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Nomination for SEC Vice President 2025-2026


NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member
Middle Tennessee
Nominations will be open for the SEC Vice President on Nov 1st.

Term runs 01/01/25-12/31/26

Please contact all parties before nominating them to ensure they are willing to accept your nomination.

Refrain from discussion in this thread. Please post only nominations (made by members), seconds (by NAJXA members) and acceptance by the applicable members in good standing (at least one year as a member). Anything else will be deleted.

'About me' threads can be started separately in this forum for those who are nominated.

Voting starts on November 15th and will be open for two weeks once the polls are opened.

Please post the member's first and last name, as well as their screen name to ensure clarity.
I, Ed "PacificEd" Robbins accept the nomination.
Last chance for nominations. Voting will begin November 15th.