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Obama's personal connection to Cap and Trade legislation exposed


NAXJA Member # 13
NAXJA Member
Wasatch Range


“While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

Obama's espousal of cap-and-trade, a system that is intended, among other things, to increase the price of fossil fuels and force their replacement by energy sources that produce less greenhouse gases, has drawn fire from many economists as a huge energy tax that will weigh heavily on an economy that is already in steep recession. The price tag has been put high as $2 trillion dollars over eight years.

That figure, nearly three times higher than originally projected, was given in a White House briefing to Senate staffers last week and reported by US News and World Report and the Washington Times.

The scheme has also drawn attacks from 28 U.S. Senators, including West Virginia's Robert Byrd and Michigan's Carl Levin, both Democrats, who have criticized Obama for floating the idea that he would attach the measure to the current budget reconciliation process, to avoid a filibuster in Congress.


Joyce Foundation – A group founded in 1948 that took a sharp turn to the left after it's founder, Beatrice Joyce Kean died in 1972.

Barack Obama – President of the United States and one time Board member of the Joyce Foundation. Largely responsible for creating the Chicago Climate Exchange by funneling money to it from the Joyce Foundation.

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) – An exchange dealing exclusively with Cap and Trade passes, techonology, etc. It was formed largely due to Obama's role as Board member on Joyce Foundation. Obama oversaw the funneling of money from that foundation to the CCX as well as to an entity headed by Bill Ayers' brother.

Valerie Jarrett – Senior advisor to Barack Obama and current Board member on the Joyce Foundation.

Al Gore – Founder of London-based Generation Investment Management (GIM). London also happens to be in the same country where climategate broke. GIM owns 10% of the CCX.

Goldman Sachs – Banking giant that, like Gore, owns 10% of the CCX. Also worthy of note is that at least six former Goldman Sachs executives work inside the Obama administration while Congress puts on a dog and pony show, publicly chastising other Goldman execs about their supposed complicity in the financial crisis.

Franklin Raines – Former head of Fannie Mae. While there, Raines used taxpayer dollars from Fannie Mae to purchase cap and trade technology.


In recent weeks, Goldman Sachs has become the scapegoat of sorts for the failing economy, though there are many to blame for the recession, including and especially “Fannie and Freddie.” In fact, Goldman Sachs is scheduled to appear before the Senate today to answer for their misdeeds. But why Goldman Sachs?

If Goldman Sachs was truly the enemy, then why are the following Goldman Sachs people working for Obama’s administration:
  • William Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve of New York, is a managing director and partner of Goldman Sachs;
  • Gary Gensler, chairman of Commodity Future’s Commission, spent 18 years at Goldman Sachs;
  • Mark Peterson, chief of staff to Timothy Geithner, is a former lobbyist for Goldman Sachs;
  • Philip Murphy, nominated for ambassador to Germany, is a former Goldman executive;
  • Diana Farrell, Deputy Director to the National Economic Counsel, was formerly with Goldman Sachs.
These are just a few of the many Goldman Sachs associates that can be found in the Obama administration, but the question remains:

If Goldman Sachs were the true enemy, and if the company has proven that it cannot be trusted, why would the federal government maintain these people in their positions?

The answer involves the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). The CCX is self-described as “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases with global affiliates and projects worldwide.” Currently, this exchange is voluntary, but apparently, not for long if the Democrats have their way.

In a nutshell, “cap and trade” is a system that redistributes wealth from successful companies to less successful companies. Heavily supported by the now-defunct Enron, a company that was guilty of fraud on a massive scale, it enforces regulations on gas emissions by forcing companies that emit more gas to give money to companies that emit less gas.
It is Marxism at its best. President Obama admits that if enacted, this system will cause electricity rates to “skyrocket.” Don’t believe me? Look it up!

How does all of this tie together? In 2001, the CCX was provided with grants by the the Joyce Foundation, though where their money comes from remains unclear. The Joyce Foundation also gives money to John Ayers, Bill Ayers’ brother, and George Soros’ Tides Foundation. Beck describes the Joyce Foundation as “a place where the uber-rich and powerful liberals dump their money so they can spread their cash around to their pet projects without any direct link.”

