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Which political party are you?


  • Total voters
kid4lyf said:
Yea, but it's just so damn fun. :D
What? You thought a stupid jeep forum was going to solve something? :doh:

Where else are people with differing political views going to discuss these very topics?

Generally, people of like minded views cling to one another in order re-affirm those views. Which inturn leads to the 'Us vs Them' mentality of the extreme Right and Left(which does us more harm than good as a nation). And by being able to discuss politics, queer marriage, religon . . .etc here, we fight that group mentality.

I think that's a good thing.
You mean like, us XJ owners, versus them?
I love that we aren't all alike, but we have common enthusiasm for other things, which makes us us.
Where else would a terribly rude, Atheist, liberal Republican find this?
That's why I love this club.
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I can't help it - I like to teach. Sometimes, I end up presenting entirely too much information at the time - but most people find it useful later.

Don't ask me a question if you don't have time for the answer. I'll tell you a couple variation of what will work - and why - and then several variations of what won't work - and why not. It's just who I are...

i am neither republican nor democrat, they both have their goods and bads, however other never wins, therefor i vote for the party that has their views closest to mine. those who will voice the opinion of the people and do what we want.
jpars said:
Anti-Bush Moderate Independent

Yeah, we noticed. Lose the anti-bush, it only makes you look like an idiot to all bush loving conservatives. If you were to just put "moderate independent" you could likely draw some republicans to seeing your way.

BTW did anyone notice that bush didn't lie. WMD's were indeed found in Iraq.



but.........well I know.....he's a liar, so am I, so are you, get over it. If I were president I would lie to you too, it's part of the job, and not a strictly republican trait. "no new taxes", "I didn't inhale" " I did not have sex with that woman" there are literally hundreds more from both sides of the isle if you care to dig a little bit.
Fox news reports WMD's found... Thats a shock. They are not exactally the most impartial news source. I don't think 500 left over chemical weapons is a good reason to destroy a country. I can remember a big lie from bush's first campaign. He said that he was not going to spend time and money on "nation building". "No new taxes" was a bush sr. lie. The other ones were Clinton. The Rep. impeached Clinton for lieing about getting head from a fat chick. What should we do about bush illeagelly tapping our phones?
I have stated before that I am "other", you're barking up the wrong tree. Party delusions of "illegal wire tapping", but illegal immigrants are "migrant workers" make me wonder just how ignorant people are. A few points.

1. I don't give a flip who is in office, but they had better well be doing more than tapping INTERNATIONAL phone calls to find terrorists.

2. Democrat whining without acceptable alternatives PUSHES me to vote the other way! I would have voted for a libertarian if It were not for John Kerry. I was forced to vote for the guy who at least had balls enough to stick by what he said, wether or not I thought it was the right thing, at least Bush let you know what he was really about. Kerry complained about corporations and outsourcing.....his wife is a frickin millionaire from a company who has half of their products made in mexico, WTF?

3. The democratic radio network also said they had found WMD's but that it was all the Republicans fault(of course).....DUH we gave them to Saddam, that is how we KNEW he had them. We supplied our enemies enemy in the 1980s, bad policy.

4. The typical democrat response of "Of couse FOX news reported that" is getting old. Refute the facts, not the fact that they were reported........you can't. So those weapons don't count because you prefer a different news outlet? If it were untrue the other networks would jump on FOX like flies on Poo......they haven't. I prefer NO slant, so I read a bit of everything, you would be surprised how eye-opening it can be.

I know you think I am some right wing nut or something, I'm not. Read a bit outside of your normal "box" and find that the truth is somewhere in between.
I dont think your a right wing nut... You havn't started waving a bible at me yet! So in your opinion its ok that bush ILLEAGALLY tapped international calls? Thats what the caps. seem to suggest.I know you say you'er other but both links you posted looked liked Rep. based sites. If you posted one link to fox new and another to a more liberal site (oops did i say the L word) you mite seem more "other". Im glad they found something after all this time we have been there. Its good to see my Tax dollars at work.

