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Motion to recall Chapter pres

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seems kinda fishy...

although considering the issues that membership has been having, it seems plausible.

is there any way we can check it out?
it just seems odd that after a week of being called and texted by folks (including me) warning him that his membership has lapsed that all of a sudden he's wanting to fix it now that this thread has been posted. it seems like someone let him know that this process is moving forward and now he wants to do something about it.
While your bylaws do say you need 100% for a recall quorum, you also have the option of a unanimous BOD vote with the recalled BOD member abstaining.

Even if you can't vote on this motion brought by a member, your chapter BOD has the option of voting internally to recall a BOD member.

Yup. Carol and Karstic can push this through.

let's get moving on.....it's been a crappy 18 months so let's make up for it.
Let's get this done, I for one don't think its fair that other people are picking up the SoCal Presidents slack and he is just along for a free ride.

John I think you are a good guy but you need to learn when its time to throw in the towel.
shouldn't the Bylaws be re written to make it 2/3 of all votes, not the SoCal members? that would make more sense considering its next to an act of God to get 1/2 to vote let alone 100%...

By the way, I feel the VP is doing a great job at it all ready!!! Keep it up!!!!
shouldn't the Bylaws be re written to make it 2/3 of all votes, not the SoCal members? that would make more sense considering its next to an act of God to get 1/2 to vote let alone 100%...

By the way, I feel the VP is doing a great job at it all ready!!! Keep it up!!!!

Either Stephan or Geoff. Since Stephan is already VP, maybe it would make more sense to promote him and nominate Geoff to fill the rest of the term for VP. Either way is fine with me, seems like they're both doing the job anyways.
Either Stephan or Geoff. Since Stephan is already VP, maybe it would make more sense to promote him and nominate Geoff to fill the rest of the term for VP. Either way is fine with me, seems like they're both doing the job anyways.

Its not a matter of what makes sense, really.

The ByLaws say that Stephan gets promoted, and then we do nominations and an election for a new VP.

And I would nominate Sequoia for position of interim VP, to keep the reality unchanged. He & Karstic have been the driving force behind a lot of the "better" that's been happening around here.
I just deleted three threads, sorry I meant to say posts, not threads..

They had no bearing on the discussion of the recall of the chapter President.

Please maintain the focus of the thread.
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He is Black again, no proof he collected the free year from the membership drive in 2012... he needs to step down or the SoCal board needs to move on this.... Sucks but it is what's best for the club and chapter....

Direct quote.....


There is no record with membership (I checked myself) that you, or anyone else for that matter, claimed the membership from the membership drive from 2012.

If you can prove otherwise, please PM me.

mac 'spent the last 4 hours searching' gyvr
Carol and I spoke on the phone earlier this evening. We will talk again tomorrow night. This is not something that we are entering into lightly.
it just seems odd that after a week of being called and texted by folks (including me) warning him that his membership has lapsed that all of a sudden he's wanting to fix it now that this thread has been posted. it seems like someone let him know that this process is moving forward and now he wants to do something about it.
I texted him in hopes that he would resign before it came to this, so he can save some face. That pretty much backfired on me. When i asked him why he doesnt just resign, he said if someone could come up with a good reason why he should, then he will. I pointed out the obvious reasons and that didn't seem to go anywhere...
Sorry if this was supposed to be a secret and i let the cat out of the bag, i just really thought this might be the reality check he needed to decide to step down. :doh:
Carol and I spoke on the phone earlier this evening. We will talk again tomorrow night. This is not something that we are entering into lightly.

He was lousy at the job when he was a member of the club, and now he absolutely refuses to renew his membership based on a claim that he should have won a free membership.

..if he had done his job as president, there would be some record of him having won it. At this point, delays are just letting our chapter membership down.
Sorry if this was supposed to be a secret and i let the cat out of the bag, i just really thought this might be the reality check he needed to decide to step down. :doh:

no secret at all, I just thought it odd that he finally decided to do something about it when this thread popped up. it shouldn't take something like this to light a fire under his ass.
..if he had done his job as president, there would be some record of him having won it. At this point, delays are just letting our chapter membership down.

Sadly I think you've just nailed it..... Why doesn't there seem to be a record of him winning the renewal? If that record exists why isn't it available yet?

President of the chapter to a high degree is an administrator. He doesn't have to do everything.... well he actually can do next to nothing as he can delegate BUT one thing that he should do is make sure that records exists and nothing falls through the cracks....

Another nail in the proverbial coffin would be matching funds from national for 2012....
Honestly Grimm, even If he re-upped, I think its too little, too late.

He has made it clear that he chooses to use his free time pursuing other interests, such as the VFW. Nothing wrong with that, but if that is his priority, why should the membership make him a priority?
I gave it one last try. seemed to work, probaby after he slept on it and reality soaked in. he's working and cant get to a computer till tonight, so at least give him till tomorrow morning before the witch hunt continues.
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