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Campsite suggestions?

from modesto go up why 108 to like pine crest or the clayey river area outside of long barn.

or go up why 4 towards big trees, boards crossing, lake alpine.
We were up hwy 88 out of Stockton mokulome river camp site next to lower bear res. I dont know any trails but lots of fire roads
I just did some camping up hwy 4 at Union resevoir. Its a nice area, you dont have to pay to camp, decent fishing, there are bathrooms and not hardly any people when we were there. Its right there close to slickrock too.
Take a trek up highway 4 like Jon said. Check out boards crossing or slick rock if you want to make your own campsite, or lake alpine if you want a campground. Cant beat the sierras.
Thanks guys. I was considering boards crossing, been to pretty much all the ones listed but there. Never hurts to see who knows of a low key place to chill. Nothin beats a night in the sierras with a beer and good company. Choices are work on the jeep or camp and the urge to camp is too strong this week.

I've read there is a river crossing at BC sometimes, is it high this time of year? Still haven't put my lift on or my 33s since I don't trust the Dana 35. Running 31s and about 3 inches of lift currently
Go to up between the bear valley ski resort and lake alpine and run the trail to the top of the mt reeba ridge. There are camp spots up at the top. The scenery is outstanding up there. You won't be disappointed.
I like highway 4 better the pinecrest area. Pinecrest is always packed. Lake alpine is nice or I would try what Jeep450r sugested. Also, I have always meant to spend a weekend at Spicer Resevoir but I haven't camped there yet. It has been empty every time I have driven through there and it is on hwy 4 before the other places mentioned so it is worth checking out on your way up the hill.
Yes, very easy trail. A little steep in 2 spots but if you stay to the right you will be fine. Bone stock open/open does it no problem. If I could camp anywhere on my next trip out, it would be there.

But, if that doesn't sound appealing, then spicer and union reservoirs behind slick rock look nice too. There will be more life (other campers) out there, but it is still a beautiful area. I would take the lake alpine area (spicer/union/ridge) over pinecrest any day.

The sunset from the top of the Mt. Reeba ridge is quite an experience as well.
Theres another cool place you can get to before bear valley if you follow a bunch of dirt roads. You start off on Forest Service road 7N09 near the Cabbage Patch Maintenance Station and take a bunch of different dirt roads (dont know them off the top of my head. Im sure the internet could tell you) out to a cabin called Bear Trap Cabin. Its a Forest Service owned cabin that is open for anyone to use for up to 21 days. Its pretty legit.




Upstairs (ignore the dead mouse)


Sits along a beautiful meadow

Not sure if this is the type of thing you are looking for, but it is in a killer little spot and not many people know of it. You could set up a tent right outside if the cabins sleeping area is too dirty and use the cabin/table/stove/etc during the day or as needed.
Thanks guys. I was considering boards crossing, been to pretty much all the ones listed but there. Never hurts to see who knows of a low key place to chill. Nothin beats a night in the sierras with a beer and good company. Choices are work on the jeep or camp and the urge to camp is too strong this week.

I've read there is a river crossing at BC sometimes, is it high this time of year? Still haven't put my lift on or my 33s since I don't trust the Dana 35. Running 31s and about 3 inches of lift currently

You can easily cross the creek at Boards Crossing with 31's. I took some guys through there a few weeks ago.
Thanks guys. I was considering boards crossing, been to pretty much all the ones listed but there. Never hurts to see who knows of a low key place to chill. Nothin beats a night in the sierras with a beer and good company. Choices are work on the jeep or camp and the urge to camp is too strong this week.

I've read there is a river crossing at BC sometimes, is it high this time of year? Still haven't put my lift on or my 33s since I don't trust the Dana 35. Running 31s and about 3 inches of lift currently

If boards crossing is the trail that starts from sour grass campground and parallels the stanislaus river, it should be easy with 31's. I've done it in my stock rig.
Theres another cool place you can get to before bear valley if you follow a bunch of dirt roads. You start off on Forest Service road 7N09 near the Cabbage Patch Maintenance Station and take a bunch of different dirt roads (dont know them off the top of my head. Im sure the internet could tell you) out to a cabin called Bear Trap Cabin. Its a Forest Service owned cabin that is open for anyone to use for up to 21 days. Its pretty legit.




Upstairs (ignore the dead mouse)


Sits along a beautiful meadow

Not sure if this is the type of thing you are looking for, but it is in a killer little spot and not many people know of it. You could set up a tent right outside if the cabins sleeping area is too dirty and use the cabin/table/stove/etc during the day or as needed.

thats flippen rad, i gotta check that out sometime
Theres another cool place you can get to before bear valley if you follow a bunch of dirt roads. You start off on Forest Service road 7N09 near the Cabbage Patch Maintenance Station and take a bunch of different dirt roads (dont know them off the top of my head. Im sure the internet could tell you) out to a cabin called Bear Trap Cabin. Its a Forest Service owned cabin that is open for anyone to use for up to 21 days. Its pretty legit.




Upstairs (ignore the dead mouse)


Sits along a beautiful meadow

Not sure if this is the type of thing you are looking for, but it is in a killer little spot and not many people know of it. You could set up a tent right outside if the cabins sleeping area is too dirty and use the cabin/table/stove/etc during the day or as needed.

That place is awesome... I've been there a few times but never stayed there.

Heh I have a degree in geology and the school I went too wouldn't spring for trucks, we've learned even mini vans go places you wouldn't believe. May head to boards crossing or the wild river camp site near dorrington for fishing along the river. Depends on how remote the gf wants to be. The cabin is on my to do list for this summer. Thanks for the great suggestions fellas