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Weird Smiley Instead of Text


NAXJA Forum User
Tried to use the word "H a s t a" in a post, the "whipping a dead horse" smiley kept appearing.

Hasta la vista, baby.
Yup, been like that for years due a turd here that over-used the term. :D
so how did lastara become the gay smiley? someones name?

by the way Joe here is the list.

If you really feel like using it you can do
it will show hasta without the smiley :)
Or you can use the tag
[PLAIN] [noparse] [/PLAIN] [/noparse]
which wont use any code between the tags.
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Probably due to the same fool causing problems. I have been doing this for over a decade, so some names may be a tad foggy.
I'm just glad I'm not losing my mind! :looney:

Well, at least no more than usual.
