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Prater for Prez!!!


NAXJA Forum User
Lake Forest, CA
Hello gang,

I want to thank those who nominated and supported me. I also want to wish all of the candidates the best of luck!

Here is a little info about me:

Robert Shane Prater
Born Oct. 24th, 1972
Gainesville, GA

I am 35 yrs old, I have been married for over 12 years, have a 4 yr old son. I am originally from a small town in Northeast Georgia. I served 4 yrs in the US Navy. I have been in Southern California for 14 years.

I have been into Jeepin for about 5 years. I officially joined NAXJA in Oct of 2003. I own a 2000 XJ (mine) and a 2000 TJ (hers).

Why me?

I am a huge supporter for NAXJA and the offroading community. I have volunteered and helped at several NAXJA events, including helping with raffles, ticket sales/money collection, organizing and leading runs (official and unofficial), and promoting events (emailing folks, posting on other groups).

I have held several working parties and organized many meet-n-greets. I believe the fellowship we have is what makes this group awesome. I have made many friends and learned an invaluable amount through this network. I try to pass on things I have learned and help newbies and veterans alike.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to attend all of the M&G's and runs that I wanted to or even said I would. I will be attending more this next year!

As your President, I will promote more runs to include most everyone. I know not everyone likes Big Bear, JV, or Calico. There are so many options within a couple of hours drive of So Cal that we should be able to provide a variety of options.

I wll also work closely with the BOD to promote more meet & greet oppportunities throughout the group. In addition to the "normal" attendees, I will encourage folks to bring new people. In addition to M&G's, I would implement a couple of "formal" club meetings a year, may a northern one meeting and southern meeting.

I will work on expanding NAXJA in our communities. What does this mean? My thoughts are this, things like food drives, clothes drives, toy drive and such. We can have collection points within areas where we donate as a club. This can raise awareness and show that offroaders, especially NAXJA, are giving people. Additionally, teaming up with other off-road clubs may prove beneficial. It could open up more wheeling opportunities, more friends, and bigger turnout at events, which in turn, would increase the fund raising.

Another thing I would do as your President is support the national club and BOD and represent SoCal as the premier group! I will work closely to ensure you guys are well informed of things at the national level. I will also work closely in planning the HUGE Fall Fling event next year in Moab.

I think we have some of the greatest folks in the wheeling community right here. I truly enjoy watching friendships grow, new folks come in and be welcomed, work parties to teach people about thier Jeep, and the families that are starting to get involved.

I know this is a large post, but I could go on about all of the things I love about NAXJA and things I would liek to see happen.

Finally, as your President, I promise to listen to each of you and reply to PM/e-mails. This place, this club, could not exist if it were not for all of you (us). This is OUR club, let's get it to where WE want!

Please vote!
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nice post Robert!

Just some questions about your opinions (not for me per se but good general "caucus" questions):

1. Do you prefer quantity or quality regarding membership drives?

2. What do you see are the 2 biggest issues with the SoCal chapter and how would you deal with them?

thanks and good luck!
djblade311 said:
nice post Robert!

Just some questions about your opinions (not for me per se but good general "caucus" questions):

1. Do you prefer quantity or quality regarding membership drives?

2. What do you see are the 2 biggest issues with the SoCal chapter and how would you deal with them?

thanks and good luck!

Thanks Josh!

1. I think quantity membership drive is only good for financial reasons. It is financially good for the club, but it could result in less active members.
Quality membership to me means that people pay to join the group because they want to support it. They will support the group by being involved, attending meetings, work parties, and trail runs. Additionally, quality members provide knowledge or attempt to help others. So I would prefer QUALITY membership drives, BUT I would not shun folks away because the may not want to be active, but they do want to support the group.

