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got this in an email this morning

olivedrabcj7 said:
[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home.........because God is part of our culture.

Well to whoever originally wrote this, my wife, the mother of my children, who happens to be a citizen not of this of country, and I both, say that you can KISS OUR ASS!!!
Well to whoever originally wrote this, my wife, the mother of my children, who happens to be a citizen not of this of country, and I both, say that you can KISS OUR ASS!!!
You live in UT, you don't count.
Well to whoever originally wrote this, my wife, the mother of my children, who happens to be a citizen not of this of country, and I both, say that you can KISS OUR ASS!!!
That would be asses... unless your admitting that your "joined at the hip"...

At which point I can understand that, because I'm married too...

Leave the Canooks alone, they're a good bunch up there...

Don't be a bunch of haters...

this country is evolving... into what, I don't know... You can't stop it! If you did you would prob screw it up...

If your afraid, that's your own Damn fault!!

If you choose not to believe in God, this country gives that right as well... Even if your DEAD wrong!

If you don't like things, then change it... VOTE!!

If you don't vote... then you need to shut your mouth, because your part of the problem!!
Man, Really trying to stir the pot huh?
OK well here i go......

America Should Not Be Based On Any Religous Belief or System.

It is inherantly "unamerican".
It wasnt untill the 1950's that congress and local goverments had to give into the religous "right" and start to incorperate "god" into just about everything.
I find it completely disgusting and totally unaccepetable.
And i believe that it is having a very negative affect on the population and those who consider themselves to be "truthfull", or interested in "REALITY" are less trustfull of our "system" because of it, double standards.
The seperation between church and state... remember.

Apparently George Bush Jr.. needs a little refresher course. [ no i am not Democrat, nor am i a Republican, Or an Anarchist..]

Yes i do believe that immagrants should LEARN and speak english.
That REALLY REALLY REALLY makes me MAD when they come here and do not show the commom sense or desire to learn our language, i mean F#CK this is AMERICA... where the hell do you think you are.. jeez... learns to speak the language.

But really, all of this "GOD Politics" has got to go.

Its statements like the opening one [all but the language part] that, to me go into the same mind folder as...

1. creationism
2. Intelligent Design
3. weapons of mass distruction in Iraq
4. the world is flat
5. we will someday actually leave our solar system in a spaceship [mankind]

So i would like to add that to me and my Wife and Close friends. We believe the true Evil of America, the real problem within our borders are the religous right...

And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we fence off the border to mexico and really get to business locking it up and keeping all the freeloaders out?

And no i am not racist or athiest!
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I think many people confuse, God, religion and the Christian ethic. Some people likely think religion, as a tried and proven way to learn a little humanity and maybe morality.
Even "Christian ethic" is way to narrow, as many religions share similar ethical/moral standards.
People who favor, no limits and restrictions, have rarely spent any time in the jungle. People try to replace ethics and morality with law and at the same time, decry the limits imposed by the law. The law is for the other guy.
If the vast majority of people were, mature, moral and ethical, very few laws would be needed.
Trying to supplant religions ethics, with law (or a political system), is a social experiment. That has failed many times in history and is likely to fail again. Just as incorporating religion into the political system to deeply, has also seldom lasted.
The hypocrisy of the whole exercise, never fails to astound me. A system of duality, bureaucratic and religious, seems to work, or has worked well. Government and religion co existing. Many political experiments, in the not to distant past, failed, largely because they outlawed religion.
The religious right, is likely the pendulum swinging back in the other direction. The balance rarely seems to be ideal at any given moment.
Personally, I think the answer to the immigration problem, as being for the US to export or immigrate many of there young citizens to Mexico or wherever, subsidize or encourage an expansion (I have a rather large, foreign earned income tax exclusion, maybe they already have). In a generation or two, much of the problem will be irrelevant.
Three out of six of my children are dual nationals, 4 are multi lingual, 2 are trilingual or better. My wife and I are both bi lingual.
Putting up higher fences, parochial thinking and xenophobia, just isn't gonna work well or for long. The world is becoming a very small place.
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