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got this in an email this morning

Correct. Our constitution is based heavily on the London Lodge's Charter.

there are several historians that tihnk this country was handed to us through the efforts of the masons, on both sides.
GSequoia said:

Really people, what makes you think that!

"In God We Trust"

I tolorate that but I don't love it.

God in the pledge...

KILL IT! It wasn't there until the moral BS of the 50's.

The current wave of "patriatism" is actually nationalism. Nationalism is what created Nazi Germany.

actaully the first immigrants that came to this great land, came looking for religious freedom from an overbearing government that was forcing them to acknowledge the inherent governing power of the their old governments chosen religion. they came here to be free of that governing in order to choose their religion freely with out a king or government influencing it..seems we "Americans" like to overlook this fact, and we forget that the founders of our country
where indeed God honoring and worshiping men and women, yet they had enough humbleness to acknowledge that nobody should be forced to believe one thing or another..hence freedom of religion....

Nationalism and Patriotism = Nazism.............WTF?

Are you insinuating that because i have Pride in my country i am a Nazi? I sure as all hell hope not..

How the hell does my pride in Old Glory and America and her history, relate to naziism..i aint out killing folk for not looking like me...so how is it that your thought process works...

and as far as i am concerned all most Patriots are saying is that we shouldnt have to learn Mexican, Spanish, German or French to conduct business in our country. If you come here at least learn our language. i aint telling you what to speak in your house. or what religion you may choose to follow. however, i shouldnt have to bend over backwards because you moved here and dont like that i worship God on sunday, or that i say "under God" in the Pledge of Alligance, or that i speak English and German but i dont speak Mexican....

this is insane....


wow this thread is going tp piss me off//i will quit here....
Grifter144 said:
and as far as i am concerned all most Patriots are saying is that we shouldnt have to learn Mexican, Spanish...

Hey Dubya, they speak Spanish in Mexico. Ain't no such thang as a Mexican language. Comprende?
Grifter144 said:
actaully the first immigrants that came to this great land, came looking for religious freedom from an overbearing government that was forcing them to acknowledge the inherent governing power of the their old governments chosen religion. they came here to be free of that governing in order to choose their religion freely with out a king or government influencing it..seems we "Americans" like to overlook this fact, and we forget that the founders of our country
where indeed God honoring and worshiping men and women, yet they had enough humbleness to acknowledge that nobody should be forced to believe one thing or another..hence freedom of religion....

Nationalism and Patriotism = Nazism.............WTF?

Are you insinuating that because i have Pride in my country i am a Nazi? I sure as all hell hope not..

How the hell does my pride in Old Glory and America and her history, relate to naziism..i aint out killing folk for not looking like me...so how is it that your thought process works...

and as far as i am concerned all most Patriots are saying is that we shouldnt have to learn Mexican, Spanish, German or French to conduct business in our country. If you come here at least learn our language. i aint telling you what to speak in your house. or what religion you may choose to follow. however, i shouldnt have to bend over backwards because you moved here and dont like that i worship God on sunday, or that i say "under God" in the Pledge of Alligance, or that i speak English and German but i dont speak Mexican....

this is insane....


wow this thread is going tp piss me off//i will quit here....
Ever take a logic class?

If so, this psot would have failed you completely, and been used as a "what not to do."

I'm not saying that you are a Nazi because you feel pride in the country. I was merly pointing out what blind nationalism has lead to in the past.

When you follow your leader blindly and justify any and all things that he/she does by saying that the ends justify the means then that leader can do some pretty horrible things.

In my opinion the very best American patriot are those who question the government at all time and never fall in the the complancy that the government knows best or that it's okay to lose personal freedoms in exchange for a shadow of security.

The religious beliefs of the founding fathers of this country are an area for debate, there is conflicting information out there as to just what religion they practiced. Personally thought it's neitehr here nor there, the country was formed as a non-religious country and I think that was one of the very good ideas they had.

One thing to point out to everybody that talks about languages is that the United States of America doesn't have on official language ;) Kinda makes me giggle. Personally I'm all for learning English merly because the majority of the population speaks it, however I do not think it should be a requrement before you step foot into the country.

Also - I know of no instances of trouble reguarding people disliking others warshiping god on Sundays, would you care to fill me on on specifics of that? I'm not against your religious beliefs, I simply do not share them and prefer that they stay as far removed from goverment as possible.


PS - Mexican isn't a language :D
Incidently I would like to point out my view of Nationalism vs. Patriotism

Patriotism is loving your country because of a set of ideals.

An example of that would be that I love the ideas this country was founded on, not the direction it's been heading with paranoia and the religious right.

Nationalism is loving your country no matter what.

An example being loving your country blindly no matter what changes have been made to it's constitution. It's America damnit you have to love it no matter what!
mylt1 said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

^that is the 1st amendment. whats your reply to that mr canadian?
cant write anything about canada because the queen of ENGLAND says you cant. when you get your own country let us know. ok.
Yes that is the first amendment. When you read it closely, what does it say? Compare that to this statement:
[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so!"

The First Amendment absolutely does not give every citizen the right to express his opinion, it says Congress shall make no law... They are not the same thing fella, stay in school, mmmkay?

By the way, our Governor General is our highest leader, not the Queen...

Beej said:
Nationalism and Patriotism are diseases, not Juggernauts upon whose shoulders we are carried into success...

If this crap had been written by a Canadian about Canada I would be just as indignant. Its emotionally-driven foolish rhetorical poop...

yep, that pretty much sums up my feelings too.
Fergie said:
Yer wun supid summabish aint ya.
how does the 1st amendment not give you the right to express your own opinion? it says congress shal make no law preventing this. so what is says is you CAN express your own opinion.
mylt1 said:
how does the 1st amendment not give you the right to express your own opinion? it says congress shal make no law preventing this. so what is says is you CAN express your own opinion.
My comment was directed towards highly ignorant "queen" comment.

Shows you can type, or even C&P, but comprehension and critical thinking arent qite there yet.
I question his spelling abilities as well.
cant spell worth a damn and i know it. so you will have to excuse me on that point. the queen comment was just a smart ass comment, thats all.
Lawn Cher' said:
God save the Queen.

Well, having grown up in a pretty big people wise polish/russian/irish home and having grandparents and great grandparents, aunts and great aunts and uncles I have a comment on this. The polish, irish and russian side of the family REFUSED to speak anything but english around the kids [much to our loss] and as a result the only language I ever learned was english. When I asked my grandmother before she passed away why, that we would have loved to learn another language and speak it, she had a simple and somwhat semi-serious answer 'we're americans and in america we speak american and besides, your grandfather and your great uncle swore alot but you kids never knew it'... and that was true in the area I lived in, the neighborhood was mostly Irish and Italian, none of my friends spoke either galic or italian, that was the mood of the times and the way of the world back then, to me it seems now that newcomers are more concerned with celebrating their differences and the hell with fitting in.
Me, I like the differences, when I traveled the country in field service I watched the differences between regional areas of the country start to blur and gradually fade away, I blame it all on McDonalds and Burger King and alway felt it was a shame that Waffle Huts never made it north of the maxon dixon line :(