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NAXJA Forum User
natick MA
good riddance!!
he can join hitler w/ getting pineapples stuck up his butt in a maids outfit.

(crap.......cant find a pic for that)
Ok flame my a$$ to hell if you will, but I don't think he should've been hung: In a part of the world where there is so much violence, this will just fuel more killing. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, just that him rotting in a cell is not a compelling a reason for terrorists/militiants/nutjobs etc to take action against innocents (or not so innocents) but think how much anger you could rile up talking about a "great leader" (I'm sure someone is convincing themselves of this now) being hung by the occupying force.
He probably deserves it, but others, who certainly don't deserve to be killed will die as a result.
Let the flaming begin
This is without a dought a very touchy subject....

Did Saddam deserve to die? you bet. There is no place for a brutal dictator like Saddam here on earth.

Will the world be a safer place without him? no chance. The problem with Terrorism is that it cannot be stopped, Iraq and the middle east is no better off now that he is gone, its just that when it comes to radicals and religion there are many more "Saddams" out there.

I wish we all would learn from history and come to the conclusion that war is and never will be the answer. The real problem with war is that the wrong people pay the price when it comes down to brutal conflict. Make deals, not war!

I pray for all those who lost thier lives in this dark time in our history and hope that one day, a future generation will come to realize that life is the most precious thing on earth and there are more brilliant ways to solve conflicts.

Although our two contires did not see eye to eye on this particular conflict, I am sure at the end of the day we all beleive in peace and respect of our fellow man.

Anyways guys I thank God everyday that I have the freedoms and choices that many do not!

Happy New Year and lets all hope for a little more wheelin' time in '07 with good friends and family!

rcnerd said:
Ok flame my a$$ to hell if you will, but I don't think he should've been hung: In a part of the world where there is so much violence, this will just fuel more killing. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, just that him rotting in a cell is not a compelling a reason for terrorists/militiants/nutjobs etc to take action against innocents (or not so innocents) but think how much anger you could rile up talking about a "great leader" (I'm sure someone is convincing themselves of this now) being hung by the occupying force.
He probably deserves it, but others, who certainly don't deserve to be killed will die as a result.
Let the flaming begin

Depends. Saddam Hussein may have ideologues following him, but he isn't considered a "spiritual" leader over there, so it does reduce the calibre and quantity of nutjobs following him.

I don't have trouble with him being executed.

Now, if we manage to capture bin Laden alive (doubtful, but maybe...) I can see more advantage to sticking him in Pelican Bay for a while - or some other "supermax" prison in isolation - rather than executing him outright. Executing bin Laden would make a martyr out of him, which will only have the effect of motivating the ideologues following him.

Ron White said:
I am certain that Osama bin Laden is spiritually prepared to die for his cause. I am equally certain that he is ill-prepared to like grape jelly out of Thunderdick's butt crack for the rest of his life...

Another factoid important to recall is that Hussein was not tried under Western law - in any Western nation. He was tried in Iraq, under Koranic law, and execution, maiming, and amputations are reasonably common punishments there.

And, I'd really prefer if you not start the "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" debate. Any punishment, for any transgression, by its very nature must be cruel and/or unusual - to a certain extent - elsewise, it just won't work. Reflect on your own childhood for a moment - I'm willing to bet you can count the number of times you were spanked on the fingers of one hand. That makes it unusual. I'm also willing to bet it hurt - inflicting pain is a form of cruelty. Punishment is a matter of "cruel to be kind" - you inflict pain upon an individual in order to prevent a greater pain being inflicted upon society. Pain is a mechanism hardwired into us by thousands of years of evolution - and I am inclined to think that if we were to replace incarceration with flogging for many milder crimes (most misdemeanours and some minor felonies,) we'd see a drastic reduction in crime rates overall.

It is the prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishment" as a blanket policy that is destructive to society as a whole - parents knew this wholesale as of 20 years ago, but that knowledge is rare to-day. Now, witness the decline of societal order and the decay in the social contract (search for this one, I've discussed it with others in deptch) - I think this is a direct result of what I've mentioned previously.

I don't think that hanging Hussein is a method of catharsis for society in general (the fact that it is is incidental to this discussion,) but it is a means to prevent a yet greater harm to society.

My only real regret on this matter is that it wasn't done fifteen years ago - if not earlier than that. We had the assets and intelligence to round Hussein up in 1991, so why didn't we do it then?

Anyone know if his hanging was filmed? That's something you can't truly duplicate. Would go down in history and people could see it. Would be dope.