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NEED / WTB - Medium Fern Green Fender (front passanger) UPSTATE NEW YORK


NAXJA Forum User
ANYONE within reasonable distance from BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK (zip: 13905) that has, knows of, or is aware of a junkyard that has MEDIUM FERN GREEN Cherokee (XJ) please let me know. I need Front Passenger Fender and possibly the hood depending on price. The front passenger fender is most important to me. I have checked the local junk yards here and although 2 M.F.G. Cherokees have come into the yard, 1 ate a tree on the front passenger and the other was literally the day after the accident & 2 weeks after reconstructive hip surgery and I couldn't get them... by the time I could do anything the XJ was stripped.

If you need to contact me please PM me with any insider information and I will give you my cellular & email... Thanks & let me know how much this is going to cost me and I will see how much I even have to spend.

My whole Jeep WAS absolutely spotless and 1000% rust free but obviously that isn't all true anymore :smsoap: Here are some things I need...

1) MEDIUM FERN GREEN PASSENGER FRONT FENDER : I currently have a baby blue / powder blue fender that I got for free.99 in meh condition. For what it would cost to fix the imperfections then prep / paint for something that might not me 100% match I was hoping I could just buy one and bingo bango boom be done with it...

2) MEDIUM FERN GREEN HOOD: I currently have a black hood in meh condition that I haven't been able to punch the hood bellhouse lever rivets which I can survive leaving black for now but for the right price I might be interessted (remember I'm f'unemployed...)

In late April a box truck blew through a red light at an intersection and owned me at 60 mph. This was 2 weeks after reconstructive hip surgery and 1 week before I got laid off from my job of 4 years. Needless to say between all that & more, I didn't / don't have the money for professional fixings. I did some back yard handy mechanics and have been driving it with 0 issues since but my issue is having a not to easily found color... Everything on the front passenger side was F'd up beyond words but I make lemonade after the box truck handed me jack shit... The officer deemed it no-fault as he knew the prick who hit me regardless of having an off duty police officer as a witness. So I have $0 dollars and to top it off lost my job a week after this whole crap... Been waiting over 6 months to just have my normal ride back but still feel like I'm rolling around in a Jalopy...