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i can only hope as a charger fan that the NFL takes a strong stance on this horrible cheating scandal and forever bans A.J. smith and Norv Turner forever from the nfl :nono:
Seahawks are all over the place. Not much hope for us winning the division this year.

Killing it in fantasy football however... let the ridicule begin
I'd like to start off by saying that I dot give flying **** about sports. In fact, THE fact that we pay ppl millions to entertain us while the working man dies pisses me off. That being said, my dad used to take me to Niners practices when I was a kid and I still got a ball signed by Rice and Young plus the rest. Niners fan till the day I die... Even if I can't name a single player on the team... Cept for Kyle "butterfingers" Williams, I remember that one
Everyone go ahead and put your money on the 9ers they are gonna take it this year! Quote me on it, you heard it here first folks..
Some serious bullshit calls by these refs. And I cant stand Cris Collinsworth, worst ****ing sports announcer ever, forces me to watch the game on mute. I got tired of hearing about how bad he wants Russell Wilson ****.

He's not any worse then Joe Buck. Hell when Buck started he didn't even know the football had 2 points on it and now he comments as if he's in the coaches head and only he knows what he's thinking and why he did what he did.

As far as coaches are concerned, the athletes have become bigger than the game! The players think they are bigger than the franchise,or the head coach. What I am about to say is or may not be the case at San Diego I don't know but when a coach is fired because the player does not like him or get along with him,something is wrong with the chain of command! I have been a high school football coach for 17 years and have experienced a lot of the behind the scenes drama that occurs that the general public doesn't know about. School principals can be like owners or managers, parents can be worse than players or think their kid is better than he is. Kids can think they are better than they are! The worse thing than having an uncoachable kid is having his parent fueling him with ideas that he is an NFL prospect when he may not even make a division II travel team. Coaching at a small school & private is a little easier than the bigger higher division schools because most kids at that level know their limitations. I have had the blessing of having sent 3 players to the NFL only one survived but most of the others that did not play at the next level did go to school to graduate. That is the greatest satisfaction I have ever experienced to have my grown players see me on the streets or Face book me telling me how they are doing or thanking me for pushing school so much!

While I'm at it go Vikings! Sad for my Jets too much unproven NFL hope placed in Sanchez. I know right now, they are not a Super Bowl team but at least I'm realistic!
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