There was one member of the board for the Joyce Foundation, active from 1994-2002, who was particularly influential and made sure that the Joyce Foundation funneled funds to the Chicago Climate Exchange at the time the CCX was created, around 2001. This influential member became the middle-man that virtually orchestrated the entire convoluted relationship between the investors of the CCX. That member’s identity will be revealed shortly.

The founder of the CCX, Richard Sandor, has publicly stated that this climate exchange market will be a 10 trillion dollar a year industry. When this was announced, the London-based Generation Investment Management, created by Al Gore and boasting the membership of people like David Blood, Mark Ferguson, and Peter Harris of Goldman Sachs, purchased a stake in CCX and is now the fifth largest co-owner of the Climate Exchange.

Recognizing the potential profits of this industry, in 2006, Goldman Sachs purchased 10 percent of the company.

All of this came together because of that middle-man, the influential member on the board of the Joyce Foundation. Can you guess the identify of that member? It was President Barack Obama.

To push this agenda, a Global Climate Bill is necessary, but fear not, for the “cap and trade” bill is being worked on by both Democrats and Republicans, and is nearly 1,400 pages long.

Additionally, the machinery to facilitate the new industry is vital, but luckily for us, the patent for the equipment has been purchased by Franklin Raines, accounting fraudster and former CEO of Fannie Mae. In case you forgot, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were primary facilitators of the mortgage troubles in the United States. This patent was approved on November 7, 2006, just one day after Democrats took control of Congress.

Former Fannie Vice President Scott Lesmes is famous for the purchase of risky mortgages, which were bundled together and resold to investors as mortgage-backed securities. Guess who is in charge of the carbon-trading system and plans to use a similar system of “bundling”?



I've said this till my jaw hurts, Cap and Trade legislation was never about helping the planet, it was always about creating fear, uncertainty and doubt to extort money and redistribute wealth....or should we call it what it really is, Marxism.
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Mom voted Obama...and every day is regretting it. I pointed this out to her a couple days ago and she literally frowned. It was her full realization that there are no political parties, there are only the People vs. Government.

It's been 17 months since the financial scandal that resulted in entire life-savings being wiped out. No one's been arrested. And now Goldman Sachs is being painted as the bad guy. There are plenty of bad guys to go around. This question led us to show you what has turned out to be a wormhole of bad guys: the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Here's a quick review of what we've covered so far, to get you up to speed:

Cap-and-trade — what is it? It's the trading of puffs of air. Company A pollutes more than Company B. Company A must pay a fine, which is transferred to Company B, who earns a credit. The companies continue to pollute the exact same way, it just costs Company A more and Company B gets rewarded.

If I am going to build this into an industry, I need a to-do list:

First we have to put together a carbon exchange:

While Obama was on the Joyce Foundation board, the group steered $1.1 million in grants instrumental in developing and launching the privately owned Chicago Climate Exchange.

Now we need investors:

Al Gore's company — Generation Investment Management — is the fifth largest shareholder in the Chicago Climate Exchange. Gore's company has several former Goldman employees on the roster.
Then Goldman Sachs steps to the plate and buys 10 percent of the combined company.

Next we need the technology:

Fannie Mae, under the leadership of the Franklin Raines, purchases patent on system to trade residential carbon credits that was described as "how carbon and other pollutants yet to be determined" would be "combined into a single emissions pool" and traded — just as Fannie's toxic portfolio of subprime mortgages were. It appears Raines wasn't content with destroying only the housing market.

So you have the same crooked people who have contributed to the financial meltdown — Goldman, Fannie, socialists and out and out crooks — actually trying to "fix" the economy and the environment and, oh boy, believe me the fix is in.

Now we need the law:

Well, the law is cap-and-trade. Remember when cap-and-trade was supposed to happen right after health care? Well, immigration has Congress' attention now, so let's skip ahead to:

The cover:

Al Gore has been pushing cap-and-trade for quite some time. Obama has been pushing it as well. Many on the progressive left want it. Why? If it's about the environment, cap-and-trade is a proven failure. It's been tried it in Europe: failure. Now, a voluntary system — the Chicago Climate Exchange — is tanking.


Because you can't get people to voluntarily buy air, when there's plenty of air to go around. It's scam. It's like being at the beach and selling people a bucket of saltwater. I'm three steps away from the ocean — it's free.

