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wierd problem with home network and DSL


NAXJA Forum User
We have DSL. we run a cat-5 cable from the modem to a linksys router. 1. computer has internet all the time. the other stops after being connected for about 8 hours. then about 3-4 hours later it comes back online. everything is setup per the router and ISP directions. i have installed new driver from my linksys ethernet card. when i am disconnected i can ping the router and get a reply and i can ping the static IP and get a reply but when i ping the web (usually www.yahoo.com) it times out.

Actually on a more serious note check your router settings. I know I have seen couple that had the abilty to control connectivity. Also are you useing any software firewalls? which operatings systems do you have on both machines? Lastly, do you have any electrical equipment by the cat5 going to the bad one that might be on at those times and not during others?
My first knee jerk is the linksys, nothing but problems have I run into from them, one of the reasons I keep 10 SMC7000's in stock, 5 4 port and 5 8 porters.
As above, OS's, are you DHCPing off the router, does the link lite go out on the card or the router.
On the box that goes down, if you open a command window, run 'ipconfig' does the network card still have an ip address ??? If you type in that same window 'ipconfig /renew or /renewall' does it get a new address.
[ifconfig is the unix equiv]
Do you have any 'deny' or 'allow' times set for that mac address ??
If you need more speciific help feel free to email me, I'm putting together my new dual xeon intel server w/server 2003 so I think I'll be here a while.
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both comps are running XP pro. the router is set to the default settings. link lights never go out just remain constantly lit. DCHP i have seen when going through the options and believe that it is selected but dont really know what it means. when i manually configure my pc wiht IP subnet mask and all that jazz and plug it into the modem and unplug the router it works fine. so i think the router is the prob but why donest the other comp ever lose the internet like me. when I lose the internet I can still access files on the other computerover the LAN.
If you can ping the router but not the I-net the router is blocking traffic -or- your PC doesn't know the correct default route to get out of your network.

Did you add the routers IP as the gateway on both PCs?
Provided that DHCP is turned on on the router, if not go to the machine that always works, open a command window and type 'ipconfig /all <enter>'
This will show you the class address you are using. Here I have my router setup to I dhcp from, are fixed and I currently have 8 boxes on the network. I have dhcp setup for customers machines.
If your main machine comes up say, gateway and a netmask of you can then plug a fixed ip into the box that goes dumb of like, gateway of, netmask, with the /all your DNS servers should also show up and you can plug them in also.
make sure that your drivers for the network card and the actual network card are good. I remember a failing network card at work on one of the servers that behind in a similar manner. For all intents and purposes from windows, it appeared to be working, but no data would go through. First a reboot was considerd a solution (before the culprit was discovered) then later it was ascertained that a simple disabling and reenabling of the network adapter allowed to get things working... lastly the card was replaced and the server was happily turning bits for us since :D