I was servicing my transmission yesterday and I accidently kinked the line that screws into the radiator, by the aux. fan.
The line didnt break, and seems to work fine, but it's pretty bent. I went to the dealer and bought a new one today for only $10.00.
My question is, how do I seperate the hard line from the soft line? The metal piece connects to a rubber hose in front of the water pump. Any tips or tricks for taking these a part?
It's on a '96 AW4
The line didnt break, and seems to work fine, but it's pretty bent. I went to the dealer and bought a new one today for only $10.00.
My question is, how do I seperate the hard line from the soft line? The metal piece connects to a rubber hose in front of the water pump. Any tips or tricks for taking these a part?
It's on a '96 AW4