I am a Dem. but I dont agree with everything they say. It just seems most of the time i do.
goodburbon said:
3. The democratic radio network also said they had found WMD's but that it was all the Republicans fault(of course).....DUH we gave them to Saddam, that is how we KNEW he had them. We supplied our enemies enemy in the 1980s, bad policy.

True, but that wasn't the first time. Think back to the 1970's, with the Russians invading Afghanistan (which was often considered "The Russian version of Vietnam.")

Osama bin Laden was a key figure in the Mujahadeen (sp?), and we supplied, funded, and trained him in resisting the Russian invasion. Stinger missiles, small arms, ordnance, light vehicles - we supplied him and his boyz more than their own people did. We also trained him in "nation-building," and trained his people in tactics and operations.

Segue thirty years or so - apart from pure terror tactics, Osama and his ilk are essentially using our own playbook against us. Why he's succeeding, I'm not sure - if we trained him, seems we'd have a handle on his core tactics, no?

So, yes, we may have supplied WMDs to Saddam for some reason (probably trying to "stabilise the region," since the House of bin Saud isn't playing ball with us anymore.) Yes, we knew they were there, since they hadn't been used. Yes, it was probably a good idea to go get them back, since Husssein wasn't playing ball with us anymore. But this wasn't the first time for something like that...

I grew up thinking that because my family was Democrat then I was also Democrat. As a man of 18, I joined the Army, I started paying attention to politics and our nation. I soon realized that I was in fact a Republican. What an astounding understanding. My Father, who wasn't able to raise me the way a father should due to mental illness would, over the years, drop hints that I should change my political views, while my mother who had been a democrat all her life would argue with the television. I chose to shut it all out and ignore my great country and the privilege I had as a citizen of these Great United States of America. Through out my entire family tree, I had men that served these Great United States of America. In every war, from as far back as WWI, I had a relative willing to give to his nation. As my father passed away in 2001 I realized that the ideals of the Republican Party were my ideals. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and the moral standards that we as Christians must adhear to. I fell in love with our President George W. Bush, and I fell in love with America. For the first time in my life, I understood the sacrifices that were made to keep me and my family FREE!!! And what an awesome responsibility it is to be a citizen of these Great United States of America. The passing of a Great Man to all Americans, President Ronald Reagan, has given me greater resolve to support our President, and to LET FREEDOM REIGN in America. Thanks be to God, through my prayer and change of heart my mother has now also changed her views and become what God always intended her to be a Republican!! To those who oppose this War on Terror and the resolve to protect, defend, and help all those that are oppressed by terror, to them I say... Pray that you are never in an oppressive situation where your Freedom and Liberty are taken away. March on President Bush, March on... aaron
Here he is NRT. Can't miss him. By the way Six Ditch I have blood in every war since the Civil where my family helped abolish slavery. There are a lot of Republicans who still think that was a bad idea. Trust me we know where you are coming from just realize where we are coming from too partner. So you basically go with an eye for an eye, lets act like the Mideast countries for the last 10 thousand years and just kill any thing that doesn't read our New testament. Well shoot me down brother. We are alot different thru and thru.

