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Whirring sound need assistance

Box kicker

NAXJA Forum User
Okay, I've read some of the threads on whirring sounds and none of them seem to fully apply to my jeep.

I've recently drove from NC to CA and back 2 months ago. During my trip I broke down for an A/C Compressor that locked up; it tore up the belt and I had the whole A/C System replaced and a new belt added. I made it to good old California and back to Eastern NC. Just last month shortly upon return I started getting a whirring sound from my engine. It's similar to the whirring you hear when your power steering is out of fluid. It occurs in park and changes frequency when accelerating. I noticed today just how loud it was when I heard it from inside a store. I haven't done any wheeling lately and have been all highway driving. Any Ideas? any way to diagnose this? it's not the power steering. I know that much.
My first guess would be the mech fan is acting up. Alternator would usually be a high pitch squeal and also show other symptoms like over/under charging.
Well lets start with some basics here. What year and mileage? How's the transmission fluid look? Changed it recently?

Since you say it's loud enough to be heard while inside the store, anyway you can take a video and post it up?

Noises have a funny way of traveling. What may sound like the transmission may be something else completely different.
I'm running a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport with a 2" teraflex budget boost and HD rear leaf packs. I recently changed all the fluids except brake fluid due to a broken valve on a caliper which I'm replacing soon. I haven't adjusted the pinion angle with shims yet to rid myself of the grinding noise I get during deceleration (which occurs more frequently with A/C on and going on down hill slopes) I can take a video but have no idea on how to post it up.

As for the fan that cools the engine, it's loud but it doesn't seem to cause the whirring because the fan isn't constantly engaged as where the whirring is. I don't know about the water pump however my temp gauge is reading normal temperatures.
Upload the video on Youtube or Photobucket and then post the link here.

Water pumps can start to fail and still cool. If the bearing is starting to go, it can make some funny noises and still keep the Jeep cool...for a little while at least lol.
Well that's an impressive sound. One thing that has worked for me tracking down pulley related sounds is to grab a can of WD40 and spray at the bearing (not the belt!). When you hit one and the sound changes or goes away momentarily, that's your culprit.
Well I just replaced the power steering last year. I replaced the entire system. I know it has fluid and there's no leaks. Will WD40 grease the bearing and make the sound go away? (if indeed the bearing is the issue)?

Correct, as a diagnostic method. Changes or makes the sound go away for just a second, which allows you to identify which bearing/pulley has gone bad. I'm always bad at locating sounds just by ear.