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Immigrant boycot


<- Yum Chocolate
Spring, TX
We had one of ours call in today all the others showed up. So anyone else have anybody missing from work today?

In honor of the national boycott day that the illegal immigrants feel is their right to impose on the nation, I propose a boycott of my own.
I think we should all not eat at any Mexican restaurant for a month beginning on May 5th (sinco de mayo). The immigrants need American money more than we need them so lets hit the bastards in the wallet.

If we are able to get enough people to do this it can have an impact and show them that they need us too.
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Not a bright idea.

Many mexican restaraunts are not run or owned by mexican nationals.

Perhaps instead, stop selling them your used trucks.
Lets just boycott there asses back across the border.
Mexicans hold more low paying jobs then any other race and that is because of the socity they lived in. As they come here it isn't that they beat out americans for there jobs because how many of us will pick apples for 7 dollars when you can be on welfare and get more then that. Mexicans pick up the slack in America, and if they could really boycot and get all mexicans to not go to work there would be an issue with our lives. Proven fact that more americans are on welfare then mexicans working for or less then min. wage.

Having us not leave them tips or pay them less wouldn't do a thing to them because most of them are used to making less and getting less. People who have relied on money there whole live would perish during the next word disaster. Mexicans, Homes people, Tribal nations who have been making it on there own for centurys will out last us.

The mexican culture plays a big roll on our lives today, So no matter what even if we round them all back up and send them back the will still be here. We would need to be equal and kick out the Asins, Africans, And our selfs because the only true natives to this place we call america is the American Indians.

So please lets stop the ignorince(sp) and stop being so close minded and think, it isn't that hard.

Rant over back to your daily post.
goodburbon said:
Not a bright idea.

Many mexican restaraunts are not run or owned by mexican nationals.
exactlly what i was thinking...oh and i need sopapillas (sp?) on cinco de mayo

littlebluexj said:
Mexicans hold more low paying jobs then any other race and that is because of the socity they lived in. As they come here it isn't that they beat out americans for there jobs because how many of us will pick apples for 7 dollars when you can be on welfare and get more then that. Mexicans pick up the slack in America, and if they could really boycot and get all mexicans to not go to work there would be an issue with our lives. Proven fact that more americans are on welfare then mexicans working for or less then min. wage.

Having us not leave them tips or pay them less wouldn't do a thing to them because most of them are used to making less and getting less. People who have relied on money there whole live would perish during the next word disaster. Mexicans, Homes people, Tribal nations who have been making it on there own for centurys will out last us.

The mexican culture plays a big roll on our lives today, So no matter what even if we round them all back up and send them back the will still be here. We would need to be equal and kick out the Asins, Africans, And our selfs because the only true natives to this place we call america is the American Indians.

So please lets stop the ignorince(sp) and stop being so close minded and think, it isn't that hard.

Rant over back to your daily post.

What a bunch of racist crap, you have tried to sugar coat it, but a spade is a spade is a spade. Are you always such a bigot? Why do you want to make this a racial issue? Does it make you feel superior? Illegal immigration is illegal it is not about race, language or where you came from. I do not care where an individual immigrated from, If they want to come here, fly their homeland’s flag over my countries flag, upside down to boot; they need to go back home to where their allegiances are.
illegals are boycotting to get rights, WTF! I could have sworn it didnt quite work that way.
Bent said:
What a bunch of racist crap, you have tried to sugar coat it, but a spade is a spade is a spade. Are you always such a bigot? Why do you want to make this a racial issue? Does it make you feel superior? Illegal immigration is illegal it is not about race, language or where you came from. I do not care where an individual immigrated from, If they want to come here, fly their homeland’s flag over my countries flag, upside down to boot; they need to go back home to where their allegiances are.
Agreed. Illegal is illegal, I don't care who you are. Get your citizenship and then you can protest when you aren't treated equally. :patriot:
goodburbon said:
Not a bright idea.

Many mexican restaraunts are not run or owned by mexican nationals.

Perhaps instead, stop selling them your used trucks.

A lot of the mexican restraunts in my area are owned and operated by the mexicans.
littlebluexj said:
So please lets stop the ignorince(sp) and stop being so close minded and think, it isn't that hard.

