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Project: #becauseracecar


Extremely rough mock-up of side skirt idea. ABS e36 m3 clones. Love it? Hate it? Deal with it. Just need to shorten them about 6". And still need to remove those nasty blue stripes...


Waiting on the parts and time to do this. Should be running around 5.5-6psi boost with an m62 supercharger. Still contemplating the idea of running a second m62 on the other side... Probably going to dyno n/a (with a CAI and header-back exhaust), then put on a single m62 and redyno, and then maybe add a second m62 on the other side for more boost and redyno again (probably won't add a second supercharger for a while though). Only time will tell how crazy we decide to get with this thing.
Composite monoleaf rear springs weigh 17.8 pounds for the pair. They are rated 250 lbs/in. and have 2.75" arch. They should be nearly 'flat' when mounted. If not low enough, will flip them over and have the arch go upwards and use shackles or blocks to adjust for the right amount of drop.

Current stance/drop measurements- tires 24.75" diameter

Front- 30.0" ground to flare, 5.0" tire to flare, 18.0" wheel centerline to flare
Rear- 29.25" ground to flare, 4.125" tire to flare, 17.5" wheel centerline to flare

Hope to drop 3.75" Front and 3.0" Rear

Transmission crossbrace/mount to ground 7.25", 'FrameRail' to ground 10.0"
Will need to make a flat transmission crossbrace.
That's exactly what I mean. Like the limited model, but with the white instead of the chrome grille. Here's an example:

Hmmmmmmmmm.......... Very tempting.. I might try some Rustoleum Gloss white on some trim pieces to see how I like it. Might give the illusion that the Jeep is lower than it is.. Lol. If not, I can always repaint the trim with Satin Black. :D

Anywho... Teaser update. Got a box of stuff. I seriously can't wait to finish this thing and autocross it. (tried it once in another car and now I'm hooked) :worship: There's a local SCCA event at the end of the month... Guess I have a deadline now. :cheers:
LOL. Boy you guys just can't get enough of rimmers' kool-aid. We saw his kit on ebay and nearly pissed ourselves laughing. I, personally, love how it funnels the output port of the M62 into a TB port roughly 1/3 its size. LOL, so much fail.
Lol. I didn't say we weren't going to modify the kit... :shhh:

But we will be using the 7th injector for fueling.
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Yeah, you'll modify it like your sprintex.. only this time you'll add a dummy M62. The best part in that box of crap is the ziplock bags.... everything else belongs in the trash can. What a joke. Everybody knows Rimmer's a goddamn crook and you two saps keep giving him money.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions.. But it's our money and our project. In the end, we're going to do whatever we want to this Jeep and supercharger kit. :D
It's not my opinion, the internet's littered with folks ripped off by Rimmer. He's ruined more crap than Carzilla, and you two keep supporting (and defending) this POS.
Not defending, we just like hardware that has the potential to be entertaining for us. We have no brand loyalty, we are not afraid to modify things, and we do this all for fun. Cheers. :cheers:
The internet is full of 'Wantabes' and 'know it alls'. Perfect example by Yan.
Your worthless opinions are just that.

Libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation.

Slander n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. Slander is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit.
Its only considered libel and slander if it isn't true.
Actually that is not true, ask your lawyer.
NAXJA can also be included in his acts. When is this yahoo going to be banned. His behavior is jeopardizing this forum/site/organization.
I've covered this with attorneys a few times. Its only libel or slander if it is not true.
In general, there are four defenses to libel or slander: truth, consent, accident, and privilege. The fact that the allegedly defamatory communication is essentially true is usually an absolute defense; the defendant need not verify every detail of the communication, as long as its substance can be established.
For example, in the United States, first, the person must prove that the statement was false.

Now stop playing armchair attorney.

Can you please keep it technical and call each other idiots with numbers and facts, rather than purse swinging?

I am saying this here because I would rather say it once (this time...) rather than get in a four way he-said she-said PM debate about it.
And with that, this thread is done.

You two keep your crap back channel and off the forums. Both of you are getting long in the tooth on this badgering stuff.

Actually that is not true, ask your lawyer.
NAXJA can also be included in his acts. When is this yahoo going to be banned. His behavior is jeopardizing this forum/site/organization.