Overall the trip was a great success. I feel like the jeep did great considering it drove out and home under its own power and had minimal issues, even only being its second trip.
We met a lot of cool new random folks on the trail. I was admittedly turned off by the 100's in the hills event, and couple of rented jks we ran into on poughkeepsie, just based off of attitude and lack of concern for others. I guess some folks just do it differently. And it was cool to see those big things lug around all that gear over the trails.
Got to deal with the FS down there, and aside from a few crazies in UTV's tearing things up or going off trail, the area seemed very well managed. Cant wait to get back out there and see what other trails i can see.
My Durango I left at my folks got hammered by the hail in the springs so coming home to that wasnt fun at all. But the raffle winnings from saturday night eased the pain a little.