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iraq bound

hey everyone i made it to kuwait safe and sound, just thought i'd give everyone a heads up to let yall know.
I just want to say good luck and come home safe. My wife was in Iraq for about a year and has been home since march. Keep it safe and like others have said tdo what you have to do to stay safe. good luck and Thank You.

ladywolf said:
hey everyone i made it to kuwait safe and sound, just thought i'd give everyone a heads up to let yall know.

Kris: Friday Night (Saturday morning for you) http://sbkradio.net/ 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm central time (I don't have time here at work to convert this for ya. Listening instructions and chat instructions are on the page. D00mz and jdu (Husband and wife) have a funny Internet radio show catered to the "PARTY" crowd.

My son is stationed in Korea and has the gang on base listening. You can also join in the chat - you have to tell them that you are overseas though. They take requests and Service members get their requests moved to the TOP of the music playlist!

A lot of fun for all - even for an old fart like me!! If you get stuck and can't get it to work, IM me and I'll help you, ok?

(note to moderation: This post is NOT in any way an endorcement for SBK - simply a suggestion for entertaining our troops)

edit: oh! :eek: and don't forget to vote, huh? ;)
hey guys made it to taji the other day, hopefully here soon i'll be up flying again. hope to talk to you soon.

ladywolf said:
hey guys made it to taji the other day, hopefully here soon i'll be up flying again. hope to talk to you soon.


dont forget for the powers that be to kick in your service exclusion.
taji has changed a lot since i was here the last trip. there wasnt hardly anything here the last time, now i'm living in a heated/air conditioned room with one other person, eating 3 good meals a day, running hot and cold water, actualy toilets, etc. . . all in all much better than the last trip. i'm now firmly ensconed in the medevac, and the guys i work with are great.
ladywolf said:
taji has changed a lot since i was here the last trip. there wasnt hardly anything here the last time, now i'm living in a heated/air conditioned room with one other person, eating 3 good meals a day, running hot and cold water, actualy toilets, etc. . . all in all much better than the last trip. i'm now firmly ensconed in the medevac, and the guys i work with are great.
Well, don't get too complacent! Habib has bombs strapped to his unnies!

Come back safe, ok? Merry Christmas, Kris!
dont worry, i dont have to work the gates. so no habibi's with bombs strapped to their undershorts for me. however, every once in awhile we do have to go pick one or two up and move em back to the epw camp, or elsewhere. the last time one guy started to take his straps off in the cabin, because of our new medevac birds, we just shifted his litter upwards till he was pinned between the litter and the ceiling. no more moving for him, plus we can keep an eye on him that way:D *evil grin* i know, we're mean. but, hey, it works.
anyhow, back to the grindstone for me, time to go back to work.
Be careful up there,
Im down here in Kuwait running the MCT,
If you come on R&R through Kuwait, Ill see you.
We run the C23s
Good Luck
ladywolf said:
taji has changed a lot since i was here the last trip. there wasnt hardly anything here the last time, now i'm living in a heated/air conditioned room with one other person, eating 3 good meals a day, running hot and cold water, actualy toilets, etc. . . all in all much better than the last trip. i'm now firmly ensconed in the medevac, and the guys i work with are great.
Yeah there's a shocker. A guy I know came up with the perfect way to describe the FOBs over there:
'I went to a Combat Zone and a Garrison broke out'

For all of those who have no idea, you have no idea of how idoitic it can be. Even as far down as MPs using radar guns to give guys tickets for speeding
ladywolf said:
taji has changed a lot since i was here the last trip. there wasnt hardly anything here the last time, now i'm living in a heated/air conditioned room with one other person, eating 3 good meals a day, running hot and cold water, actualy toilets, etc. . . all in all much better than the last trip. i'm now firmly ensconed in the medevac, and the guys i work with are great.

Sounds almost like home, wait, considering your last trip it might be better. Except for not having your jeep. Be safe over there, and we will have to get together when you come home. In case i don't get to talk to you before then, Merry Christmas.

GirlScout1 said:
YFor all of those who have no idea, you have no idea of how idoitic it can be. Even as far down as MPs using radar guns to give guys tickets for speeding
To do otherwise would encourage lawlessness. In an already unstable environment, some things just need to be taken to an extreme - wouldn't you think? If you were speeding through New Orleans and an MP stops you (from breaking the law), is this any different?
Yes, it is very different. Nailing someone for 10mph over a speed limit in a place that is wide open and blows something up every 30 seconds is dumb. Telling someone that they need to have a pressed uniform for a parade formation in Iraq is dumb. Telling someone they cannot give a 'shacka' hand wave to one of their buddies is dumb. Just an example of real dumb rules to deal with. I got lucky and din't have to fall under 98% of those rules. Though I was a 1%er that did.

I spent only about 30% of my time there on a FOB..the rest was spent outside and I was much happier not dealing with the stupidity.
ladyhawk, random kudos to a fellow soldier best wishes. hey you not a tango by chance? if so maybe you see my sorry ass one day hooah
GirlScout1 said:
Yes, it is very different. Nailing someone for 10mph over a speed limit in a place that is wide open and blows something up every 30 seconds is dumb. Telling someone that they need to have a pressed uniform for a parade formation in Iraq is dumb. Telling someone they cannot give a 'shacka' hand wave to one of their buddies is dumb. Just an example of real dumb rules to deal with. I got lucky and din't have to fall under 98% of those rules. Though I was a 1%er that did.

I spent only about 30% of my time there on a FOB..the rest was spent outside and I was much happier not dealing with the stupidity.

And to think...it was either go to jail or join the Army!
GirlScout1 said:
Yes, it is very different. Nailing someone for 10mph over a speed limit in a place that is wide open and blows something up every 30 seconds is dumb. Telling someone that they need to have a pressed uniform for a parade formation in Iraq is dumb. Telling someone they cannot give a 'shacka' hand wave to one of their buddies is dumb. Just an example of real dumb rules to deal with. I got lucky and din't have to fall under 98% of those rules. Though I was a 1%er that did.

I spent only about 30% of my time there on a FOB..the rest was spent outside and I was much happier not dealing with the stupidity.
I'm sorry, I guess I thought regulations applied to all military personnel. I wasn't aware that the rules were selective.
yep, i'm a tango. mebbe you will, ya just never know. i'm lucky though, the medevac still falls under a different division until next month. so we pretty much do whatever we want right now. and yep, its true. there are mp's on our FOB giving speeding tickets. i'm like u gotta be kidding me. the stupidity here has even gone on so far that we cannot hang out with our friends outside our trailerparks (we have lil trailers with 3 rooms, 2 soldiers a piece) and it looks like one huge trailer park. its because our chain of command is afraid back things might happen. i'm sorry, people are going to do bad things no matter what the chain of command says. oh well. well, merry christmas everyone, talk to yall again soon.

ladywolf said:
i'm sorry, people are going to do bad things no matter what the chain of command says. -kris

OOOOOOO!.......I'm telling!.....Kris is getting Jiggy wit it... :laugh3:

Hell, your CO is probably bonking one of the females on your Company.

Get Pictures. :D :D

No, seriously, get pictures!




Stay Safe Kris, and try not to speed.