sixditchoffroad said:
I grew up thinking that because my family was Democrat then I was also Democrat. As a man of 18, I joined the Army, I started paying attention to politics and our nation. I soon realized that I was in fact a Republican. What an astounding understanding. My Father, who wasn't able to raise me the way a father should due to mental illness would, over the years, drop hints that I should change my political views, while my mother who had been a democrat all her life would argue with the television. I chose to shut it all out and ignore my great country and the privilege I had as a citizen of these Great United States of America. Through out my entire family tree, I had men that served these Great United States of America. In every war, from as far back as WWI, I had a relative willing to give to his nation. As my father passed away in 2001 I realized that the ideals of the Republican Party were my ideals. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and the moral standards that we as Christians must adhear to. I fell in love with our President George W. Bush, and I fell in love with America. For the first time in my life, I understood the sacrifices that were made to keep me and my family FREE!!! And what an awesome responsibility it is to be a citizen of these Great United States of America. The passing of a Great Man to all Americans, President Ronald Reagan, has given me greater resolve to support our President, and to LET FREEDOM REIGN in America. Thanks be to God, through my prayer and change of heart my mother has now also changed her views and become what God always intended her to be a Republican!! To those who oppose this War on Terror and the resolve to protect, defend, and help all those that are oppressed by terror, to them I say... Pray that you are never in an oppressive situation where your Freedom and Liberty are taken away. March on President Bush, March on... aaron
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Well, this thread has gotten really boring.
Unsubing and moving on.
kid4lyf said:
Suck my nut.
The right one, not the left, you left wing, limp wristed, crybaby, ACLU lovin, America bashin, lazy-ass welfare recipient supportin, flag burnin, green fuel sniffin, homo lovin, God hatin, Clinton ball suckin, tree huggin, Clinton vagy lickin, pachouli stinkin, crime OKin, terrorist understandin, Susan Sarandon cheerin, enviro-terrorist agreein, Michael Moore lie acceptin, hybrid drivin, mother earth tit suckin, Al Gore ass kissin, commie pinko bitch. :moon:



goodburbon said:
Yeah, we noticed. Lose the anti-bush, it only makes you look like an idiot to all bush loving conservatives. If you were to just put "moderate independent" you could likely draw some republicans to seeing your way.

BTW did anyone notice that bush didn't lie. WMD's were indeed found in Iraq.



but.........well I know.....he's a liar, so am I, so are you, get over it. If I were president I would lie to you too, it's part of the job, and not a strictly republican trait. "no new taxes", "I didn't inhale" " I did not have sex with that woman" there are literally hundreds more from both sides of the isle if you care to dig a little bit.

Yeah, well saying Anti-Bush is just as bad as saying Bush-Loving. I don't love any President. It's a job. He or she wanted it. They got it. Now, do the work...minimize the BS. I respect the office. (Like the military: I respect the office without feeling--one way or the other--for those who fill it. Just fulfill your responsibility!)

AND last time I checked there were 535 Members of Congress who have contributed to virtually every failure & success of this or any administration.

Even labeling ourselves as Republican or Democrat is getting to be ridiculous. Too many folks are now equating being Democrat with being law-abiding or respectful of human diginity, and being Republican with being a God-fearing person and being Christian. Please. Being Republican or Democrat is about politics. About how the government should function is folk's daily & work lives.

Political parties only mix in religion or human rights when it is advantageous to them. When it comes to government, these things are a political maneuver; not a mantra. We give most favored nation status to China in spite of their human rights violations because "it's the economy, stupid."

Follow the money and you'll discover your party's political platform.

I'm an American and I vote my conscience, not my party.

I am an American who happens to be a registered Republican; but, I've been so disappointed in the folks the RNC has put up for election recently, I have not voted for a Republican President since G.H.W. Bush (The first Bush, and only the first time around). I was particularly upset that the RNC obviously wanted G.W. over John McCain...big mistake in my opinion.

BUT don't get confused, I haven't voted for any of the jokers the Dems put up either. I've been voting Independent quite a lot the past 10-15 years. That might seem like a waste to some folks, but I vote for the guy/gal I want in office.

Besides, I live in the People's Republic of Maryland. Being a Republican here basically makes you an anthema. Hell, until the last Gubernatorial election we hadn't had a Republican Governor for almost 40 years...since Spiro Agnew. Anybody around here remember him???

Voting Republican in Maryland is like peeing in the ocean and hoping it'll rise...but you do it anyway.

OK, that's enough politics.

firm follower of the third option, 5-90ism.