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I think every man, woman and child should see it, and then have it explained to them why it happened. Our country is so damn un/misinformed it's rediculous, I bet most people don't even know what all or most of the charges were against him. ( And to be totally honest, I probably don't know ALL of them either)

If anybody gets a pic or vid, please post a link here.
5-90 said:
Reflect on your own childhood for a moment - I'm willing to bet you can count the number of times you were spanked on the fingers of one hand. That makes it unusual.

Oh how wrong you are. I couldnt count them on a large room full of peoples hands. I was bad and my dad was trigger happy :D My brother on the other hand could count them on his hands....hmm there may be an issue somewhere :D Hell a spanking is gone in a moment, being grounded was awful(thankfully rare too).
I wanna see the video myself.

Ramsey said:
Oh how wrong you are. I couldnt count them on a large room full of peoples hands. I was bad and my dad was trigger happy :D My brother on the other hand could count them on his hands....hmm there may be an issue somewhere :D Hell a spanking is gone in a moment, being grounded was awful(thankfully rare too).

Sounds like my dad - he was sixth out of seven (all boys...) and at least he was smart enough to learn from the mistakes his brothers made.

Lemme guess - were you the eldest, held up as an example to everyone else? I was - and held up as the example for my kid sister and all my cousins (the next one was a good five years behind me...) I still managed to avoid the strap (when deserved) quite often - however, my old man (not my dad - I just caught up with him a few years ago. Long story...) was an abusive arsehole, and I probably got whacked by him (for no good reason...) about twice a week. At least I picked up a remarkable tolerance for pain that way...

However, the fact remains that for most kids, a spanking is something relatively rare, and usually also something to be avoided. "Cruel and unusual," in these cases, works rather well.

Besides, Ramsey, I wasn't talking to you...:laugh3: You and I seem to agree on a fair amount - perhaps a sign of the Apocalypse?

I was the younger out of the two of us. Apocalypse? Not yet, but once me and Glenn get along, you better watch out.
Ramsey said:
I was the younger out of the two of us. Apocalypse? Not yet, but once me and Glenn get along, you better watch out.

Hm. Granted, methinks this world couldn't half do with a good solid disaster that government can't do anything about - it's time for some housecleaning...


I'd have tossed him off the ramp of a C17 @ 20k or so, and had his expression filmed the whole way down... into a good ole Duplin County hog farm (DZ Piggie?) and let the critters feast on the carcass. Cherry-pick the most apt images & sell commemorative t-shirts, mugs & shit through tshirthell.com

I would have bet his goons broke him out of there beforehand, but happily wrong on that score.
5-90 said:
"Cruel and Unusual Punishment"

It wouldn't be so unusual if it was used more often. That is one thing wrong with our criminal justice system, it take way too long to impliment the punishment.

This is one area I think the middle east has right, the punishment is almost immediate, how much less crime would there be here if punishment was immediate?
G.Q. Jeeper said:
I wish we all would learn from history and come to the conclusion that war is and never will be the answer. The real problem with war is that the wrong people pay the price when it comes down to brutal conflict. Make deals, not war!

In this time of war I have heard this a lot. I do not believe that war is always the best solution. I don't think it was the best solution for Iraq. However, war is absolutly an answer to a problem. War and how good of a solution you consider it is based on your criteria. As far as I'm concerned, looking at history, I would have to say I am a great fan of war and it has benifited me greatly. It gave us the rise of Europe, which gave us Britan, which gave us America, which defeated Nazi Germany, which gave me and you the ability to discuss our beliefs in a free nation.

Punching a guy in the face is not the most diplomatic thing to do. However it has been proven highly effective at shutting some one up for as long as we have been around. Our very spicies is here because of violence, but we take a quick little snapshot of time after the 60s and all of a sudden violence is horrible. And just because we are all so enlightened and peaceful now does not mean the rest of the world is willing to play by our so evolved sence of fairness. F$%^* Saddam. He is no different than any other tyrant in history that has reaped what he sowed. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
My feelings are that killing someone does solve a lot of problems. Personally I feel that he should have gotten a taste of EVERY torture he ordered UNTIL HE FINALLY KICKED THE BUCKET, hanging was way too fast and humane for a monster of that caliber.
Here in the US the death penalty has some issues, too many people have been found guilty only later to be found innocent, thats a crime, one that prosecuters and attorney generals should be brought to task for. There was no doubt about Saddam, no doubt what so ever, #$#@#$ the SOB used women and children to CLEAR MINEFIELDS by pushing them thru them at gun point during that endless Iran-Iraq war.
Things like that Duke rape debacle going on down south, for what that prosecuter has done he should be run out of town, tarred and featherd on a rail for what he has put those kids and their familys through just to get re-elected.
PDeeXJ said:
Anyone know if his hanging was filmed? That's something you can't truly duplicate. Would go down in history and people could see it. Would be dope.

