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This will start some

Ecomike said:
Are you saying that being locked in cage is a credible credential for being president of the USA?

If you read his post in its entirety, you might figure out that he isn't claiming its a credential. but more an experience that would color McCain's outlook, possibly in the direction of avoiding war whenever possible.

Ecomike said:
OK, cheap shot maybe, but seriously, are you suggesting that McCain will be less likely to start a new war than Obama? One thing I am sure of is McCain would just asume stay in Iraq for another 50 years (pretty much his own words recorded on TV recently) and keep that war going, so maybe your right, he may be less likely to start a new war, just keep this one going on forever. :wantyou:
Again, taken in context, I believe what he actually said was that he'll stay in Iraq another 50 yrs if that's what it takes to finish it.

That's a favorite "trick" I've seen, quote someone only partly, take their words out of context so that it means something different and use it to claim he believes such and such and that's why he's stupid...
Ray H said:
I'll give you that. You may be on to something. During the embargo of the 70s they didnt shut us off completely though, they just cut us back, possibly because they didnt want us to go into a full out depression. I suppose what is happening now could be considered an embargo then. Hmmm, youve got me thinking a little now.

They really did not cut us off, the domestic oil companies took advantage of the 'shortage', during that shortage I saw dozens of FULL tankers from Mobil, Exxon, Shell sitting anchored 100 miles off the coast from NY to Florida for a week waiting for the price of a barrel to go up $4-5 bucks. Then the tankers would up anchor and pull in to ports to unload. When you are carrying 100's of thousands of barrels that you bought out of the aramco complex for $20, then can 'sell' it to the refinery for $25 thats quite a killing even though you have to pay each crew member an extra $500 for the added week sitting at anchor, that might come to an extra $5,000 bucks for an extra million or two profit. I would not be surprised if that was going on today.
eco-mike said:
If we don't scream load enough and put a stop to it, they will have no incentive to end the war, and even more will die. Until we get serious about packing up our toys and leaving Iraq, the Iraqies will have no incentive to reach a political settlement between the various factions there, which by the way has yet to happen! The surge was suppose to give them time to reach a settlement. They have not, and probably will not as long we keep hanging around.
Right...just like Vietnam where their generals admitted that the fighting and protesting at home motviated them to carry on.
Darky said:
Right...just like Vietnam where their generals admitted that the fighting and protesting at home motivated them to carry on.

Hit the head on the nail there. So we pulled out of Vietnam to appease a bunch of yellow bellied war protesters, which then allowed the NVA to slaughter the south Vietnamese people. Imagine how it would feel to have fought in a war like that, then find out it was all for nothing, and that because of political pressure from a bunch of socialist war protesters masquerading as American citizens.

This would be the same if we were to pull out of Iraq, and this is why J. McCain has said we will stay in Iraq till the job is done. Congress approved this war, and we should stand behind our commander and chief until Iraq can stand on their own. It's interesting to note that Iraq is now doing much better, and may actually be on its way to peace without US troops supporting it.

Funny how so many kids go to college these days and get their heads brain washed by some yellow bellied liberal professor, then go around repeating the same garbage they heard like it actually means something.
Trail-Axe said:
Funny how so many kids go to college these days and get their heads brain washed by some yellow bellied liberal professor, then go around repeating the same garbage they heard like it actually means something.

If I've said that once, I've said it a million times!
All this protesting about how many are dying (American and Iraqi) tells the terrorists that all they have to do is find ways to kill more people. Kill enough to break our will and we'll leave and they can take over Iraq. Much like Israel negotiating with the terrorists for the return of two dead soldiers. They gave back a bunch of terrorists who they had taken captive and kept alive (plus a bunch of dead ones) in exchange for 2 dead soldiers. Now the terrorists know all they have to do is kidnap an Israeli soldier and they can get whatever they want and they don't even have to keep him alive, saving a lot of hassle with feeding and securing him.
What blows my mind is the insurgents are blowing up civilians more than the troops and yet the locals keep supporting them.
fscrig75 said:
What blows my mind is the insurgents are blowing up civilians more than the troops and yet the locals keep supporting them.

Yep, and you won't find any liberal yellow bellied American war protesters traveling to Iraq to protest that.
Trail-Axe said:
Yep, and you won't find any pinko liberal yellow bellied American war protesters traveling to Iraq to protest that.
There, fixed for ya.
Drifting a little to the subject of making protest illegal.

Basically, aren't you saying that any president, any time, could start a war for any reason, and then exercise the power of martial law to prevent protests?

Now for the purpose of this subject, since it's not relevant, let us stipulate if you wish that the current war was truthfully represented, wisely entered, well planned, and thoroughly justified. Of course, if you believe that, then you're well justified in resenting protest, criticizing it vigorously, and doing your best to counteract it.

Nonetheless, are you sure you want to sign off on your right to protest the next one? What if it's President Obama? Do you trust President Obama? I don't. And you don't have to be even within a mile of the aisle between liberal and conservative to shudder at the thought of giving that kind of power to President Hillary Clinton! Just think a few years down the road, how about President Nancy Pelosi? Be careful what you wish for.

