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Election time is nearing....


NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member
Middle Tennessee
This is an election year in the SEC. If you are interested in holding one of the three posistions, please be thinking about this.

The major requirement of holding a position is having been a member in good standing (no infractions, etc) and been red for a period of one year prior to the elections held in November.

The positions are President, Vice President and Treasurer.

We need good leadership in this chapter and if any one has any questions, please ask.
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I think the first two years were better than the last. I haven't been nearly as active as I need to be and think we need somebody who wants to make things happen.

My heath, family, money situation, etc are just not what they need to be for me to continue.
I think the first two years were better than the last. I haven't been nearly as active as I need to be and think we need somebody who wants to make things happen.

My heath, family, money situation, etc are just not what they need to be for me to continue.

sadly, my life has begun to resemble your last year-- I like the S.E.C. and all of it's members, but I don't have the time, energy, health, and funds to do what you've done.

You've kept it a fun and exciting place to hang out, even though I'm way too far away to participate in much of the fun stuff. Your leadership has made this chapter somewhere to meet new friends and build relationships.

I'll miss your openness and warm hearted leadership if you step down.
sadly, my life has begun to resemble your last year-- I like the S.E.C. and all of it's members, but I don't have the time, energy, health, and funds to do what you've done.

You've kept it a fun and exciting place to hang out, even though I'm way too far away to participate in much of the fun stuff. Your leadership has made this chapter somewhere to meet new friends and build relationships.

I'll miss your openness and warm hearted leadership if you step down.

Well said Shorty! You will be missed Ed. I've appreciated your leadership.

I'm not as active on here as I use to be but I wheel more now than I have been, go figure!

I'll be honest, if I need wheeling info about VA I find it on CherokeeForum, it seems most of the VA guys are on there vs TN and NC guys on here. I frequent both of the forums "VA" covered chapters daily to see whats going on and to keep up, I just don't post as much here as I was. I'm still pissed at myself for missing the crawl this year,I missed meeting everyone. I will be there next year, hell or high water!
Well said Shorty! You will be missed Ed. I've appreciated your leadership.

I'm not as active on here as I use to be but I wheel more now than I have been, go figure!

I'll be honest, if I need wheeling info about VA I find it on CherokeeForum, it seems most of the VA guys are on there vs TN and NC guys on here. I frequent both of the forums "VA" covered chapters daily to see whats going on and to keep up, I just don't post as much here as I was. I'm still pissed at myself for missing the crawl this year,I missed meeting everyone. I will be there next year, hell or high water!

We would love to see you at the crawl! I think a trip up to VA is in order though, it's a decently easy drive for me. From what I understand there are better trails, but I am interested in GWNF so I can visit my old town of Harrisonburg. I think with enough heads up I could drag some Triad and Richmond folks up with me to the mtns. I'd also wouldn't mind a camping focused trip. Maybe Shorty could get his lazy bum off the beach and show up too?

Ed you are an extremely valuable asset to the SEC. Your leadership has created a wonderful atmosphere for the chapter and we are very lucky to have you.
We would love to see you at the crawl! I think a trip up to VA is in order though, it's a decently easy drive for me. From what I understand there are better trails, but I am interested in GWNF so I can visit my old town of Harrisonburg. I think with enough heads up I could drag some Triad and Richmond folks up with me to the mtns. I'd also wouldn't mind a camping focused trip. Maybe Shorty could get his lazy bum off the beach and show up too?

Ed you are an extremely valuable asset to the SEC. Your leadership has created a wonderful atmosphere for the chapter and we are very lucky to have you.

Here is a good upcoming trail ride for a great cause and its in the GWNF, Flag Pole Knob(near Harrisonburg);


There is nothing real challenging about Flagpole but it is beautiful up there and there should be plenty of other XJ's and most will camp out. Shoe Creek is also a scenic wheelin destination although there is nothing challenging there either. There is a great camping spot right on top of the mountain at FlagPole.

Potts Mountain is our premier public trail in VA. There are planned events there but you can show up to the trail head on any given Saturday and slip in with a dozen or more rigs that are running through. Its a good 6hr trail ride one way across the trail.
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i wish i had time to commit to this, ed, mark and glenn have laid fantastic groundwork to continue the running of the chapter. however if the current or future BOD need anything i can help provide please dont hesitate to ask. i'll be around
I'd put my hat in however I don't qualify. Good luck to to everyone that runs.
James (StumpXJ) would be an awesome presidential nominee... If he's up to it, I'd nominate him.
James (StumpXJ) would be an awesome presidential nominee... If he's up to it, I'd nominate him.

Fourth... and there are others that can fill Ed's shoes. I have been here for years and will offer my assistance weather I'm BOD or not. Ihate to see Ed and Mark go but I understand completley....
Been thinking about it for a couple months now, and I will be throwing my name into the hat for Treasurer.
Been thinking about it for a couple months now, and I will be throwing my name into the hat for Treasurer.

You will have my support my friend.... I think you will do a fine job.
So is this the official nomination thread or will the SEC BOD be opening a separate thread for each open position?
An official thread probably... This one has a few rabbit trails...

Ed you have done a great job with the SEC! And with all the hard work you have put in, you and your family are more than deserving of a break, and a chance to enjoy this sport without having to orchestrate things...

...I also agree that Stump would be a great president
So is this the official nomination thread or will the SEC BOD be opening a separate thread for each open position?

This is just a "food for thought" thread to get everyone thinking about who can lead the club and letting people know who is interested in the positions.

We will have an official nomination thread created later on closer to the election time.