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Economic stimulus naysaysers!

A few bits of news from Routers today
REUTERS — 9:20 AM ET 09/10/09

By Doug Palmer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) :

"The July trade gap remained far below the record of $64.9 billion set in July 2008, just before the global financial crisis took a huge bite out of international trade.

U.S. exports also increased for the third consecutive month in July to $127.6 billion, a rise of 2.2 percent from June.

Goods exports had their best showing since December, led by increases for autos and auto parts and capital goods."

Interesting, side note, try finding a clock spring for a jeep now, over $200, none in dealers stock with no date if you do order one. Local guy with a brand new wrangler 09, can't get a steering box, none available.
A few bits of news from Routers today
REUTERS — 9:20 AM ET 09/10/09

By Doug Palmer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) :

"The July trade gap remained far below the record of $64.9 billion set in July 2008, just before the global financial crisis took a huge bite out of international trade.

U.S. exports also increased for the third consecutive month in July to $127.6 billion, a rise of 2.2 percent from June.

Goods exports had their best showing since December, led by increases for autos and auto parts and capital goods."

Oil is up over $70. According to local newspaper "due to weaker dollar" caused by inflation. No kidding, really. Same article said that the recession was over. Again, dumping an assload of money into the economy will stimulate short term economic growth, I have never argued that it wouldn't. However, that assload of money will increase inflation. High unemployment is bad, 10% unemployment hurts 10% of the population. High inflation is worse, it will cripple peoples buying power and affect 100% of the populatoin. Economics professor gave me that little tidbit. Told us that neither was good, but that she'd take high unemployment over high inflation any day of the week. Our course has been set by the powers that be, they chose high inflation. Of course the dow is up, oil is up, gold is up...it pretty much has to be. Real estate will soon follow suit again followed by everything else. We're ok for now, but the die has been cast and the future consequences of current actions have been stacked up like a brick wall in the middle of a highway.

I hope I am wrong.
Here is an interesting read from an investment adviser newsletter I received Friday.

It has a pretty decent layman's version of the risks we face today (Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation), and the differences between money supply, and money velocity, and why they are so important to distinguish between.
By Lucia Mutikani
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. retail sales rose at the fastest pace in 3-1/2 years in August and a gauge of New York State manufacturing hit a near two-year high, offering hope of a solid recovery from recession.
A separate report on Tuesday showed prices received by U.S. producers rose more than expected last month, suggesting business was improving.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday the longest and deepest recession since the 1930s was likely over.
"Even though from a technical perspective the recession is very likely over at this point, it's still going to feel like a very weak economy for some time," Bernanke said in response to questions after an address at a Brookings Institution conference in Washington.
The Commerce Department said retail sales climbed 2.7 percent after declining 0.2 percent in July. It was the biggest monthly advance since January 2006 and well above expectations on Wall Street for a 2 percent increase.
"Retail sales show the recovery is here. This wasn't just autos, it wasn't just gasoline. This was the U.S. consumer getting out of their foxhole," said T.J. Marta, market strategist at Marta on the Markets in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. "This is indisputably a good number."
The strong data pushed prices of U.S. government bonds lower, but stocks, already trading around an 11-month high on hopes of economy recovery, had trouble gaining traction and major indexes were down slightly.
Economists are generally in agreement that the U.S. economy is in the early phase of recovery from the worst recession in seven decades. But many remain worried about lackluster consumer demand, with rising unemployment decimating incomes.
The Federal Reserve will consider the data at a meeting next week at which officials will resume debate on how best to withdraw the extraordinary support they are providing the economy. One official has already questioned whether the central bank should move ahead with all its planned support.
Sales were bolstered by the government's "cash for clunkers" program, which gave consumers cash to swap aging gas-guzzling cars for new, more fuel-efficient models.
Motor vehicle and parts sales surged 10.6 percent last month, the biggest rise since October 2001. Rising gasoline prices also added to the increase in overall retail sales.
The report, however, showed strength across most sectors, with the exception of furniture and building materials, evidence that household spending, which normally accounts for about 70 percent of U.S. economic activity, was probably on the mend.
Excluding motor vehicles and parts, sales jumped 1.1 percent in August after falling 0.5 percent in July."
And US stock indexes are hitting new highs again today.
There is talk of the Treasury discussing selling CITI stock.
A few bits of news from Routers today
REUTERS — 9:20 AM ET 09/10/09

By Doug Palmer

WASHINGTON (Reuters) :

"The July trade gap remained far below the record of $64.9 billion set in July 2008, just before the global financial crisis took a huge bite out of international trade.