Rant over back to your daily post.

Ignorance is walking out on a paying job because you want to be united with all the other immigrants.
BRIANHO13 said:
A lot of the mexican restraunts in my area are owned and operated by the mexicans.
Same here. There was an interview last night on the news with a local Mexican restraunt owner. He said, if I remember correctly, "If they don't show up tomorrow, they'll need to start protesting to recieve unemployment." :D
Starscream918 said:
Agreed. Illegal is illegal, I don't care who you are. Get your citizenship and then you can protest when you aren't treated equally. :patriot:
AGREED...i love how they are suporting criminals...and how some companys are making a joke out of this by allowing all of their employees to have the day off.
Does this mean I can't have sex with my wife? :eek:

No, means immigrant boy on cot, you're safe....

I can rationalize anything :D
littlebluexj said:
Mexicans hold more low paying jobs then any other race and that is because of the socity they lived in. As they come here it isn't that they beat out americans for there jobs because how many of us will pick apples for 7 dollars when you can be on welfare and get more then that. Mexicans pick up the slack in America, and if they could really boycot and get all mexicans to not go to work there would be an issue with our lives. Proven fact that more americans are on welfare then mexicans working for or less then min. wage.

Having us not leave them tips or pay them less wouldn't do a thing to them because most of them are used to making less and getting less. People who have relied on money there whole live would perish during the next word disaster. Mexicans, Homes people, Tribal nations who have been making it on there own for centurys will out last us.

The mexican culture plays a big roll on our lives today, So no matter what even if we round them all back up and send them back the will still be here. We would need to be equal and kick out the Asins, Africans, And our selfs because the only true natives to this place we call america is the American Indians.

So please lets stop the ignorince(sp) and stop being so close minded and think, it isn't that hard.

Rant over back to your daily post.

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZT thanks for playing...

EVERY group has started at the bottom as a group, from the irish to the italians, scots, welsh, germans, right on up the line...you want to come here, do it legal, sneak in and you're a criminal, pretty simple to me... legal - illegal
all my employees are legal and at work today. the mexican hand car wash across the sreet is closed.

I couldn't believe it when I heard employers on the news this morning announcing they are not only giving employees the day off, but they are paying them too!

the illegals need to go back to mexico and make demands of their own government for fairer treatment, not ours. then maybe they all wouldn't have to flee here.
Dirt said:
It's not immigration, it's an invasion. Watch your backs.

I have no issue with anyone coming here legally and pursuing a better life. Won't argue with that. What I do take issue with is, as Bent has pointed out, the arrogance of flying another nation's flag over our own on our own soil. This tells me that what is being asked for is not equality, but special consideration as a group in terms of nationality.

One thing that is not being made publicly-known is that much of the organisation behind these demonstrations are coming from groups such as La MEChA, or the Movimiento Estudantil Chicano de Aztlan. Known for their ties to communist organisations, their national constitution makes for some interesting, if highly-racist, reading. Looking into their ties, it's no real surprise that May Day (May 1st) was chosen to hold the demonstrations on, seeing as how this has traditionally been the big (no pun intended) red-letter day of the Communist calendar. Note that this is also an officially-sanctioned event from the fine people at Workers' World.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is himself a MEChA member from the 1970s, never having renounced that position. A lot of very interesting reading on his background (as well as that of many of his supporters) can be found here, which also includes images of the Mexican flag being hoisted above the upside-down American flag.

To reiterate: I am NOT opposed to immigration, nor do I feel this is or should be a racial issue, or even a right-vs.-left issue. But with groups and people like this organising these events, I really question the altruism behind their motives - to my mind, it has little to do with actual equal rights and more to do with taking something from others (especially the legal immigrants to this country) under the guise of the immigration issue.
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casm said:
To reiterate: I am NOT opposed to immigration, nor do I feel this is or should be a racial issue, or even a right-vs.-left issue. But with groups and people like this organising these events, I really question the altruism behind their motives - to my mind, it has little to do with actual equal rights and more to do with taking something from others (especially the legal immigrants to this country) under the guise of the immigration issue.

Well said.

I hope you didn't take my post as a racist comment.