NAXJA Forum User
- Location
- Atlanta, GA
So have beena member for bit. Have searched around. Trying to take down a problem with prayers of nothing major.
The issue/history
Drove it to the store for groceries & fill-up ~3 each way. Seem to "sound wierd" like a Hissing or something. But seem to drive fine. Got back home. put it in reverse to pull inot the driveway and it did not seem to "catch" like it should/normally does. But the time I look down and reached for the shifter was moving backwards. The son drives it to school the next day. I get home from work "Why aren't you at practice?" his reply "It doesn't want to go" ( Yeah I know you try being a gear head alone in this house as well. I pray the brains I know he has pays off for him later. Otherwise he'll live at home FOREVER... that is not the problem.) I go out. Start it. High Rev to start. Settles. Will not move AT ALL. Let it warm up. Check fuild. Level OK. Color brownish-red.
Let it completely cool down. Can actually move it in the driveway briefly.
CODES SCANNED - Multiple Miss-fires, Transmission Code 0756 Solenoid B.
Repairs Recently
New battery, Starter, Positive & Negative Cables, Recent steering box brace repair, NSS has been removed/cleaned/new dielectric grease/reinstalled, Plugs, Wires, Cap, Rotor, Fuel Injectors removed new o-rings installed, throttle body cleaned, IAC cleaned, CPS replaced, Oil Changed.
Have had the Jeep 1997, 4.0, 4WD, 240K for maybe 2 months.
Appears to have been driven with very questionable routine maint.
Have been chasing multiple mis-fires.
Buy 13-14 quarts of Dex III and drain filled 3-4 quarts at a time until I have swapped all the fuild in and add a bottle of red Lube Guard at the end.
AM I doing the right thing? Is there a vacuum line that feeds the AW4 and that was the hissing? Have found a AW4 service manual on-line but haven't found any vacuum reference, YET.
Thanks in advance sorry for the long thread.
The issue/history
Drove it to the store for groceries & fill-up ~3 each way. Seem to "sound wierd" like a Hissing or something. But seem to drive fine. Got back home. put it in reverse to pull inot the driveway and it did not seem to "catch" like it should/normally does. But the time I look down and reached for the shifter was moving backwards. The son drives it to school the next day. I get home from work "Why aren't you at practice?" his reply "It doesn't want to go" ( Yeah I know you try being a gear head alone in this house as well. I pray the brains I know he has pays off for him later. Otherwise he'll live at home FOREVER... that is not the problem.) I go out. Start it. High Rev to start. Settles. Will not move AT ALL. Let it warm up. Check fuild. Level OK. Color brownish-red.
Let it completely cool down. Can actually move it in the driveway briefly.
CODES SCANNED - Multiple Miss-fires, Transmission Code 0756 Solenoid B.
Repairs Recently
New battery, Starter, Positive & Negative Cables, Recent steering box brace repair, NSS has been removed/cleaned/new dielectric grease/reinstalled, Plugs, Wires, Cap, Rotor, Fuel Injectors removed new o-rings installed, throttle body cleaned, IAC cleaned, CPS replaced, Oil Changed.
Have had the Jeep 1997, 4.0, 4WD, 240K for maybe 2 months.
Appears to have been driven with very questionable routine maint.
Have been chasing multiple mis-fires.
Buy 13-14 quarts of Dex III and drain filled 3-4 quarts at a time until I have swapped all the fuild in and add a bottle of red Lube Guard at the end.
AM I doing the right thing? Is there a vacuum line that feeds the AW4 and that was the hissing? Have found a AW4 service manual on-line but haven't found any vacuum reference, YET.
Thanks in advance sorry for the long thread.