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Another shooting....

Like XJEEPER why should I compromise my constitutional rights?

If congress or the president pass unconstitutional laws I will most likely ignore them. If I have to I'll move to a state where they have written laws stating they will ignore any unconstitutional law from the Feds. Wyoming is right next door. I could move there and keep my current job. I might not even need to go that far because I'm pretty sure my state will put something similar into effect.
Here's some more effective solutions:



And for that special neighbor who voted for Obama and believes we can rid the world of evil through legislation and Executive Order:

I sure hope you're not calling me or Nate conservatives. You're completely wrong if you are. Hell, I suspect most of the people on here are closer to libertarian than conservative, but I don't recall many of them saying it so I'm not putting words in their mouths.
OK, so how about this.
Mandatory liability insurance for gunowners.
You can own ANY gun you want. ANY number of guns you want. You are responsible, in civil court, for ANY damages caused by your gun(s), while registered to you. If your gun is stolen, YOU are civically responsible for damages, so hence, mandatory liability insurance. This protects/compensates victims of gun violence. The criminal who used your gun to commit a crime goes to jail.
Your ins. agent could underwrite a policy based on a number of things, like gun safety education/demonstration, gun storage, and other measures of responsibility of the owner. I suspect Dr. Moab and others would have no problem demonstrating responsibility, and would find a cheap policy. I am not worried about gunowners like that, just about what happens if their guns ever fall into the wrong hands.

I would have to buy a policy for my six shooter:laugh3:in a safe place.

How about the rest of you?

So, when a criminal steals your car & uses it to Kill someone, you’re Liable? Your insurance company pays the victim?
Amazing logic there!
Why do people who horde guns scare you? Most of them do it over the irrational fear they might lose their right to own them or they are survivalists or they have a notion that the world is coming to an end. Not one of those things make them violent and 99.99999999% of the time they have no intention of hurting anyone unless they are screwed with. So where is the problem?

Ryan, you answered the question....because they usually are irrational. Rational people are only one or two triggers away from doing something irrational. Think about how many times there has been a campfire where someone has a little too much to drink and starts running their mouths causing discontent, 1-2 too many triggers in this example drinks.

About your response to 420blackXJ; I'm fairly liberal and I can tell you without hesitation that there is only one possibly two people to blame for the tragedy, the shooter and his mother. I only say his mother based on my belief she probably had an inkling about this kids mental state and either did not lock up her guns, or provided him with the combination.

This whole debate will rage for a vey long time.
I think it's very very risky to start labeling people who may have a slight irrational fear of the government dangerous or to state they are more likely to cause harm to someone because of that.

Irrational fear of the government doesn't equate to more likely to shoot a school up.

I agree about this kids mother but for a different reason. Her situation was totally different than someone who happens to have a bunch of guns and someone breaks in and steals them, or have someone in the family suddenly snap and take them. She knew her son was a danger. Even knowing that she somehow gave him access.

If a guy breaks into your car, hot wires it, gets drunk and kills someone, that's not your fault. If a buddy has been drinking at your house, you give him your keys and he drives off and kills someone. Totally different story.
I would not blame the mother YET, Who knows what he did to her to get the guns, before he killed her?
When the authorities finally let us know what they found, we will know more about who is to blame.
Either way the mental health system in the USA sucks.
The one fact that stands about about most (Or all?) of the Mass shooters of the past 3 decades is that they were taking some serious psychotropic drugs.
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I would not blame the mother YET, Who knows what he did to her to get the guns, before he killed her?
I've thought about that too. The sad thing is if he tortured her or something to get the guns we will never know. That severely screw with the idiots ideas of being responsible to secure your weapons.
There is NO reasoning with any of you.
And all my preconceived notions about conservatives are still intact.
I wasn't worried.:viking:
you are out of your mind, i'm also guessing you don't own or know anything about guns from first hand experience. should anyone who wants to off road on government land have to get special off road insurance? in case they spill oil into a river or some other HAZMAT that needs to get cleaned up? ya know because they might kill a special endangered bug with some gear oil they spilled after changing a shaft they broke on the trail.

we have already compromised SO MUCH.... "give an inch... they take a mile" ever hear that sang before? pro gun owners are grounded in facts, not feel good laws that make no sense or do anything to prevent crime.

it all started with the "National Firearms Act of 1934"
then the "gun control act of 1968" after Kennedy was shot and about the only one that makes any sense. required background checks and all guns to have Serial numbers, also no mail order ammo sales.
after that was the "Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986" that was mostly positive but prevented future manufacture of Machine Guns that normal people can buy.
not to mention all the state regulations, the AWBs, county bans, city ordinances ect ect ect....

what you propose is exactly what they want, more crap us LEGAL gun owners have to deal with so we do not want to own them, in your case yearly insurance fees. ok then we register them.... then who is to say they won't tax us on they like they do our cars? similar to the NFA of 1934 act which put the $200 tax on certain things, the idea was they could not make them illegal but make it near financially impossible to own them. in 1934 $200 was about $3,200 in today's money.
also not to mention i guess he just put $500 mil towards some dumbass gun buyback thing, ya it's cool, we aren't in debt or anything. then again with that program i can turn 3 of my guns from $1,000 total into $6,000 to buy much better guns with hahahah.
I sure hope you're not calling me or Nate conservatives. You're completely wrong if you are. Hell, I suspect most of the people on here are closer to libertarian than conservative, but I don't recall many of them saying it so I'm not putting words in their mouths.

