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The Final Straw on Climate Change Lies???

Speaking of air force... the AF does have MPs right? So pigs DO fly.

Speaking of air force... the AF does have MPs right? So pigs DO fly.


Used to be Army and Marine MPs, Navy SPs, and Air Force APs. All that changed by now?

A funny thing happened on the way to a global conspiracy. Reality killed it. Funny how that happens.

Not long ago people like Al Gore were jetting around the globe taking in vast speaking fees, winning awards, telling everyone that they must give up the things they enjoy to save the planet. These doomsayers all told us we were stupid if we doubted them. They knew better, you see.

These people claimed all “real” scientists agreed that mankind was destroying the planet with global warming. That we humans were at fault and the only way to save ourselves is bow down to a world government, pay lots of taxes and give up our cars, our electricity, air travel, light bulbs, blah blah blah.

The climate scam is worth trillions of dollars and who knows how many millions, if not billions have been spent to win over the public. Too bad the public is losing interest fast. People are increasingly saying it’s all made up or at best, exaggerated. You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.

The proverbial genie is out of the bottle, The cat has left the bag. There’s no going back to the lies and spin. But our friends in the media are still living a lie. It’s like they threw a party and only their mom and a few friends showed up. What was once a hip thing to be a part of, like smoking, is fast becoming a loser tattoo on their foreheads.

The public’s trust is evaporating and it’s not helping that many in the media are circling the wagons. As their ratings drop and their Nielsens tank, as the suits upstairs start laying off staff, they’re going to have to deal with reality. Something they’ve tried to deny all these years. Yes, folks. The warm-mongers are in fact the deniers.

The economy is in a down-spiral. Telling people they need to cut back is like rubbing salt in their wounds. Promising them “green jobs” is like telling a 40 year old Santa Claus is coming to town.

The climate skeptics started a snowball years ago that has been gaining size and momentum as it rolled downhill. It’s getting larger all the time. And now it’s headed straight at the media that tried to deny it. They want to pretend it will go away if they think happy thoughts (or gloomy ones as the case may be). But it’s coming at them like an unstoppable freight train and it’s almost here.

Its name is karma.
Just because the population is losing interest deosn't mean it isn't happening. Global climate is changing, that is a fact. The Arctic's summer ice recession continues unimpeded. Grammar school science, teaches water freezes and turns to ice at 32*F, Ice slowly melts at 32.5*F, slowly but it melts. Raising the oceans tempature 1/2 degree farenheit is doing the same thing.

Just because the population is losing interest doesn't mean it isn't happening. The war in Iraq is getting less and less coverage, the number of vehicles with US flag magnets made in China is dwindling...that's right, "we will never forget" became just another
sales slogan. <- Alibi on that statement...it is a generalization, there are many that WILL NEVER FORGET, yet all in all most have gone on with their lives. It has been noted that America isn't at war, the military is; America's at the mall.

Why is the population losing interest ? I believe because murders are committed, investigated, solved and tried in less than an hour. While Jack Bauer, one Badass, can stop several terrorist plots even if the terrorists have inside help in less than 24hrs.

The climate is changing, I don't know why or the cause, but I firmly believe it is changing.
The climate is changing, I don't know why or the cause, but I firmly believe it is changing.

Yep, changing all the time. Been doing that for 4.5 to 4.6 billion years by scientific calculations. I hope Earth exists and its climate keeps changing for at least another billion years--I don't want to think what it would mean if climate change suddenly stopped happening. :D :D :D :D
The Arctic's summer ice recession continues unimpeded. Grammar school science, teaches water freezes and turns to ice at 32*F, Ice slowly melts at 32.5*F, slowly but it melts. Raising the oceans tempature 1/2 degree farenheit is doing the same thing.

Actually, that ain't quite right:

"In contrast to fresh water, the salt in ocean water causes the density of the water to increase as it nears the freezing point, and very cold ocean water tends to sink. As a result, sea ice forms slowly, compared to freshwater ice, because salt water sinks away from the cold surface before it cools enough to freeze. Furthermore, other factors cause the formation of sea ice to be a slow process. The freezing temperature of salt water is lower than fresh water; ocean temperatures must reach -1.8 degrees Celsius (28.8 degrees Fahrenheit) to freeze. Because oceans are so deep, it takes longer to reach the freezing point, and generally, the top 100 to 150 meters (300 to 450 feet) of water must be cooled to the freezing temperature for ice to form."


That's what I was taught in Grammar School.
Yep, changing all the time. Been doing that for 4.5 to 4.6 billion years by scientific calculations. I hope Earth exists and its climate keeps changing for at least another billion years--I don't want to think what it would mean if climate change suddenly stopped happening. :D :D :D :D

Joe, were we separated at birth? So true!
Are you about 6'4" tall, about 180 lbs when you were 17, ambidextrous with a right master eye and a top-notch right handed shooter with shotgun and rifle, and a passable shooter with both hands with a pistol or revolver? Do you believe in the U.S. Constitution as written and as amended by law without activist judges exercising their wet dreams upon it? Do you have a razor sharp wit, and are you a real womanizer?

Hell, screw all that other stuff--are you rich? If so, HELLO BROTHER!! :D :D
Man's knowledge of what went into the Creation and the evolution of the Earth as we know it today is limited to our understanding.

If Man is so arrogant to think he can control the global climate, how about a little small-scale test for us non-believers, with facts, data and proof that the changes to our climate and our planet are purely under the control of man.

There is too much proof to the contrary.......
If Man is so arrogant to think he can control the global climate, how about a little small-scale test for us non-believers, with facts, data and proof that the changes to our climate and our planet are purely under the control of man.

You think it's impossible for humans to alter global climate?
Did you know that if we were to explode Panama into nothing and created a free-flowing bridge of water between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it would cause a global climate change.
Did you know that if we were to explode Panama into nothing and created a free-flowing bridge of water between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it would cause a global climate change.

Might be worth the change.
Nuclear Winter? Was it just a plot (and possibly propoganda) in sci-fi movies of the 50's?

Man does have the power to affect global climate change.
Nuclear Winter? Was it just a plot (and possibly propoganda) in sci-fi movies of the 50's?

Man does have the power to affect global climate change.

yes....short term. we're not that powerful.