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Illegal Aliens are Obvious Identity Thieves

Gil BullyKatz said:

Now would not be the right time to admit to being a illegal gay muslim immigrant would it?

or would that be a gay muslim illegal immigrant...

or illegal immigrant gay muslim...

or muslim gay illegal immigrant...

Hmm, I always had you pegged for practicing witchcraft.
You do all realize that we are going to be sold out by the left and the right for two very different reasons. It's just about time to stock up on ammo and act on our founding fathers words.
I agree, us in the middle have been sold out by the Repulicrats and Demicans for about 15 years now. The immigrants problem has been growing by leaps and bounds since then. Now that they've got their new constituancy here and don't need us I've been stocking up on ammo for some time now.

I hope we can all get along but I doubt it. I don't see how having a new class of people with alligence to other countries can and are willing. We have been fattened up and are ripe for the slaughter. We are seen as lazy Americans by the immigrants/invaders not worthy of our citizenship.

They really do believe they are better for America and we are exploiting them all worldwide. Some of what I heard at these marches is very disturbing. I don't want my homestate to seceed and be annexed by Mexico. But in the long run democracy and people willing may see that this happens. I think the powerkeg is all loaded up and ready to explode.

This WWII era French defeatest type thinking by the folks in charge will see this through until they get the voting block they want. They think they can just push us down to poverty and we will just go away. The roads are falling apart, the schools a sham, and real healthcare non-existant. I have not seen the laws that are supposed to protect us all from invasion being upheld. Therefore I conclude we don't matter and loading your guns is all that is left. I watch gunsmoke and can see where this lawless land will require self preservation. Uncle Sam doesn't have you back anymore.
XJCreeper said:
This WWII era French defeatest type thinking by the folks in charge will see this through until they get the voting block they want. They think they can just push us down to poverty and we will just go away. The roads are falling apart, the schools a sham, and real healthcare non-existant. I have not seen the laws that are supposed to protect us all from invasion being upheld. Therefore I conclude we don't matter and loading your guns is all that is left. I watch gunsmoke and can see where this lawless land will require self preservation. Uncle Sam doesn't have you back anymore.

I smell a revolution! :D:D:D
Fergie said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but ERs are filled to the brim with butt plugging homos that never pay thier bills and carry no insurance.
That's classic! One for the annals (or is that anals?) of NAXJA history.... ;)

On a serious note, this whole AIDS/Gay line of reasoning is really stupid. No other way to describe it. It's ignorant and homophobic.
1. Why are we calling it a "lifestyle choice?" Who would choose a lifestyle of exclusion, derision and reduced rights? Every gay person I've ever heard says it was not a choice, but just something like their eye color they can't change.
2. Straight people violate sodemy laws too. Would you ban them from getting married on those grounds?
3. Sodemy laws are based on a biblical story. No real reason other than Sodem and Gomorrah. I'm not religious...why should I have to recognize the validity of the law?

I'm not trying to revive the thread, or insight mass NAXJA gay-bashing or something, but when I see this kind of stuff, it really gets me pissed off. So there. I've said my piece. Have at it.

You are being wrong on the wrong thread. Go away, find the Illegal Muslim Gay immagrants and get pissed off with them.


- Gay bashing homophobic realist.
if the goverment makes ok to for people to do crime by comming over the boarder and taking someone eles ID, (and who knows what else)

then it should be ok for me to rob a bank and be "forgiven" and not even see the inside of a squad car.

just like the mexicans (sic) say "i needed the money"

it is all just a bunch of crap so big companys can make a bigger profit.
packnrat said:
if the goverment makes ok to for people to do crime by comming over the boarder and taking someone eles ID, (and who knows what else)

then it should be ok for me to rob a bank and be "forgiven" and not even see the inside of a squad car.

just like the mexicans (sic) say "i needed the money"

it is all just a bunch of crap so big companys can make a bigger profit.

So when did you arrive, last night?