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STA Super Lug tires


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Ocala, FL USA
I am going to need 2 tires for my MJ soon. I want to run 36's under it...but they're all pretty expensive so replacing the 2 315/75-16's I need wil be cheaper for me now...except...I've been eyeballing the 9r16 STA Superlugs and I wonder how tough the sidewalls are?

Does anyone here know how they would compare sidewall wise to one of the more normal tires we run..IE BFG MT, GY MTR, SS TSL etc? Summit sells them for a real good price so I'm real interested and may wait until I can afford all 4...the metric tires I curently have all cost the same or more than these do per tire.
I have never heard of these tires. A quick search foudn their website though. Let us know if you get them and how they do.
I'm real tempted. It's the size I want to run and much cheaper than pretty much any other new bias tire in that size...and it's cheaper than a lot of the 35ish metric tires too.

They get rave reviews in the older 4x4 market but a lot of those guys ...even though they use their rigs...dont put them through what some of us do. I was hoping someone here would have some real world input since most of you in the SEC get to wheel the harsher terrain more than I do.

It will probably be after Christmas anyway but I may just jump on them. I will have to get at least 2 new tires anyway to try to make it to the Crawl next year so...
Have you run bias ply tires before? Trailer queen? By construction bias ply sidewalls are going to hold up better to the bending/twisting/rubbing of offroad stresses. Bias ply tires are no more resistant to straight in punctures though.
Yeah I 've run TSL's in the past on my own rig and driven other rigs on various forms and sizes of swampers and ground hawgs. I've run radials and bias in Tellico at the 2 crawls (bias the first time radial the 2nd) I went to and had no issue with either.

It's not a trailer queen but only sees 150-200 miles a month of driving and thats at most...as long as I can keep my wife's scout running it sees much less than that even. If it was a DD it'd be no question as I'd stick with radials but being used nearly exclusively for trails the bias tires wouldn't be an issue.

I guess I'm just curious to know if these particular tires are as tough in the sidewall area as other more main stream bias tires...I am already guessing they are as tough or tougher than a regular radial tire would be.