Whenever you think to yourself "there oughtta be a law," think about how that law will look in the hands of the least responsible, least intelligent person who might use it.
I believe it was truthfully represented, wisely entered, poorly planned, and thoroughly justified. However I also understand and recognize that Bush isn't necessarily responsible for the plans. That's what he has the Joint Chiefs, SecDef, Generals, etc for.
fscrig75 said:
What blows my mind is the insurgents are blowing up civilians more than the troops and yet the locals keep supporting them.

Not anymore. Sunni insurgents are coming around and working with us against Al Qaeda and the Shiite militias don't regularly target civilians so that concept doesn't apply.
Darky said:
I believe it was truthfully represented, wisely entered, poorly planned, and thoroughly justified. However I also understand and recognize that Bush isn't necessarily responsible for the plans. That's what he has the Joint Chiefs, SecDef, Generals, etc for.

X2, but I think the plan was fine. We did what we said we were going to do, and Iraq is getting better because we have a leader with a back bone. Did we make mistakes, absolutely, no way to plan for everything come game-day. But we did make changes as they were needed. Once congress approves sending troops over seas, all public protests while troops are in harms way should be considered treason.
Matthew Currie said:
Drifting a little to the subject of making protest illegal.

Basically, aren't you saying that any president, any time, could start a war for any reason, and then exercise the power of martial law to prevent protests?

Now for the purpose of this subject, since it's not relevant, let us stipulate if you wish that the current war was truthfully represented, wisely entered, well planned, and thoroughly justified. Of course, if you believe that, then you're well justified in resenting protest, criticizing it vigorously, and doing your best to counteract it.

Nonetheless, are you sure you want to sign off on your right to protest the next one? What if it's President Obama? Do you trust President Obama? I don't. And you don't have to be even within a mile of the aisle between liberal and conservative to shudder at the thought of giving that kind of power to President Hillary Clinton! Just think a few years down the road, how about President Nancy Pelosi? Be careful what you wish for.

Whenever you think to yourself "there oughtta be a law," think about how that law will look in the hands of the least responsible, least intelligent person who might use it.

I'll use my yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater analogy.

If you saw a fire, you wouldn't want to yell fire as this would cause people to be injured or even killed. You would try to alert people and stay as calm as possible to get the most people out. If panic started you would try to calm everyone and keep the order. This way you, and many, if not all would stay alive.

This is what I am talking about when it comes to protesting the war. Calling our President stupid, an idiot is like yelling FIRE because it puts our soldier in more danger than they are already in.

I am not saying that YOU are calling our president an idiot, just an example of what some people are doing.

I think, my opinion, that Americans should have the good manners/sense not to speak ill of our commander in chief, or our soldiers. Doing so puts the SOLDIERS in more danger.

A united front to the world says we are going to stay the course. We have the resources and the WILL to win. I firmly believe that if this had been the overwhelming message that we had sent to the rest of the world we would have lost far fewer troops and I think there would be a good chance we would be drawing down the troop levels, or moving the to Afghanistan.

If you were an Iraqi and you saw the protests in America you'd be a little concerned that the whiners in America were going to force the president to pull out, just like we did in Viet Nam, and to a degree in Kuwait.

So no it wouldn't be martial law it would use do prosecute people that were harming American citizens. Just like a seat belt law, DWI, or yelling fire in a crowded theater.
buschwhaked said:
Not anymore. Sunni insurgents are coming around and working with us against Al Qaeda and the Shiite militias don't regularly target civilians so that concept doesn't apply.

Doesn't apply? Tell that to the 12 people who got killed on Sunday(3Aug). Yes it has slowed down a bit but it is still going on.
fscrig75 said:
Doesn't apply? Tell that to the 12 people who got killed on Sunday(3Aug). Yes it has slowed down a bit but it is still going on.

x2. There are some places better than others, but still lots of :explosion going on. The big thing lately seems to be recruiting women and/or mentally handicapped people to do their dirty work.

But now the bigger problem is AFG...
fscrig75 said:
What blows my mind is the insurgents are blowing up civilians more than the troops and yet the locals keep supporting them.

Why does that blow your mind?
Trail-Axe said:
Hit the head on the nail there. So we pulled out of Vietnam to appease a bunch of yellow bellied war protesters, which then allowed the NVA to slaughter the south Vietnamese people. Imagine how it would feel to have fought in a war like that, then find out it was all for nothing, and that because of political pressure from a bunch of socialist war protesters masquerading as American citizens.

This would be the same if we were to pull out of Iraq, and this is why J. McCain has said we will stay in Iraq till the job is done. Congress approved this war, and we should stand behind our commander and chief until Iraq can stand on their own. It's interesting to note that Iraq is now doing much better, and may actually be on its way to peace without US troops supporting it.

Funny how so many kids go to college these days and get their heads brain washed by some yellow bellied liberal professor, then go around repeating the same garbage they heard like it actually means something.

