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stupid arguments


UH-60L Jeep Chick
Clarksville TN
what are some of the stupidest things you have ever heard anyone argue over?

when I was living in our community bathroom barracks at fort lewis, there were female privates out in the hall yelling and screaming over toilet paper.

and just now my coworkers were arguing over the weight of wratchet straps and how the heavier ones are too much weight to haul in a blackhawk.
I witnessed Carmelo (cmelo) and Colin (MoparManiac) get in a yelling match about the physics of an Alabama Hot Pocket in the middle of a restaurant a couple weeks ago. We had to quiet them down before they got too out of hand.

(if you don't know what that is, I wouldn't suggest looking it up if anyone is at work)
I had to argue with my buddy about his ability to ride a bull. He 's 120 lbs. soaking wet with no bull riding training but he claims he can hang on to a 2000 lb. bull for 8 seconds. :roflmao:
(if you don't know what that is, I wouldn't suggest looking it up if anyone is at work)

haha one of my favorites!

I see students try to argue with the professors over grades all the time. Usually filled with excuses like "oh i was sick/tired/too busy/my grandma is in the hospital" blah blah blah. Bottom line is if you turn in something that sucks, you get a grade that sucks. I don't understand why people have this feeling that they should get a good grade because they would have done it right if X didnt happen to them. Total BS (n)

I also saw too bums arguing about whether or not pickles were ok to eat if they dry up
I witnessed Carmelo (cmelo) and Colin (MoparManiac) get in a yelling match about the physics of an Alabama Hot Pocket in the middle of a restaurant a couple weeks ago. We had to quiet them down before they got too out of hand.

(if you don't know what that is, I wouldn't suggest looking it up if anyone is at work)

Thanks, now help me clean the soda off my monitor before my boss notices.:laugh:
I've seen people argue and get really worked up about a picture on the internet:greensmok
I had to argue with my buddy about his ability to ride a bull. He 's 120 lbs. soaking wet with no bull riding training but he claims he can hang on to a 2000 lb. bull for 8 seconds. :roflmao:

haha a buddy of mine got married at this rural piece of property about a year ago, and a bunch of his friends from boot camp flew out to be there. we all got sloshed and went roaming around the farm at 3am, and found 3 horses and a big bull. a discussion started about how hard it is to ride a bull, and the guy from texas said "hell im from texas i can ride that dang bull" and we argued for about 20 minutes that he couldnt do it, he'd never done it before but he said its in his blood. He got about half way up the side of the bull and it bucked and tossed him right into a big pile of crap face first, just about the funniest thing i've ever seen, a 6'2 400 lb man flying through the air and landing on his face, haha.

they still call him BullSh*t :D
and just now my coworkers were arguing over the weight of wratchet straps and how the heavier ones are too much weight to haul in a blackhawk.

Like these? :


What were they planning on hauling?
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well....the stupid pic doesnt work at on the gov pc..

the ones i'm referring two are the big yellow two piece ones that are actually used to secure stuff to hemmtts and het trailers.

we are generally sposed to use the CGU2b (or whatever the stinking designation is)

we got the larger ones to secure our aircraft TDY to Hurlbert Field or up to Camp Merrill (Dahlonega). the smaller ones are sposed to be used to secure gear to the floor.

they were arguing that these other ones (which are only heavier by a pound or two) were too big and bulky (and they still fit just fine)
what are some of the stupidest things you have ever heard anyone argue over?

this almost a daily topic that my friends argue down at college: whether to get three 30 racks of beer or a keg on a weekday night. one side will argue the keg is more cost-efficent while the other side will state that its too unnecessary. this will go on right up until the liquor store is about to close and someone finally gives in

i wish i had time to argue about shiz like that :read:
I have been an admin here for over a decade... I have seen every stupid e-argument that is likely possible on a Jeep forum.
The funniest are the e-whiners that post something they should not have, then cry about it.
The saddest are those that post about how much NAXJA sucks these days, but do nothing but whine.
How about my good friend and my girlfriends mom argue if kidney stones are more painful than childbirth.

i have witnessed both....i have one better: testicular torsion. i'm a girl and that made me cringe thinking of it.
i have witnessed both....i have one better: testicular torsion. i'm a girl and that made me cringe thinking of it.

:puke: Don't even try to explain that!
Any argument between my Father and I--we were like two peas in a pod, could always see ahead to the same result, but couldn't ever agree on how to get from the start to the finish. I miss him every day.