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April 5th Run to meet up with Kejtar's on the 6th


Everyone says I'm a jerk.
NAXJA Member
Torrance, CA
Okay, the run I'm thinking of is up 2NO2. I'll be doing it on Saturday the 5th, time to be discussed. The trail is easy, you can handle it in a stock XJ (even 2WD for that matter).

Keep in mine, if you're meeting with Kejtar's run on April 6th, front and rear tow hooks are required there.

If you have a CB radio I'll be monitoring channel 4 throughout the day.

A good meeting point for everybody is the Pioneertown Bowl.

Take I-10 to Hwy 62 North (Highway 62 is just East of Hwy 111)
Take 62 appx. 20 miles, you will enter the town of Yucca Vally.

Turn left on Deer Trail/Pioneertown Road (Deer trail turns into Pioneertown road, I'm not sure what the signage says these days)

Take Pioneertown road into Pioneertown. It's an old western movie set, once you get in town the Pioneertown Bowl will be on your right hand side, can't miss it.

When everybody arrives there we'll head out to the dirt.

Please reply to this post if you plan to go (you don't have to reply until the nigth before, I just want a headcount beforehand so I can get it all straightened out).

Keep in mind, the plan is to camp near the trail we will be running Sunday. In order to legally camp you must have one Forest Adventure Pass per vehicle (reguardless of how many occupents are in the vehicle). Alternatively you can find lodging at a motel in Big Bear city.
One more note. Gas up when you're in Yucca Valley, there won't be any more gas until Big Bear. From Yucca to Big Bear will probably take you under half a tank of gas.
Okay...Here we go!

Alright boys and girls, ready to get dirty?

The time of our meeting on the fifth is still up in the air, I'm ballparking between Noon and Three, I'd prefer closer to the noon side. The meeting place is still the Pioneertown Bowl in Pioneertown, CA. There is a map below with the path we'll take.

From the Pietown bowl we'll set out to Burns Canyon Road (2N02) and go up to the Big Bear area. The drive should take us two or three hours, depending on how much everybody has to go pee :). I'll bring up the front, I have a CB, I'd like whoever brings up the rear to have one as well, of course. We may deviate a bit from the path I outlined in yellow below, if we have enough time we'll take the slightly longer loop to the ending point, it's quite scenic.

The trail will let us out on the Eastern shore of Baldwin Lake, from there we'll take Baldwin Lake Road to 38, 38 will turn into 18, we'll take that through Big Bear and hang a right on Green Valley Lake Road, which is the road to the run on the 6th. There is camping there, I will call the National Forest tomorrow to make sure there is availability.

If you have any questions or suggestions fire away.

Map (Click Me!)

Where can I get this forest adventure pass? and how much is one?
You should be able to nab one at a local sporting goods store (I know that REI and Sport Chalet sell them). The annual passes run around $30, you can also get a short pass (daily, weekely, or something similar) for cheaper.

Myself I'm getting the annual, as it works in all the National Forests in California.

Get together and team up on the cost of the Adventure Pass. Have one person buy the passes and split the cost.

The basic primary pass can be agumented by two additional secondary passes, at a significantly reduced coast ($6 vs. $35). The passes can be the mirror hanger type, and purchased at the same time.

The intent was to offer the RV user one cost for the RV pass, and minimal cost for the toys or towed vehicle passes. Use this as the explaination for the primary and secondary passes.
If you can all let me know if you'll be attending this run by the end of the week I'd appreicate it. I just need to know who all to wait for before leaving the bowl.

I'm figuring departure time from the Pioneertown bowl should be between 1 - 1.30p on Saturday. We will camp near the Staging Area that Remi's run starts at.

Oh, and alternatively you can find lodging in Big Bear City of you want to wuss out on camping! :D

It's gonna be chilly... in the 30s at night.....
Snuggle up.....LOL !
Curt (aka Xtreme XJ)
I'll be coming :D
Damn straigh Kejtar! And my dad will just have to be content with the dog that's coming along with him! (Don't worry everybody..Hunter's a *****cat)
Alright, looks like our camp area will be Pinnacle Peaks. I'll have some more information for you up here too. Just talked to the ranger, the Crab Flats campground (right by the staging area) is closed, but the Pinnacle is open.

Something does not sound correct, because the Pinnacle's is an OHV staging area off of HWY 173 (a place to unload your motorcycle north of Arrowhead). This is quite a way away from the Sunday AM staging area, and has no camping (not yet).

The nearest campground is Crab Flats CG (I am surprised it's closed, it is seldom closed but is unhosted in winter with no water). The next nearest is then Green Valley CG (off the road in to 3N16 from Hwy 330).

The BB town campgrounds are open (Serrano, Coldbrook, Pineknot), and also remote Holcomb Valley CG (with no services this time of year).

The other camping option is a Yellow Post campsight. These are improved small campsights with a fire ring and picnic table, sized to handle about three vehicles and tents in a remote location. There is one close to the PCT just north of Fawnskin on the ridge off of Polique Canyon Road (2N09) that is a very short drive to grand views of the valley off of 2N71). The Discovery Center should have someone who can lead you to select a Yellow Post Sight.

There are currently no fire season restrictions so remote dispersed camping and campfires are legal (you do not have to be in an improved campground, just get a fire permit). The challenge is to find a good camp spot that is not mud or snow.

I understand BB had a light dusting of snow last night, and a prediction for possible light snow Friday night. Cold 30dF nights. The option for a warm motel in BB (or better with a hot tub) is always a choice.
did I hear you say snow... ????? I Might be tempted to pack my skis then and later on sunday detour by a resort... oh actually what am I doing deceiving myself.... this ski season was terrible.. and there is no chance that it will recover :(

Ok... on a serious note... Ed are you going to come on Sunday ? :) :)

Snow would be fun! I got the information about Pinnacle from the Ranger for the district, and he did say it was a staging area. I just didn't know how relaxed the rules are and all that. Crab Flats is closed, he said it won't re-open until mid-April at the earliest. It looks like I'll have a minimum of four vehicles (Myself, my father, Ryan S., and Marisha), although if anybody else wants to join they're welcome.

Not to ask to much of you Ed, but would you recomend any one of those places you listed in particular? I do have the Forest Adventure Pass and would gladly get a Fire Permit.

speaking of which do you think Oshaman's sells that adventure pass?
Okay, you talked me into it. I'm in! I don't think I can talk my friend into camping, but I'm definately up for a little four wheeling fun. Still meeting around 1pm?

I'll see ya there. Keep an eye out for a red '89 XJ, 3" lift, 31x10.5s, rock rails and a couple AZVJC stickers on it.

Channel 4?
