As of 3-15-08 0700 The BOD Usergroup has 9 primary users (no additional users)
Sean R (plus AE)
I removed Fergie and Cracker, and reset their permissions to that of Members usergroup "default" (cracker can still visit the XJ Build forum)
BOD Guest Usergroup: 10 primary users (%), 2 additional users(*)
Goatman (past Prez)*
Old_Man (past Prez)&
Woody (past Prez)*
Kudzu (SEC Rep)%
Israel (IMC Rep)%
Hayleys (MWC Rep)%
jrsxj89 (CO Rep)%
rpraterxj (SoCal Rep)%
Phil (Sierra Rep)%
Blkxjkrawler (PNW Rep)%
azdesertrhino(AZ Rep)%
goodburbon (RRC Rep)%
Missing a NAC Rep, unless Johnny is covering it... Stroker used to have access, dunno where he went or why?
Historically, Ex National Presidents have been granted access as advisors & to help transition. Also other ex-BODs may be kept around to help tie up loose ends & transition.
Don't know why Farmer Matt was still aboard... he was my VP (and a darn good one) but I culled him. Same for Ed Stevens (once was our land-use guy) Also culled XJ20, since AZ chapter had two reps.
I guess as Admins, Jeff & Randy & I can view & post wherever we need to... I removed Abstain from BOD Guest, since 'it' never screws around in there (but could if it wanted to... BTW that is my election-time AE)