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Anti-theft steering column collar?


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
So my heep has just been stolen and recovered. Why they always take mine I don't know, theres nicer ones all over my 'hood. They must like the manual 5speed i guess. In any case, the steering column was ripped apart and started with a screwdriver. Every time the jeep has been stolen (this is the 4th time, 2nd this year) this has been the method. I am wondering if anyone makes a metal collar I can put around the steering column to prevent this from happening? I've heard rumors that somethinglike this may exist but my searched have found nothing. I have a club but of course forgot to put it on..in any case cant theives just cut my steering wheel then? Any help is appreciated. ps. I live in a city and dont have a garage so my car is parked in a different spot every nite. '91 4.0 5speed xjsport. thx
i have what appears to be very similar to that simjack one. i got mine in the mid 80s when i worked as an alarm installer. and IMHO alarms are a waste of money. but i do like the clamshell style devise. it basically clamps around the steering column and is either locked in place by its own built in locking mechanism, or a pad lock. i use one of those locks that look like a steel hockey puck. very hard to open without a key. unfortunately it is only available for the early GM style steering columns. fortunately that is what you have. once this device is locked in place, it is virtually impossible to get to the ignition switch, no way to punch it out. it also locks the column shifter in place for those that have it. and since the ignition switch can not be accessed, the steering locking pin also cannot be unlocked. so even if they get the car started, the steering pin will keep them from turning the wheel.
that said, all these devises are deterrents only. if a thief wants it bad enough and is smart enough, they will get it. but this devise i would invest in.
that "lok-it" one looks the best i think. I gues the "old gmc" model is the one the fits? I will contact them, the website is confusing and the pics arent great. Anyone have any recent experience with one of these? it looks like it would work. Ill prob get one. I need something you can see as a deterrent, shut offs etc. not really helpful as i still get my column torn up. thanks for all info!
UPDATE: For anyone interesed, I ended up buying the "Lock-itt" column lock. One piece stays on the column, and the other is added and locked with a padlock when parked. The whole unit fits pretty well- I used foam tape to snuck it up tight, no rattling. The thing is covers most of the column/ignition and is well made, solid and easy to put on and off so after checking all of the options out, I think this one was the best by far. -TJ
Yes I looked at that one as well and it looked solid. But it also looked REALLY permanent. As in, if I ever needed to do any work on anything under it I'd be screwed. The Lock-itt comes off pretty easily.
Seems your lucky charm always working.
The club works just fine especially the one that locks the steering, and at least two pedal locks. Make sure you don't forget installing it next time.

Hopefully, he solved his neighborhood problem sometime in the past 8 years...

The club and pedal locks are a minor deterrent, which is better than nothing I suppose. Thieves just take the extra minute and cut the steering wheel to get them off.
Y'all, that's either spam or an AI bot attempt. Check that name and post count.

But on that note... after the first theft/recovery I'd have installed an RFID key to disable the ignition circuit. It's like 2 factor authentication for your Jeep. Kill switches are too easy to find.
buddy of mine added a magnet activate kill switch, it will be very difficult to find, as it is behind a plastic panel, the magnet is placed on the opposite side of the panel from the switch, very stealthy

another option is several switches in series, perhaps labeling them falsely such as "fog light" or "spot light" etc.. rig them so that some must appear to be off, others on to make the jeep start, if you dont get the correct combination of switch positions, it wont start. add false dead end wires to the switches to further complicate the crooks job.

you may also, remove the distributor rotor, or a critical engine relay, maybe even swap a disabled relay so the relay panel looks complete.

Rig up a very loud alarm.

many options!

if you catch the crook in the act then.... shoot... shovel.... and shut up! (kidding of course)