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Evans Creek Oktoberfest: 10/27 - 10/28


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
It's that time of year again, and that means Oktoberfest at Evans! This will be our third consecutive year putting on this run. Lets make this one the biggest and best one yet.

This run is open to anyone, member or not. Please come prepared for the conditions, be safe, and responsible.

Evans Creek is located just outside of Puyallup, Washington. You'll need three things to stay at Evans Creek, and be able to wheel the trails.

1. Northwest Forest Pass: You can either purchase a day pass for $5, or an annual pass for $30. You'll need a pass for each day your at Evans Creek.

You can find a local dealer near you at the following link.


The Gifford Pinchot HQ's are right off I205 in Vancouver for the PDX guys, or you can purchase one at the Burnett Store (Chevron) on you way to Evans Creek.

2. A width no greater than 80" bulge to bulge. I don't believe any tickets have been written yet, but proceed at your own risk if your over.

3. Evans Creek Map: The new forest plan states all visitors must have a map in the vehicle with them. You can print one out at the following link.



We'll be staying at the Evans Creek Campground. There are bathrooms, a covered structure, and a very iron enriched pump for water. No fees to stay at the campground courtesy of your NW Forest Pass. Bring fire wood, and lots of it! It gets chilly up there this time of year.

How do you get to Evans Creek?

From the Burnett Store (link provided above) continue on Hwy 165. You'll go through the town of Wilkenson, which is the last stop for gas (you can also fill up at the Burnett Store). Continue on Hwy 165 for several miles, and eventually you come to a one lane bridge. After the bridge you'll come to a Y in the road. Stay right, and continue up the hill on Hwy 165. This is where the pavement ends and the gravel begins. Follow the main road for a few miles, and eventually the lower staging area for Evans Creek will be on your left (big sign, you can't miss it).

The campground is a few miles up the road (look at the map). Turn into the staging area and follow the road through it for about two miles. Make a right when you get to the upper staging area (it will be on the left). The entrance to the campground is about a hundred yards up the road on the right.

With it being late October, I would predict there might be rain, and maybe even snow. The trails will will be slick and challenging. All vehicles should have front and rear town points, and come prepared for the conditions.

Evans consists of tight trails, off camber sections, and some good hill climbs. I think it's pacific northwest timber-crawling at it's finest. Body damage is a possibility, and even more so when the trails are slick (just a warning before hand).

It's going to be an awesome run. I can't wait to get back up there. Post up if you plan on making it, or if you have any questions.


Tentatively in depending on the schedule of a rimrock trip
I agree with Eric screw this how long since any of you have wheeled with Rod? Evans creek is always there rod only comes around every once in a while
This is so funny. I'll be at Evans because I'm rich, like Nightfoam.
It's been a long time since I have seen most of you! :wave1:

I might be able to make the end of this run. I wouldn't be able to get there till Saturday afternoon but would stay till Sunday evening.

This assumes you don't mind a non XJ Jeep on the trail with you:anon:

This is so funny.

I don't remember putting a poll option in this thread? If you guys want to wheel "The TSF!" by all means start a new thread to hash out the details.

Meanwhile this is an annual event we're not canceling, and have people committed to going to. Besides, we'll be at TSF next month for the most miserable run of the year anyways.

It's been a long time since I have seen most of you! :wave1:

I might be able to make the end of this run. I wouldn't be able to get there till Saturday afternoon but would stay till Sunday evening.

This assumes you don't mind a non XJ Jeep on the trail with you:anon:

Hope you can make it, Michael. You should get that Amish fellow to come down with you. ;)
ummm we did start a new thred to hash out the details.... i think you and darin tries to thred jack it a couple times.

how does that shoe fit on the other foot? nobody asked you to call off the evans creek run. if i wasent such a poor bum id go, it is a 4hr drive for me. towing a trailer. and, news flash, i have broken my junk the last 3 times out. not really looking forward to evans as a "Breakdown run". plus im not a big fan of body dammage. many time i have been told about dammging situations after the dammage was done :thumbdn:.

id also like to comment on the "its not getting canncled" remark.

we have lost so many sceduled events this year. i really dont see the point? it hasent ever been a problem for the previous events...:dunno:

all that being said, id ratther wheel closer to home :moon:

I'm down to leave Friday.
Bump for the next "can not miss" run. You'll regret it if you do, I guarantee it. ;)

Post up if you're planning on going/camping, and if you're bringing any other rigs along.

all that being said, id ratther wheel closer to home :moon:

Nice story, John. Catch you on the next run.

Torx, any interest in leaving Friday?
Plan is to leave Friday after work. Probably be rolling out 5ish.

The downfall to this time of year is lack of daylight in the evening. I'd still rather get there after dark than rally up Saturday morning.