This aimed at several of you: Please Stop posting BS and lies.

We partially left Vietnam because the war ended, and North Vietnam signed a peace treaty. In fact we still had some advisory troops their when the SV government fell. It fell because it was corrupt and gutless. It only survived as long as it did becuase we proped it up for so long. It's fall had nothing to do with the protests here, it had to do with Preisdent Gerald Ford doing nothing to go back and help when NV violated the peace treaty. The NVs saw an opportunity when Nixon screwed up and got impeached for his screw up, and shortly after Nixon resigned the NVs reinvaded Vietnam. President Ford who took Nixon's place did nothing to stop it. By the way, they were both Republicans.

We can't fight every one elses civil wars in the world, Though it would be a noble goal, we don't have the resources to do that, a hard lesson we learned at great expense in Vietnam. In case you are not aware of it, the Vietnam war nearly resulted in a civil war here.

Just because Congress gave Bush the authority to invade Iraq, does not mean they approved of his final decision to invade, or the way he and Rumsfeld managed the war. By the way Rumsfeld (sp?) and Dick Chaney (sp?) were two of the idiots that missmanaged the Vietnam war under Nixon, as well! Congress never declared war on Iraq, they gave the President authority to do that in the hopes that Hussien would get the message and finally stop stonewalling the UN. They also assumed that Bush would get more UN and NATO allie support before invading, if it came to that. I don't think Congress approved an ongoing occupation of Iraq, nore did they approve an ill concieved plan to sit it out in Iraq during an insuing civil war after we removed Saddam Hussien.

I suspect more people have died in Iraq since we invaded Iraq, than died under Hussien, not counting the Iran / Iraq war. If I am correct, it says little about our executive branch's ability to handle this kind of war.

Just like wellfare receipients will stay on wellfare as long as they can, Iraq will never truely stand on its own as long as we stay there.

Funny but during the Iran / Iraq war no one was concerned about invading either country, or stopping that war with US troops while millions died, in fact we were too busy selling both sides arms to kill each other with, while we traded arms for oil with both sides. The only show of force we made then (8 years!) was to threaten both sides if they tried to expand the war in the Gulf, as we did not want the oil flow to stop through the gulf. That war happened during the Reagan Bush Republican administration. That war ran for 8 years and durring that entire 8 years our oil interests, and flow of oil from the middle east, including Iran and Iraq's oil, never once stopped flowing to us!

By the way, many of the war protesters during the Vietnam war were Vietnam war vets returing from the war. Would you all also accuse them of treason for protesting the war that they had already served their country fighting?
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Ecomike said:
We can't fight every one elses civil wars in the world, Though it would be a noble goal, we don't have the resources to do that, a hard lesson we learned at great expense in Vietnam. In case you are not aware of it, the Vietnam war nearly resulted in a civil war here.

Really, was it ok when Clinton sent the Army into Bosnia and Kosovo? Those were civil wars.

Ecomike said:
Just because Congress gave Bush the authority to invade Iraq, does not mean they approved of his final decision to invade, or the way he and Rumsfeld managed the war. By the way Rumsfeld (sp?) and Dick Chaney (sp?) were two of the idiots that missmanaged the Vietnam war under Nixon, as well! Congress never declared war on Iraq, they gave the President authority to do that in the hopes that Hussien would get the message and finally stop stonewalling the UN. They also assumed that Bush would get more UN and NATO allie support before invading, if it came to that. I don't think Congress approved an ongoing occupation of Iraq, nore did they approve an ill concieved plan to sit it out in Iraq during an insuing civil war after we removed Saddam Hussien.

Actually it did authorize him to go to war;
The resolution requires Bush to declare to Congress either before or within 48 hours after beginning military action that diplomatic efforts to enforce the U.N. resolutions have failed.

Ecomike said:
I suspect more people have died in Iraq since we invaded Iraq, than died under Hussien, not counting the Iran / Iraq war. If I am correct, it says little about our executive branch's ability to handle this kind of war.

That is true Saddam killed between 250,000 to 290,000. Some estimates have civilian deaths as high as 600,000, though it is said that most of those are caused by insurgents, terrorists and sectarian violence. Basically they are killing each other off.

Ecomike said:
Just like wellfare receipients will stay on wellfare as long as they can, Iraq will never truely stand on its own as long as we stay there.

If we leave before they can take of themselves we will be back enventually, except the next time it might be Iran that has control of Iraq.

Ecomike said:
Funny but during the Iran / Iraq war no one was concerned about invading either country, or stopping that war with US troops while millions died, in fact we were too busy selling both sides arms to kill each other with, while we traded arms for oil with both sides. The only show of force we made then (8 years!) was to threaten both sides if they tried to expand the war in the Gulf, as we did not want the oil flow to stop through the gulf. That war happened during the Reagan Bush Republican administration. That war ran for 8 years and durring that entire 8 years our oil interests, and flow of oil from the middle east, including Iran and Iraq's oil, never once stopped flowing to us!

Actually that war started in September 1980, I think Jimmy Carter was at the helm then.