U.S. exports also increased for the third consecutive month in July to $127.6 billion, a rise of 2.2 percent from June.

Goods exports had their best showing since December, led by increases for autos and auto parts and capital goods."

Of course it is far below... oil prices dropped. Of that gap $24 billion is still oil.
No big surprise here........


The nation's second-largest bank, which lost $2.24 billion after accounting for preferred dividends, said its losses for failed loans came to almost $10 billion during the July-September period, up almost $1 billion from the second quarter. The bank also added $2.1 billion to its reserves to cover bad loans, bringing its provision for credit losses to $11.7 billion. The bank's total allowance for loan and lease losses sits at $35.83 billion.

The bank, which being investigated by federal authorities for its Merrill acquisition, has received $45 billion in bailout funds as part of the Treasury Departments $700 billion financial rescue package. It's not known when it will repay the government. i.e. ( TAXPAYERS )
....so much for Bernanke saying the recession was over....
unemployment is at 16%. Many who lost thier jobs , their unemployment has run out, extentions are over. This administration cares not if America is working, if they did they would stop policies that cut jobs and harm small companies. Wake up!
ecomike you ever looked at the market prices in constant dollars? with record debt the international community is bailing out of the dollar while they can, which is creating further downward pressure. as a result the constant dollar market is flat

Impact of stimulus will level off

By JIM KUHNHENN (AP) – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON — A top White House economist says spending from the $787 billion economic stimulus has already had its biggest impact on economic growth and will likely not contribute to significant expansion next year.
Christina Romer, the chair of President Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, said Thursday that the $194 billion already spent gave a jolt to the economy that contributed to growth in the second and third quarters of the year. She told a congressional panel that by the middle of next year, the impact of the stimulus will level off. Romer said spending so far has saved or created 600,000 to 1.5 million jobs but warned that unemployment will remain high, above 9.5 percent, through the end of 2010.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Hope she's wrong.......and BTW, based on Obama's Economic Adviser statement....there is $593 Billion of our taxdollars that hasn't been wasted on the ill-conceived and ear-mark filled plan, so give it back!!
What I find interesting is that this post confirms what I have heard (that most of the stimulus has not even been spent yet), and contradicts what some have said, namely that "the stimulus was a waist as it had been spent and had no effect". If 65% has yet to be spent, I find it hard to belief it won't lift us back to a 3% GDP growth rate next year kick starting new job formation that brings unemployment down finally.
But then again I am currently an optimist. :sunshine:

Impact of stimulus will level off

By JIM KUHNHENN (AP) – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON — A top White House economist says spending from the $787 billion economic stimulus has already had its biggest impact on economic growth and will likely not contribute to significant expansion next year.
Christina Romer, the chair of President Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, said Thursday that the $194 billion already spent gave a jolt to the economy that contributed to growth in the second and third quarters of the year. She told a congressional panel that by the middle of next year, the impact of the stimulus will level off. Romer said spending so far has saved or created 600,000 to 1.5 million jobs but warned that unemployment will remain high, above 9.5 percent, through the end of 2010.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Hope she's wrong.......and BTW, based on Obama's Economic Adviser statement....there is $593 Billion of our taxdollars that hasn't been wasted on the ill-conceived and ear-mark filled plan, so give it back!!
By the way Microsoft stock was up 10% and Amazon was up 26% today, in one day on positive earnings news, and projected increases in revenue, projections for the 4th quarter.
....and it is nearing holiday season, so Amazon should be earning more. Especially as more people want to save money by shopping online....

I can't wait for Windows 7. Vista is the biggest POS since Windows 98/ME. I wish the DoD would quit pushing for it to be installed on all of our computers at work....
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