- Location
- Colorado Springs, CO
I was heading south on Wahsatch today and stopped at the light at Fontanero. Wahsatch is a four lane street with a median and parking along the side. The parking is wide enough you can open a car door when a car is passing by, and not have it hit, usually. There was a guy about my age on a very nice road bike in front of me at the intersection in the lane. That's fine. The sidewalks were rebuilt to intrude into the street to slow drivers. I waited respectfully behind him at the light. When the light turned I kept my distance behind him across the intersection in anticipation that once he was past obstacles he would move over into the parking lane that was clear for the entire next block. You know, share the road, give them 3 feet.
Wrong, he stayed where he was in the driving lane. So I had to wait on traffic to move into the left lane and give him 3 feet. I opened the passenger window and expressed my displeasure as I passed him. When I parked in front of my house, I waited in the street to tell him he was an arrogant asshole when he passed. His reply, "Yes, I am." He then turned right towards Tejon, and the enclave of liberal Collorado College professors.
I was a serious bicyclist long before I was into cars. I was in the first and maybe only bicycle protest ride in the US, down State Street in downtown Chicago in 1970. We caused the concept of bike lanes to hit the general public. I commuted to school and work on a bicylcle for the first 20 years I worked until we moved to Philly. Point being, I liked riding a bicycle. I had one of the best road bikes money could buy in 1968(used, couldn't afford it otherwise, a custom frame that didn't quite fit.) I was an asshole on a bike, stop signs were yield to me, and lights were optional depending on traffic, but I knew if I goofed it was on me. I never expected drivers to cater to me, I rode next to the curb and dealt with it.
So this holier than thou attitude, really pisses me off. I'll bet you $10 the @#$%^& voted for Obama. That damn liberal attitude made me quit voting independent and vote republican.
The second time I was stopped by a cop when I was a kid in grade school was for riding two abreast on bicycles. He was serious. We were to get to the side of the road. Filling the entire lane seems to be modus operandi of bicyclists these days. Bunch of wussies. :soapbox:
Wrong, he stayed where he was in the driving lane. So I had to wait on traffic to move into the left lane and give him 3 feet. I opened the passenger window and expressed my displeasure as I passed him. When I parked in front of my house, I waited in the street to tell him he was an arrogant asshole when he passed. His reply, "Yes, I am." He then turned right towards Tejon, and the enclave of liberal Collorado College professors.
I was a serious bicyclist long before I was into cars. I was in the first and maybe only bicycle protest ride in the US, down State Street in downtown Chicago in 1970. We caused the concept of bike lanes to hit the general public. I commuted to school and work on a bicylcle for the first 20 years I worked until we moved to Philly. Point being, I liked riding a bicycle. I had one of the best road bikes money could buy in 1968(used, couldn't afford it otherwise, a custom frame that didn't quite fit.) I was an asshole on a bike, stop signs were yield to me, and lights were optional depending on traffic, but I knew if I goofed it was on me. I never expected drivers to cater to me, I rode next to the curb and dealt with it.
So this holier than thou attitude, really pisses me off. I'll bet you $10 the @#$%^& voted for Obama. That damn liberal attitude made me quit voting independent and vote republican.
The second time I was stopped by a cop when I was a kid in grade school was for riding two abreast on bicycles. He was serious. We were to get to the side of the road. Filling the entire lane seems to be modus operandi of bicyclists these days. Bunch of wussies. :soapbox: