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Rubicon Express Control Arm Bushings


NAXJA Forum User
NAXJA Member
Santee, CA
I had replaced a set on my lower super-flex control arms under warranty prior to their bankruptcy, but they started exhibiting the same issue(clunking when changing directions) as the old ones in less than 6 months(probably only 1500 miles). The bushings had wallowed out again. I ended up replacing the lowers with some adjustable arms with factory bushings on one end, and a "Johnny Joint Style" joint on the other, and gave the RE arms to my dad.

Does anyone know if the "new" Rubicon Express, has remedied the issues they were having with the control arm bushings wearing out prematurely? They are touting their PTMEG(polytetramethylene ether glycol) as the solution to the previous problems.

Should he use the Daystar poly bushings, or give the new RE bushings another try?
Rubicon Express went Bankruptcy?, I didn't know that.......

I don't think it was a legit bankruptcy, I heard it was a partnership that split and sold. and they had to close and inventory so that the accounting could pay the people the right amount to close the deal with the new owners.

That's what I heard.

anyway.. Ontopic..

I've got Superflex RE lowers. and I've only ever had to change the upper rubber bushings. bought them and installed them in 2004, ran them on two different RIG's now and they are still in good shape. Somewhere around 40 to 50k mi on these lowers and I only had to replace the rubber bushing once.

You sure they are/were installed and tightened correctly?
I've got Superflex RE lowers. and I've only ever had to change the upper rubber bushings. bought them and installed them in 2004, ran them on two different RIG's now and they are still in good shape. Somewhere around 40 to 50k mi on these lowers and I only had to replace the rubber bushing once.

You sure they are/were installed and tightened correctly?[/QUOTE]

Yes, installed and torqued when the vehicle was on the ground, not axle dangling in the air.

Evidentally they had issues with there bushings, somewhere in between 2008-2010. A bad batch(probably a bad supplier), where the formula did not have the correct characteristics. I am guessing that they didn't throw them away, and sent me some of the old batch again when I had my warranty issue.

I know there were threads here on NAXJA, but I am having trouble finding them. See page two for an e-mail from RE confirming they had an issue with the bushings.
RE is owned by 4 Wheel Parts. But looks like they fixed the money problems and parts are available again. Just picked up a couple flex joints today.