The first time there's always a learning curve. It took me about 3 hours. The second time, about 30 minutes.
No, it's no difficult at all. If you have a lift, it makes things EXPONENTIALLY easier. But it's definitely still manageable on the ground. If I had to do it in the driveway, I would jack up my rig so that I could comfortably sit underneath it, and just go to town.
The AA video on youtube is a HUGE help. A few of the steps are unnecessary, but it explains everything you need to know. Keep track of your bolts, start everything by hand, and work intelligently. Drain your t-case and let it sit for a while before you try and split the halves, or you'll make a mess of things. And honestly, I would buy a new mode select spring from the dealer before you crack it open. I've had to open mine back up 3 times now to deal with staying in 4wd issues. Pretty sure I had a whole thread about it a while back. It does wear out, just replace it for the peace of mind. Once it sticks in 4wd, trust me, there's no getting it back out without opening the case. I've had to take out the front shaft twice now because of it.
Edit: Here's the part number for the spring
Mopar Part No. 04338925
And here's my thread telling of the horrors.
I didn't order the spring the first time it stuck in 4wd (idiot) and instead stretched it out a little bit, and stacked two washers on the post behind the spring. Worked like a champ for a few months until I couldn't get out of 4hi on the beach. Seems like it's failed again. Spring is in the mail...
Driveshaft removal.......