wish if no one wants it, any more than someone is entitled to be a ice man (job killed by the refriderator). You make a product and you sell it at a premium and you stay in business. You try to and no one buys it you fail. You follow the rules and the guy down the road hires illegals , you loose even though people want your product.

Its not a lack of americans not willing to do the work. Its a lack of americans who can make $15,000 in a year on well fare, competeing with illegals who can send their sub minimum wage over the border and it becomes worth 5-6 tomes or more. 20 bucks an hour picking fruit aint a bad gig when you dont pay a dime of taxes on it. THATS the problem. Nothing to do with americans being lazy.

If people want what your growing your stuff wont be rotting.

Your telling me if say over ten years we evicted 90 some % of the illegals, all the food is going to rot and america ... the worlds bread basket (america) the food is just gonna sit there and rot? ha ha no way. Price of food will go up, but people will work the jobs. You are in no way "OWED" cheap foreign illegal labor just because you have a farm.

It not going to ever work this way .... but say as a farmer how would you personally like to compete against say an "illegal" farmer industy. 15 % of all farmers were illegals (conservative estimate compared to 10 million illegals vs 300 mill americans in the census, with there being approx 150 million jobs and workers in the workforce ... 150 mill / 10 mill = 15 %). These farmers pay ZERO taxes, follow non of the environmental, or safety laws. If your not likeing the fact "people wont buy sirloin at the price you want to sell it it at" .... well i am guessing you would turn into a crying baby if you faced the situation that many hard working american put up with.

I dont understand why so many americans are down on america and real americans and all about giving away what we have to folks who dont even want to follow the law.

Ohh as a disclaimer to anyone who thinks my dislike is racial ... i am hispanic. My great grandpa was a LEGAL immigrant.
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motorcityxj said:
you dont understand econmics. Please no offense, but your not "entitled" to farm and be compensated as YOU wish if no one wants it, any more than someone is entitled to be a ice man (job killed by the refriderator). You make a product and you sell it at a premium and you stay in business. You try to and no one buys it you fail. You follow the rules and the guy down the road hires illegals , you loose even though people want your product.

Its not a lack of americans not willing to do the work. Its a lack of americans who can make $15,000 in a year on well fare, competeing with illegals who can send their sub minimum wage over the border and it becomes worth 5-6 tomes or more. 20 bucks an hour picking fruit aint a bad gig when you dont pay a dime of taxes on it. THATS the problem. Nothing to do with americans being lazy.

If people want what your growing your stuff wont be rotting.

Your telling me if say over ten years we evicted 90 some % of the illegals, all the food is going to rot and america ... the worlds bread basket (america) the food is just gonna sit there and rot? ha ha no way. Price of food will go up, but people will work the jobs. You are in no way "OWED" cheap foreign illegal labor just because you have a farm.

It not going to ever work this way .... but say as a farmer how would you personally like to compete against say an "illegal" farmer industy. 15 % of all farmers were illegals (conservative estimate compared to 10 million illegals vs 300 mill americans in the census, with there being approx 150 million jobs and workers in the workforce ... 150 mill / 10 mill = 15 %). These farmers pay ZERO taxes, follow non of the environmental, or safety laws. If your not likeing the fact "people wont buy sirloin at the price you want to sell it it at" .... well i am guessing you would turn into a crying baby if you faced the situation that many hard working american put up with.

I dont understand why so many americans are down on america and real americans and all about giving away what we have to folks who dont even want to follow the law.

Ohh as a disclaimer to anyone who thinks my dislike is racial ... i am hispanic. My great grandpa was a LEGAL immigrant.

I certainly never played the race card here - but I find it interesting that this thread has gone from illegal immigration (of whatever colour - white, yellow, or brown) to economics. I've tried not to wander too far into it - economics has enough to fuel its own discussion, believe me! Just what I mentioned is the tip of the iceberg...

As far as outsourcing jobs - that's why I've stuck to manual trades, most of the time. We're always going to need people to fix things. Since schools don't seem to realise that anymore (try finding a "shop" class out here...) tradesmen are going to be able to command a premium before too long.

It's not that I'm not intelligent enough or educated enough to hold a "desk job" as an exec or somesuch - but I like working with my hands. The reason I'm getting educated now is simple - I'm picking up stuff I've missed in the last 15 years or so of working. The classes are rather easier now than they would have been - I've gotten paid to do the basic work, and that makes the classes easier...
Civilized prosperose nations that have a stagnet economy are the ones that have stable or declining populations. Prosperity in a country in ever case happens with increasing populations. I'm not talking about third world countries with their population explosion. This is why are goverment has turned a blind eye on imigration. Have you noticed that you don't constantly hear how social security is going broke anymore? The mexican baby bambinos will get edjucated by us and eventually pay taxes that will fund our retirment. Not that I like it but I'd much rather pay for an illegall mexican who want's to be here than to pay for a relocation for a fool that was too stupid to get on a FREE bus to get them out of the way of a hurricane.
ok yall have farming all wrong at least around here because nobody considers anybody "owned" they can come and go as they like and only work 8hr days if they wish though some do overtime and get payed time and a half like everybody else and nobody i work with hires people under the table and doesnt take taxes out or pays less then min wage just so you know my dad starts everybody out at $6.50/hr with is more then he payed me for years and im his on blood thats also more then most high school punks get payed to mess up your order. also the supposed illegals have some type of paper work but if it is illegal then there taxes got to the goverment any way but they cant get tax returns our goverment wins
mlcasey said:
ok yall have farming all wrong at least around here because nobody considers anybody "owned" they can come and go as they like and only work 8hr days if they wish though some do overtime and get payed time and a half like everybody else and nobody i work with hires people under the table and doesnt take taxes out or pays less then min wage just so you know my dad starts everybody out at $6.50/hr with is more then he payed me for years and im his on blood thats also more then most high school punks get payed to mess up your order. also the supposed illegals have some type of paper work but if it is illegal then there taxes got to the goverment any way but they cant get tax returns our goverment wins

That last after that massive, almost passed out from lack of air, run on sentence is a valid point :D. Last time I ran into the numbers a few months ago that showed that dollar amount it was around $14 BILLION payed into bogus SS numbers yearly. I know somebody used mine years ago, the SSA was one of my accounts and while I was testing something there we ran my SS number, there were monies paid into my account from 4 different states in addition to MY real SS 'contributions'. The govt gets to keep that and it does not get credited to your social security account so they are aware of it going on. What is not clear is if it gets kept by the SSA or is put into the general fund. What you do have to watch out for is that they don't take yours as a bogus one and give you credit for the lower contributions of one of the bogus users so check that statement when they send it to you. I never throw my tax statements away, I don't want any hassels about proving I'm me.