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What 1 Trillion Dollars loocks like

Mine was built in 1940!
It is cool though it has all the orignal doors/hardware with working skeleton key locks and what not. But still if i wanted new construction 220k at least usually.
yeah, so does ours, but we had to pull up the carpet and have to redo the hardwood. Have original doorhandles, but no skeleton keys.

Guess that extra 100k pays off, eh?
Anybody ever study in the Austrian school of economics? A lot of stuff that's been said here (i.e. let the businesses fail on their own) is right on par with what they teach. Try www.mises.org, you might not agree with all of their libertarian politics, but their economic theory is sound.

BTW, try a 1BR, 1000 SF apartment with no yard or parking for upwards of $500K... granted, a lot of people commute mass transit to NYC, but most people around me are low-income 1st or 2nd generation immigrants (mostly India).

Can't wait to move to PA and reduce property tax by 1/3! (numbers based on Bucks County, PA vs. Somerset County, NJ)
Can't wait to move to PA and reduce property tax by 1/3! (numbers based on Bucks County, PA vs. Somerset County, NJ)

And you do know that Buck's County pays the highest PA taxes outside of Phily and Pitt I believe. I live in Northampton County. Just north of Easton, I commute 60mi each way to NJ but it's worth it in the end. I have a still pretty stable job and a house I an afford.
Greed IS bred by Capitolism, and it also corrects itself and penalizes the greedy. Don't confuse greed and the desire to turn a profit.
I didn't, and don't, some other poster suggested that.

Without a profit, no one has a job. (Unless you're employed by the government) I am, but understand gov't jobs will go away without an economy . Not sure what this means, our current economy is skewed (could also read-screwed) by too many government projects, i.e. jobs. Sitting politicians want to add more, whose salaries will need to be funded by my tax dollars. I personally don't want to hire more people who operate inefficiently and add to my tax burden. It's irresponsible to look at it any differently. To turn a profit at any cost, to acquire power or position by lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating others, to never have enough of anything, this is my definition of greed.
Agreed. I still can't figure from that post how you would figure that I do. Never said anything against turning a profit, and from your response you agree with me. Greed is not a good thing. Greed left unchecked and without consequence is bad.
When a government tries to protect people from the consequences of greed (bank bailouts, mortgage bailouts, corporate bailouts, Freddie and Fannie bailouts, etc.), this is Socialism.
Yes, but also trying to protect the economy from total collapse and driving the society into anarchy. An opinion that supports taking more steps to Socialism. The cries of panic, crisis and rush to "save " the banking industry has done what? The herd needed to be thinned, and still does.

Your ignorance on the Constitution is amazing.....just because We and People are used in the same sentence with union, you're immediately seeing Socialism?
Not immediately, but it's there, how can it not be? not the economic theory, the other facets. I have a copy of the Constitution on my desk, refer to it almost daily as it weighs heavily in my job.

The common defense the founding fathers are referring to is the People, defending themselves and their God-given rights, against the government. Really and you know that for sure because? Because our founding fathers experineced firsthand the effects of Socialism and wanted us to avoid it at all cost. Don't have to dig too deep, here's a few......

"A government that is big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

"Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession."
George Washington

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. "

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin

"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office."

"Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit."
Andrew Jackson

"Money is power, and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated."
Andrew Jackson

"The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none. "
Andrew Jackson

The government was designed to be a tool to support the will of We the People. We have allowed it to make us tools to support it and in the process, our government has become a business and we are the revenue stream.

The checks and balances that were put in place with the 3 Branches of government have become disfunctional, because the Judicial branch is tolerating Legislation via litigation, instead of upholding the Constitution and the Rights of the People.

Lobbying has allowed votes to be purchased and earmarks to be tolerated because the greed of the elected officials is running unchecked.
You have the power to vote the elected people out, please exercise it......Count on it.with Capitolism in play, consequences will eventually correct this conduct. Hasn't yet. Because Democracy and Capitolism operate in parallel, Socialism and Capitolism oppose each other.

Under Socialism, this will not only continue, but will eventually facilitate the total disolution of our free-market economy.
It may happen, but I doubt it. There are other countries in this world that are more socialist than the US that are doing fine. Your opinion, not fact, based on historical data.

Great that I can still lay out my opinions just as you can misconstrue them to support your Socialist agenda My agenda is to retire to AZ, enjoy my grandchildren, live a good life and hopefully make it to heaven. Until then be a productive compassionate member of society. Didn't think you stoop to this, but it fits the MO. If that's your definition of socialism, than I agree. Socialism in neither productive or compassionate. It enslaves under the guise of compassion and equality, it tricks those that support it until too late, they find that it has consumed them.and the eventual forfeit of your rights and freedom. Can you say Patriot Act? A prime example of what happens when government bypasses proper procedure, just like we are experiencing now with the bailout BS. Like it or not, we haven't had any planes falling from the sky on our cities, have we? It should be allowed to expire.

Sorry for the thread hijack.
I'll just settle for we will continue to disagree. I'm not butt hurt over it, anymore, that's just life.

But what's this about?
Didn't think you stoop to this, but it fits the MO. [/QUOTE]