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Paul Ryan VP


NAXJA Member # 13
NAXJA Member
Wasatch Range
Great move, Mitt. I prefer Ryan over Romney for POTUS, maybe in 2016......gonna make a great team. I see much good for America on the horizon.
Interesting that two northerners neither with military experience make the announcement on a battleship named after a northern state in the south.

pssst...for all you slow leaks, I do realize where Congressman Ryan is from
I've been researching this subject today as a matter of fact.
Interesting that two northerners neither with military experience make the announcement on a battleship named after a northern state in the south.

pssst...for all you slow leaks, I do realize where Congressman Ryan is from

What does the absence of military experience have to do with it?

What in your mind does North VS South have to do with it?

If elected, these two will represent ALL of us, not just Some of us.

The appearance on the USS Wisconsin is symbolic. Personally, I think the USS WI should be docked in Manitowoc with the WWII sub and the WWII Tug :D
What does the absence of military experience have to do with it?
If I wanted to be sarcastic I could say,"As opposed to the current Pres. and Vice-Pres."

Actually, I was just reading on another web site: This is the first election since 1944 where a veteran isn't on the ticket somewhere.(Link to article at Hotair.com)

They ask the question, "Does it matter?" I think it does. I think it's hard to understand the military if you haven't been in it. That's not to say ANY veteran would make a good CIC.

I think most people spend a lot less time thinking about what state/region the candidates are from then the press does. Most of us don't care where they're from/where they're living now.
If I wanted to be sarcastic I could say,"As opposed to the current Pres. and Vice-Pres."

Actually, I was just reading on another web site: This is the first election since 1944 where a veteran isn't on the ticket somewhere.(Link to article at Hotair.com)

They ask the question, "Does it matter?" I think it does. I think it's hard to understand the military if you haven't been in it. That's not to say ANY veteran would make a good CIC.

I think most people spend a lot less time thinking about what state/region the candidates are from then the press does. Most of us don't care where they're from/where they're living now.

Interesting statistic.

The reason I don't find it important, other than an interesting statistic is that the position of President or Vice President for that matter is more than C&C of the Armed Forces.

Their main role is not Military Strategy, Weapons Specialist, Naval Officer or even a combination of any of those things; they have advisers for that and the entire chief of staff for support.

No, their main role is to Lead. To define a direction and work out how to best move in that direction. That means working with a broad spectrum of experience and using all their political acumen.

Do you gain political experience by serving in the Military? Or is it your total life experience that gets you that knowledge?

What kind of Military Experience did FDR have? None, Zero, Zip. Yet he was a Leader in a time when this nation needed one the most. He inspired people to do great things in a time of adversity. I have to wonder what experience he tapped into that enabled him to do this?

Further, I wonder what experience the present candidates have that would inspire the people to do great things in this time of relative adversity.
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Sure won't be representing me.
Interesting that two northerners neither with military experience make the announcement on a battleship named after a northern state in the south.

pssst...for all you slow leaks, I do realize where Congressman Ryan is from

Pathetic attempt.......
Ah, well I've always been an easy fish to catch. I am one of those wonderous people who, unless given other clues, will always interpret the exact letter of your word to be what you mean.
What does the absence of military experience have to do with it?
Nothing, just the 1st time in my life time this has occurred.

What in your mind does North VS South have to do with it?
You haven't spent much time in the south have you?

If elected, these two will represent ALL of us, not just Some of us.
Just like the current administration does, and the adminstration before that.

The appearance on the USS Wisconsin is symbolic. Personally, I think the USS WI should be docked in Manitowoc with the WWII sub and the WWII Tug :D

Would it have fit through the locks and made it into the Great Lakes? Are there locks around Niagra Falls?
The south is Awesome, Boatwrench! Some of the nicest people in the world, even when they don't have a pot to piss in.
The south is Awesome, Boatwrench! Some of the nicest people in the world, even when they don't have a pot to piss in.

I just looked back at my posts trying to find where I said the people weren't nice. Just as I thought couldn't find it.
Or the "Happiness is a northbound Yankee" bumpersticker......and I hate to break it to you Flexed, you're a Yankee too.

Yeah, I know. Which is why I don't own a rebel flag! ;)