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HAM Amateur radio license

Did I tell you? Or did you figure it out on your own? :)
No more KJ, eh? You're still a Liberty but you're now the newer model.
Very cool. What flavor of call are you looking to get. A 1X2, 2X2 or something a bit more traditional?

Sometimes I think of claiming my uncles old 1X2 call as he has been SK for a while. But I've had this one for so long, and it certainly does date me on the air ;)

Since the HF rig is back on the air, and I am almost up to 13wpm again, I looked at my poor old Radio Shack "Brass Key" (Read - 'Potmetal key that we dunked in some brass looking plating so you could ""Imagine"" that it is really Brass'). I've got it all torn down and cleaning it up. Then I looked at the poor excuse for a base I made out of scrap lumber in HS, and been thinking about that too. The GF and I were in JoAnne Fabrics looking for some thread for her quilt project, and I stumble on the perfect thing. It's a already machined 3X5 Piece of basswood with routed edges (79cents!). Measured out where the key is going to mount, drilled some pilot holes, and sanded it. It's undergoing a few coats of poly right now.
I'm WØALE. I've had my license a few years. I had a Yaesu FT-2900R in my FJ60 and need to put it in the XJ...not quite as much room in that :-(. I also have Baofeng UV-3R, a couple UV-5Rs and a Kenwood THD72A. I plan to get a dual band rig and make a little mobile setup with battery, etc for longer mobile operations. I've also used the FT-2900R as a base station with a 30-ft mast with a Slim Jim antenna on top.

I got hooked up with the Pikes Peak ARES group here in CO and got to help out the Red Cross during the fires/floods the last few years...a great way to give back and I met some really cool folks. Also got to assist with some adventure races up on Pikes Peak and other stuff like Tour de Cure which was lots of fun.

I think everyone should get a license...it's pretty cheap (although can get expensive if you buy a bunch of gear..)

I'm looking forward to meeting new 4x4 & ham folks once I relocate to PA!!!
Man you're going from an area with extensive free wheeling to almost none!
Been meaning to get my Tech license done. I have a Baofeng UV-5R I use to listen in to the local repeaters. Been looking at a cheapo dual band mobile to mount in the XJ to go alongside the CB.

Definitely helps you reach out there when you can run big power and hit repeaters.
Extra Class here N0AZZ only have a Quad Band FM in the XJ a Yaesu FT-8900 10/6/2/440m and a CB in my 04 GC "Overland" I have a 200w HF 6-160m and an IC-2820 2/440/D-Star.

The Cobra CB all in the Mic works very well and the speaker in it can be heard fine.

Here are the radios in the XJ both radio bodies are mounted under passenger seat. The goose neck mount moves to where I need it not out in the way as saw here.

I have had my ft7900 r unit in XJ for a year .. radio brain behind left rear quarter panel area and faceplate fits where ashtray was on 96 XJ. It's been nice knowing anywhere I have been I could hear a repeater.
Finally took my test 3 weeks ago and passed. Not to hard. Going on Dusy ershim trail this weekens, labor day 2014, so wanted to use the ham. It's a long trail and wanted to be prepared.
I got my cheap dual band mobile in yesterday. Got my coax adapter for it so going to mount everything up tonight. Still can't transmit on it still need to take my test but I'll be able to receive and program it.
You guys and your little radios...lol...ran12 pill dave made and old Galaxy dx99v in my semi...blew up the dave by forgetting to turn my deadkey down before turning the amp back on . I got to fix tbe dave and put it back in the truck I have a Ranger rci f150 that I have had sitting in a box that I want to put in the trail rig I had bought it to run a straight 8 davemade ,but never did it is peaked to 225 watts so it will be enough for the trail .
There is no need for 225 watts on the trail. Hell half of our guys are running around on 4 watt handhelds and it work just fine because two meter works a lot better than CB. Plus we don't have asshats on their big amps crapping over half the channels ;)
There is no need for 225 watts on the trail. Hell half of our guys are running around on 4 watt handhelds and it work just fine because two meter works a lot better than CB. Plus we don't have asshats on their big amps crapping over half the channels ;)

A big amp is what you use the 225 to drive ...but yeah anything beyond legal fcc wattage is not needed , but sure was fun to start trouble at truck stops .
That reminds me... I actually need to renew my license this year.
Never choose a vanity call sign with a girl's name in it. I was KZ4DNA, but Donna is no longer in the picture. I just got my new vanity call sign K9MOJ for my dog Mojo, because your dog will never let you down. ;)