in the cnn article, it said it was filmed and photographed and will be sent to the media...so i bet it will be up and available right away.

it sure won't solve or cut back any violence or problems going on in Iraq, but it sure will provide some closure and 'justice' for those who lost family members, friends, or their entire family. i know 2 Kurds that lost family members in '88 and the only closure they have had is that the id's of 2 of them were found in a mass grave. to them and many, this is a day of celebration. the man was an animal and their justice system moved fast and effectively to put him down.

i think the US was in a very tight spot with him and did a very good job keeping the situation under control while respecting their justice system. the last thing we need is another abuse controversy to fuel the fire that breeds more insurgents...especially insurgents that fight on behalf of religious extremism, ironically one that the now dead leader didn't embrace himself until he felt it would help him regain his power.
I really don't know if Saddam was a pyschopath that clawed (or killed ) his way to the top or how he got there. But my thoughts are, I'm sure he didn't do it in a vacuum and there were likely a whole lot of people egging him on, supporters and/or instigators.
There are likely a whole bunch, who are as culpable and just as guilty as he is, who will probably never have to answer for there deeds.
Aziz did as much to start the war as anybody did, with his bombast and rhetoric.
I never knew anyone who was effected directly by Hussein, but for some reason I feel I can sleep a little easier tonight. I know America has to be responsible for its actions and everything, but i personally think he should have paid a much higher price, equal of his assholeness. But I know his soul will have eternity to suffer in Hell...
Justice delayed is justice denied......glad to see this as done for Saddam, although there is no way that any punishment inflicted on him could equal his crimes.
As for sparking additional violence.....blah, blah, blah. Pick an event, any event, and somebody will say "Oh, we can't do that, some group will get offended and start blowing more stuff up!" Look at the big picture, we're dealing with folks that blow each other up to make thier point........and we should "talk to them about not doing this?" They don't understand democracy because the Middle East as a whole are still a barbaric society, with a few modern conforts mingled in that make them appear civilized.

As for the constant BS spewing by the "Hugs not War" crowd, show me one instance where this worked in history, with any long-term positive effect?

This war isn't about Iraq, or Saddam. It never was.

Look at the bigger picture, which country is a controlling force in the Middle East? We have Iran, where the radical Islamic cleric controlled government supports terrorism, openly supports and funds Hamas and openly boasts of vaporizing the Western infidels and the Zionists off the earth.........now let's see here, who could they be talking about? AMERICA and ISRAEL.

Could it be that these barbaric state leaders that hide behind their religion to justify their actions and maintain total control of their people by oppression and force.......are fearful of Democracy in the Middle East?

This is a war about natural resources, money and power. Show me a war that isn't?
The leaders of the Middle Eastern countries that oppress and enslave thier people also control the resources and the money, which allow them to stay in power. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.......and if the people organize against their oppressive leaders, the government/religion kills them.

Sounds like a great folks, and a great way of life. We should just pull our troops out and let them be......oh, I almost forgot about these: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0001454.html
BRIANHO13 said:
It wouldn't be so unusual if it was used more often. That is one thing wrong with our criminal justice system, it take way too long to impliment the punishment.

This is one area I think the middle east has right, the punishment is almost immediate, how much less crime would there be here if punishment was immediate?
I'm not picking on you, but there's plenty of evidence to show that punishments are not a deterrent to crime. They are pretty much unrelated. Punishments are for the gratification of society/victims, they do nothing to deter the actual crimes they punish...
Beej said:
I'm not picking on you, but there's plenty of evidence to show that punishments are not a deterrent to crime. They are pretty much unrelated. Punishments are for the gratification of society/victims, they do nothing to deter the actual crimes they punish...

Your point being ???? or are you one of those who think that victims have no right to some paybacks.... then tell me you feel the same way after you've had YOUR nuts roasted by a crank up telephone set... or your entire family wiped out... what amazes me is that he survived as long as he did both when he ran things and after he was caught in his rat hole. Me, I'd a cleared the rat hole with a grenade first...

They really should not have hung him like they did, trap doors and sudden stops at the bottom were too humane, they should have pulled him up by the rope so he coulda done a little dance...