Profiteering, during wartime, by individuals, damn sure is capital - but I'm not sure what happens when it's Standard Oil (for those of you who don't get the referent, I suggest you look up the board of directors for SO before the breakup, and then cross-reference with the various boards after. Quite an eye-opener...)
The bulk of the problem is that there are quite a few things that cannot be done by individual citizens, but are perfectly legal when done by corporations. Did you know that NFA1934 does not apply to corporations? That's right - a corporation may buy machine guns at will, without CLEO signoff on ATF Form 4, and it's not an issue. That goes back to things like "Labour Relations" for coal-mining companies in the 40's and 50's.
That, of course, bears upon the price hikes in fuel for much the same reason - a corporation has no trouble doing what an individual may not.
Also, while Diesel used to cost less than gasoline (fewer refining steps,) it now costs more due to "artificial rarity" - they've figured out how to crack Diesel hydrocarbon chains into the short paraffinoids used in gasoline, and this reduces the effective supply of Diesel fuel (you can figure the time for that by plotting gasoline prices vice Diesel - I'm not going to do all your work for you, just tell you where to look...) The increase in Diesel prices has been caused by an attempt to solve the (purely artificial, I'm sure) rarity of automotive gasoline. Rich can give us stories from his days in ASW in the 70's - about the same time as the oil embargos and such.
Frankly, I'd like to see a stoppage by the trucking industry - TOTAL. I'm sure it would get everyone's attention. Being no stranger to DP, it would only take minor changes in a few things for me to handle a week-long stoppage - I'd need to change a few things around to handle a full fortnight - but this is more a matter of careful planning than luck. I live in California - I try to be ready for anything up to six weeks (the problem with the truck stoppage would be that we still have to work - earthquakes don't require that.)
Churky - what's your 89 got against 87 octane? Mine like it - so does my 88, and my 87. I run them all on the cheapest stuff I can get, and nary a hiccup. Carbon buildup, perhaps? PM me and I can give you a hint on getting rid of carbon - or seeing if it's the problem...