The entire green movement can't stand on its own two feet and the only time anything green ever gets money is when it comes from government. Even some of the top scientists who believe in global warming say this won't do anything to stop companies from polluting. They'll just be paying a little more for it and companies like Enron were scheming to make money off of it — they even lobbied for cap-and-trade.

Some of the eco groups don't even do what they promise. The Vatican found this out when they became "carbon neutral," but not one tree was planted in Hungary's so-called "Vatican forest" for offsets. Who scams the pope? You want to know about warming? I got "eternal warming" for you.

So the question is: Why is it still being pushed?
The redistribution of wealth and to enrich the corrupt.

We did a little digging and followed the money and the answers tell a familiar story. And before we get going on this, I just want to warn you: If there's one thing I'm learning about progressives, they really like creating groups. They've got tons of them and it seems they just pass the money from one to the next. It's almost like money laundering.

It's why health care can pass: You don't know what the hell anyone is talking about and everyone always sounds so happy. Words and names of groups mean nothing. Unfortunately for them, people's faces still matter. We know them by reputation.


At stake is a market seen growing to more than $1 trillion by 2020 if the U.S. adopts a scheme to cap emissions and trade allowances on an open market, according to an estimate by consultancy Point Carbon.

But growth has stalled as Washington focused on health care and financial regulation, while last December's summit in Copenhagen produced little in the way of tangible plans from other big polluters like China.

While Europe has run a cap-and-trade system for years, prices have been volatile as the European Union grappled with how to parcel out credits.

Earlier this year the market was rocked by a rogue trading scandal centered on trading already-used carbon credits.

The news out of Europe is that Deutsche Bank and several others have been raided in a C02 swapping tax evasion scheme.

This is amazing news because the carbon market -- a concept beloved by both banks and environmentalists -- is still nascent.

No, we don't yet know how this is going to play out but really the fact that a market that's barely gotten off the ground is already drawing suspicious of tax evasion is very damning, and suggests that banks can't be trusted if the market ever gets huge.

Stepping back, because European carbon market rules were badly constructed, plenty of companies -- not just banks -- are already making a fortune -- merely by virtue of the fact that slow business has meant they've easily come under their goals.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/here-are-ten-companies-that-are-making-a-killing-on-european-carbon-swaps-2010-3##ixzz0mcnsNIi9


Let me cut through the bullcrap.......

Obama and his Marxist pals want to profit by taxing our air.

It's a global scam that they want in on and the only way they can make it work in the US is by making payment into the system manditory VIA Cap and Trade Taxation on manufacturing firms.....which means every single product or good that we need in out lives will cost more, so they can trade air for a profit.
Direct quotes from Joel Rogers, who helped draft the current Cap and Trade legislation:

ROGERS: "I sort of think of carbon at this point would invite you all to think of carbon not just as another commodity that's we'll be willing to let people bribe us to spend but think of it more like a neurological poison like mercury.
And in the same way that you wouldn't say, "Okay, if you give us the money, we'll let you expend more mercury into the atmosphere."

I wouldn't get too excited about the money aspect of the carbon. You can do everything in the U.S. to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and it won't make much of a dent actually.

I hope you all realize that you could eliminate every power plant in America today and you can stop every car in America. Take out these higher powered generation sector, take out all of the transportation sector and you still wouldn't be anywhere near 80% below 1990 levels. You would be closer to 60%, around 68%. And that's bringing the economy to a complete halt basically. "

"On the dimensions what attracts me about the opportunity is not just its size, which is difficult to overstate, but the fact that given its extent, it really extends our politics from just a redistributive politics into the organization of the economy itself. It really is concerned with production."

Cap and Trade legislation will give the US Government....not the Government that our Founding Fathers created under the US Constitution, but the "evolved" New Party version of the US Government.....the ability to have complete control over the economy and magnify their goals of wealth redistribution and social justice.

Wealth redistribution and social justice are two terms that CANNOT be found in the US Constitution.

Wealth redistribution and social justice are clearly defined goals of Marxism.

It's OK folks, you know, those of you who voted for Obama.....thinking that he was going to take our country in a different direction....it's OK to admit that you screwed up and didn't realize that Obama was a Socialist puppet in a Democrat wrapper.

The important thing, now that the wrapper is off, is to do everything in your power to take back the Democrat Party from the New Party Socialists that have infiltrated their ranks and are pushing their Socialist agenda and policies forward.

Same goes for the Republicans.