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Shannon Campbells New Buggy OMG..


NAXJA Forum User
For those that dont follow Ultra4 much or even Shannon Campbell, here is what he recently threw together for his new king of the hammers domination...


You Have to at least endure the spot on the lens till the motor starts. OMG... There is a video on Facebook that just posted (cant get FB at work though so cant link it right now), of this car on the dyno today.

If you ahve Never been to a race where his past car was racing and heard it, then you really have missed, Music to the ears. Someone that follows his racing, can tell him coming from about 2 miles or so away. SUCH a distictive exhaust sound. You Know your about to get passed when you hear it...

He also has more transmission issues then anyone one other team I know of though. Hoping he can figure that out. He broke a 300M input shaft last time. MAD HP and overly aggressive driving I guess is hard on tranny's...
"this is the new car. its a new car."
"whats so new about it, whats the big deal?"
"well, its new. we just built it."

Best part is all the bud light everywhere. Everyone starts ditching cans when the camera rolls or they are just all relaoding when the camera rolls LOL..
Oh and the "we just winged it" yeah... A car as nice as that was just seat of the pants... um hum LOL
Motor sounds niiiiiice!!

We'll have to watch the next weekend at Miller Motorsports Park to see how he does.
I don't think he was ever had engine problems. Ever. And he is on rev limited A LOT.
LOL... The girl with the camera asks "You gonna turn it on for us?" And he starts stroking the tube(ing).

And I still think Petty Cash #4643 sounded more awe-inspiring the first time the motor lit... but that may have partly been because (a) I was there in person & had been working on the Jeep, and (b) because the sound was echoing off a block wall right behind the non-muffled exhaust.

But the Campbell motor starts sounding relatively legit at about 3:10, I suppose...
lol. I started 4643 in the garage yesterday, Johnny came out and asked "What the hell was that noise?" ;)

Muffled its no quieter..
Yeah well no matter how bad arse a jeep 6cyl can be, we both know its no turnkey 800hp LS motor with 2ft exh. :-)
Is yours driving yet again?
Yup. We need to clean up a little electrical and delete the factory steering column, but it was doing burnouts down the street last weekend. :)