Ignore the labels.....he doesn't know the difference anyway.
oh so can anyone explain why gun murders have been going DOWN ever year for quite a few years now?

anyone? i mean since 04 and the sunset of the fed AWB it's gotten better actually while gun ownership has more than doubled. anyone explain that?
Why do liberal minded people like yourself always want to throw the blame on everyone BUT the person committing the crime? I shouldn't have to take extra steps to keep some thug from breaking into my house and stealing my stuff.
Yes you should; not doing so only compounds the problem for you down the road (think how this debate started, and where the gun came from - a mother with a mindset that most-likely paralleled yours -- that was in no way an insult towards you or your children).

I don't daydream of our country falling apart, but why should I not be prepared? It's not like we've seen civil unrest and mobs of looters after natural disasters and the like. You want to restrict my ability to defend my property and my life after a natural disaster?
Finally, natural disasters. That actually makes sense, and it's something I can stand behind. Certainly, not the tyrannical government bull crap you've been spoon feeding me for 20 some pages. Quite frankly, no amount of ARs or hi-capacity clips would stop the US government from thinning out its population. Especially when they can send a drone to blow up DrMoab's yellow Jeep, or just nuke the crap out of XJEEPER's neighbourhood (well... all of Utah). That's why the very notion of confronting US tyranny with personal firearms is a moot point. Natural disasters, personal defense, sport and collecting are different stories altogether.

The NRA offered to pay for it all chief. Just like they fund the gun safety programs that used to be in every school. never heard of the eddie eagle program?
Wait what? First is says there's a "nominal fee" so it's not free, and WTF does Eddie the Eagle have to do with armed guards at schools? He's not armed and talons don't count.

I am far more concerned with our fiscal collapse than any tyranny, but how do you think we arrive at tyranny? You don't think marshal law gets declared after a fiscal collapse and the masses turn on each other for basic needs like food? Before you dismiss this as a possibility I'd like to to do some research on recent history, like the economic collapse in Argentina and how people had to survive there.
Sweet Jesus, again with the tyranny. There must be a parrot perching somewhere in your family tree.

I'll tell you what, in an effort to ease your hypothetical tyrannical worries; Canada will hypothetically help you out with hypothetical rations of moose meat and maple syrup. We're allot closer to you guys than Argentina too.

The new executive orders are going to cost the federal government another 500 million dollars. Exactly what is the reward for that money? Do you really think that gun violence will be affected by this?
Honestly, I think it's too late because this matter has gone untreated for far too long (with a lack of reasonable regulations that don't strip anyone of their arms or pocketbooks of course). Than again, allot of Obamas executive orders seem somewhat productive and infringe very little on responsible gun owners:

1.Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
2.Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
3.Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
4.Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
5. Propose rule making to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
6.Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
7.Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
8.Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
9.Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
10.Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.
11.Nominate an ATF director.
12.Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.
13.Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
14.Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.
15.Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.
16.Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
17.Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
18.Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
19.Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.
20.Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.
21.Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.
22.Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
23.Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.

Ryan, you answered the question....because they usually are irrational. Rational people are only one or two triggers away from doing something irrational. Think about how many times there has been a campfire where someone has a little too much to drink and starts running their mouths causing discontent, 1-2 too many triggers in this example drinks.

About your response to 420blackXJ; I'm fairly liberal and I can tell you without hesitation that there is only one possibly two people to blame for the tragedy, the shooter and his mother. I only say his mother based on my belief she probably had an inkling about this kids mental state and either did not lock up her guns, or provided him with the combination.

This whole debate will rage for a vey long time.
I'm obliged to agree with the second paragraph.

I would not blame the mother YET, Who knows what he did to her to get the guns, before he killed her?
When the authorities finally let us know what they found, we will know more about who is to blame.
Either way the mental health system in the USA sucks.
The one fact that stands about about most (Or all?) of the Mass shooters of the past 3 decades is that they were taking some serious psychotropic drugs.
Mental health issues suck everywhere unfortunately... and preventative programs are often the victim of a weak economy.

I've thought about that too. The sad thing is if he tortured her or something to get the guns we will never know. That severely screw with the idiots ideas of being responsible to secure your weapons.
That's what autopsies are for.

oh so can anyone explain why gun murders have been going DOWN ever year for quite a few years now?

anyone? i mean since 04 and the sunset of the fed AWB it's gotten better actually while gun ownership has more than doubled. anyone explain that?
That's a very good point and question.... unfortunately, it cannot be answered since the NRA lobbies against gun research.

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6.Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.


This one was no coincidence, Here in NY where on Tuesday the Socialist Pricks banned basically everything, costing me & many other gun owners thousands of dollars in Losses, Part of the deal was NO More private sales of any firearms without a NICS check, the check can be conducted by any FFL, the cost of the NICS check is set @ $10; No paperwork needs to be completed.
Wednesday President ZERO issued the EO quoted above, In the ATF letter it states that for a private sale NICS check to be completed, a form 4473 MUST be filled out by the purchaser.
Amazing, I thought they just wanted to prevent criminals from purchasing guns? Why cause the purchaser to complete the 4473 for a private sale?

I'd bet the next set of EOs will include setting up a National database of all gun sales (4473s would be checked & entered in the database)
WHY WOULD THE GOVT. WANT TO KNOW WHERE ALL THE GUNS ARE? But we gun owners are all just paronoid!
I can't say that I agree with the costs the government is making you incur, but at the same time I can't say that I agree with your paranoia either. Consider that there are costs incurred selling your car privately as well... that transaction seldom makes you think the government is out to get your car.