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Could it be the wheel bearing again?


NAXJA Forum User
Whenever I drive highway speed and then brake, I get this grinding noise from the drivers side front. But when I drive it after it's been sitting in a parking spot, these no griding noise. What's wierd is that I just replaced the wheel bearings last year and one side already worn out about 5 months ago so I got a used one. What's causing my wheel bearing to go out? What the heck is the noise I'm experiencing? Also I have ABS if there's anything to do with the noise. Could it be the 1.25 jks wheel spacers? Right now I have 4.5bs and I know several of you guys running the equalvilent or less.

Here are some answers and replays on JU
Have you pulled the wheel and checked your brakes?
You should post this on the OEM tech board.

I pulled the wheel, wiggled the wheel, and check the pads and rotors. Everything seemed fine to the eye. Could it be the rotor? How do you know a rotor is worm out? I got my slotted rotors last year and they seem fine now.
are you sure that its not the tires. rotors dont uually make noise.

if it is the bearing than you have to make sure. i have never changed a bearing with out verifying 100% before. for that you have to have the car in the air and since its a 4x4 than run all 4wheels in the air about 30-40mph and listen with a stethescope. you can buy one at a tool store for about $20. its hard to tell if its the wheel bearings, maybe a diff bearing or even tires with out listening under the car .jack