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L98 into xj


NAXJA Forum User
Ok so my father has a 87 corvette with the L98. We just went down to La Habra yesturday to a machine shop that is building him a 383 stroker for his vette. In turn he is giving my the L98 to do what ever i want with it. Im thinking swaping it into a chevelle or an el camino. Niether of which i have yet. I then started thinking today and swaping it into an xj would be a task that might be worth while. I know i would need to reinforce the frame rails and beef up a lot. But what do you guys think about that? Basically a dd with a crap load of power. It will be matched with a keisler 5 speed.
it's only 240hp, i think that a 50hp gain is not worth all the work of swapping it in and getting it to be smog legal.
i'd build a HO stroker first.
Not to mention, you live in CA. What year is the XJ? If it's newer than 87, which the vast majority are, the swap is already a no go.
There was one character around here a few years ago that bought an XJ with a L98 swap, so you might be able to do a search here and find him(dunno if he'll be able to give you part info or not).
ya very true. i found his thread but he bought it that way. I was looking at building. I prefer to know what all is done and how it is done lol.

I was looking at getting either an 87 or older just for this and make it just for street use. 2wd lowered a tad. but i think your right. in order to smog it and have that hassle totally not worth it
Well, if you find an 84-86, it could very well be worth it for that power increase...but still a big hassle.
There was one character around here a few years ago that bought an XJ with a L98 swap, so you might be able to do a search here and find him(dunno if he'll be able to give you part info or not).

:roflmao: I remember that guy......what a tool!
There used to be an older XJ that ran around here that claimed to have a SBC swapped into it, hadn't seen it in years either. If it's just a L98, wouldn't a stroker be less work for the power you'll get from it?
If it's just a L98, wouldn't a stroker be less work for the power you'll get from it?


If you're going through the trouble of a V8 swap, make it worth your time with an LSx swap.
Ya a stroker would be better. i was just given this motor for free and its in perfect condition so i was just throwing the idea around.

Darky, that is the other option i have. I have access to a 64 ford falcon. Its in rough shape though but it may go to that.
it's only 240hp, i think that a 50hp gain is not worth all the work of swapping it in and getting it to be smog legal.
i'd build a HO stroker first.
They have LOTS-o-Torque tho.

Not to mention, you live in CA. What year is the XJ? If it's newer than 87, which the vast majority are, the swap is already a no go.


If you're going through the trouble of a V8 swap, make it worth your time with an LSx swap.

I mean don't get me wrong a big block is cool but LSx is where its at!
This ^^

Free, definitely helps. But I say in some vintage vehicle for the L98.

I really want to do an LSx/LQ swap in my heep. I do not have to smog mine.
Give the engine to me, AJ. Ha!
The smog refferree is your friend. The trick is, you need a complete emmission setup from the same year or newer. I would consider paying the ref a visit before you begin. When you pass inspection you get a new smog barcode, so future smogs shoukd not be an issue.

I would do an,LSX for reduced weight, as well as more hp. A 4.0 is 50pounds heavier than an iron SBC.