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Little diagnostic help?


NAXJA Forum User
Colorado Springs
So I bought a non running jeep today, it cranks and cranks and cranks easily once in a while it'll crank real hard a couple times. It will start after a bit then it runs for a minute or two and just dies.dies real fast no spuddering or anything. Any ideas, I searched and
Searched the tech forums but idk
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Btw it has new TPS coil bar and plugs!
fuel filter.
Ya has fuel and spark after it dies, doesn't stay running long enough to check it while running. Also after it dies it backfires a little sometimes when cranking it to try and restart it! So makes me think its getting fuel during the cranking
Cam sensor. Probably out of whack. They're somewhat adjustable- there's a write up somewhere here about using a toothpick to align something in the sensor.......
Cam sensor. Probably out of whack. They're somewhat adjustable- there's a write up somewhere here about using a toothpick to align something in the sensor.......

toothpick lol read your chiltons manual
Cam sensor, yuk isn't that the one on top of the damn tranny?
No, it's where the distributor would normally be on an earlier model. :thumbup:
Thanks guys found the write up, I'll try that tonight
Got it running today thanks to Flores! You da man. Still running rough but it's running, throwing a bad distributor circuit code so in the am imma get new plugs ad
Try That, and if it's still running rough ill Try a new distributer bar!

Thanks for the Flores!