2. I think there are several issues, but the most of the issues I see revolve around membership involvement. By involvement, I mean attendance at official runs and events (adopt-a-trail), posting in threads, helping others, and being active. In posting, sometimes responses to posts are in a negative nature or can be mis-understood. Also, folks seem to choose a "side" whether it's hardcore buggies, or 3-4" lifts. This is fine and dandy, but there should be an acceptable level for all folks - newbies, stockers, small lifts, buggies, and everything in-between. There are some folks that will wheel with anyone, anywhere, but a larger group is less willing. I think that we all started somewhere as a newbie and some veteran accepted us and helped teach us and help get us where we are. I think it would be great for the more experienced folks to step up more often and help out, whether it's to lead an easy run to installing brakes for someone who does not know.

This brings another idea, learning clinics! I think it would be great to have clinics to help people learn how to do repairs and such. Maybe a welding clinic, lift clinic, basic maintenance, etc...

I hope this provides a little more insight to my views.
Jump This said:
Damn.....its a shame to find out you are gay.....



:dunno: not me.....
Jump This said:
(spreading right wing rumours....)

Oh, I just thought you were disappointed..... that I am NOT gay.....

I will not hold that against you and I would still like your vote!

Gerr said:
Robert is one of the most active and most helpful guys running for office this time around. You my friend have my vote

Thank you sir!

While posting replies is other folks threads, I figured it would be great to voice the ideas here with my viewpoint:

Club membership - I answered Josh's question earlier and read all of the candidates responses. I think that if you put all of the responses together, you would get the perfect answer! A large, active membership is the goal of almost every club. I think that folks need to welcome newcomers and not shun folks that may not or can not participate.

Land use/awareness - I just posted in Remi's thread. Land awareness is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. Many areas throughout the country and state could face some type of closure. Remi's idea of folks taking scenic pictures and writing small stories then submitting them to local papers, magazines, or even business newsletters can help educated folks on the beauty of this land. All types of trails are included in many areas.

Meetings and events - I think there needs to be more involvement from the members from the begining. To have a successful event, even a M&G, it takes work. Spreading the news, finding a location, getting folks to commit. I think the new BOD should really solicit ideas and help from the group. Sequoia plans the Adopt-a-Trail mostly alone each year. Though he enjoys it, I think more folks can help out in preparing as well as showing up to work the trail. I support Geoff and his dream of multiple trails adopted by OUR group.

I know there is alot of things on your mind. Please type up your ideas, concerns, and questions for all of the candidates to review and comment on. This is OUR club and we should have a say into how it is ran!
rpraterxj said:
Meetings and events - I think there needs to be more involvement from the members from the begining. To have a successful event, even a M&G, it takes work. Spreading the news, finding a location, getting folks to commit.
Very good point, and I hope you'll forgive me for making another point here as well. While BOD position is not an 8 till 5 job, it does require some work to get folks to start doing things on their own. Look how long it took me to get other folks to start scheduling M&G's in OC. So whoever ends up being on BOD, this is a call to all the members and participants: participate and join in on the fun :D
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You guys need to quit with all this touchy feely crap and start slingin' some mud like a real election.
Kejtar said:
that dude... Karstic... he's a web wheeler :D

Hey, trash him in your thread...... :rattle:

I am not a Democrat so why trash someone?

If you like me and think I will be a good president (and I will be), vote for me.

I will provide beer to those that vote for me (the Republican way, buy votes...)
Kejtar said:
looking at the shadows you've photchoped this one ;) :D


Look at the rest of the album.:moon:
Kejtar said:
Hey... I saw what you drink... I wouldn't call that a beer ;) :D

Why are you so prejudice?

I will drink beer with anyone, but not necessarily the beer they drink. I don't hold it against them if they like Coors, Bud, or whatever.

Personally, I like micro brews, darks, wheats, stouts, and some pales. I will drink Corona with LIME. A good double bach is enjoyed occassionally. Not much for other bitters though. Now, I have enjoyed the beers you have introduced me, but I can't pronounce them or remember the name.

I look forward to Goatfest and trying soem homebrews..... I hope to start learning and brewing a little myself next year.

And for those folks that don't drink, I'll toast your favorite soda any day.....

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: